10,020 research outputs found

    Use of the Pyramid Model for Supporting Preschool Refugees

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    Response to Intervention (RtI) is being applied to early childhood settings for the support of positive behavior and social development through the Pyramid Model (Fox, Carta, Strain, Dunlap & Hemmeter, 2010). This qualitative study assessed the use of the Pyramid Model for preschool aged refugee children living in a refugee resettlement community. Many young refugee children have experienced trauma (George, 2010) and some experience behavior and social challenges (Almqvist & Brandell-Forsberg, 1997). Twenty-five preschool service providers were interviewed about their use of the Pyramid Model for the support of preschool refugee students. Themes to be shared include how ECEs are implementing the practices outlined in the Pyramid Model along with strategies for adapting recommended practices to meet the needs of refugee families

    Hot Spots on the Fermi Surface of Bi2212: Stripes versus Superstructure

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    In a recent paper Saini et al. have reported evidence for a pseudogap around (pi,0) at room temperature in the optimally doped superconductor Bi2212. This result is in contradiction with previous ARPES measurements. Furthermore they observed at certain points on the Fermi surface hot spots of high spectral intensity which they relate to the existence of stripes in the CuO planes. They also claim to have identified a new electronic band along Gamma-M1 whose one dimensional character provides further evidence for stripes. We demonstrate in this Comment that all the measured features can be simply understood by correctly considering the superstructure (umklapp) and shadow bands which occur in Bi2212.Comment: 1 page, revtex, 1 encapsulated postscript figure (color

    Hierarchical approach to 'atomistic' 3-D MOSFET simulation

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    We present a hierarchical approach to the 'atomistic' simulation of aggressively scaled sub-0.1-μm MOSFETs. These devices are so small that their characteristics depend on the precise location of dopant atoms within them, not just on their average density. A full-scale three-dimensional drift-diffusion atomistic simulation approach is first described and used to verify more economical, but restricted, options. To reduce processor time and memory requirements at high drain voltage, we have developed a self-consistent option based on a solution of the current continuity equation restricted to a thin slab of the channel. This is coupled to the solution of the Poisson equation in the whole simulation domain in the Gummel iteration cycles. The accuracy of this approach is investigated in comparison to the full self-consistent solution. At low drain voltage, a single solution of the nonlinear Poisson equation is sufficient to extract the current with satisfactory accuracy. In this case, the current is calculated by solving the current continuity equation in a drift approximation only, also in a thin slab containing the MOSFET channel. The regions of applicability for the different components of this hierarchical approach are illustrated in example simulations covering the random dopant-induced threshold voltage fluctuations, threshold voltage lowering, threshold voltage asymmetry, and drain current fluctuations

    Myofascial pain syndrome: A treatment review

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    Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is defined as pain that originates from myofascial trigger points in skeletal muscle. It is prevalent in regional musculoskeletal pain syndromes, either alone or in combination with other pain generators. The appropriate evaluation and management of myofascial pain is an important part of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and regional axial and limb pain syndromes. This article reviews the current hypotheses regarding the treatment modalities for myofascial trigger points and muscle pain. Through a critical evidence-based review of the pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, the authors aim to provide clinicians with a more comprehensive knowledge of the interventions for myofascial pain

    Future supernovae data and quintessence models

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    The possibility to unambiguously determine the equation-of-state of the cosmic dark energy with existing and future supernovae data is investigated. We consider four evolution laws for this equation-of-state corresponding to four quintessential models, i.e. i) a cosmological constant, ii) a general barotropic fluid, iii) a perfect fluid with a linear equation-of-state and iv) a more physical model based on a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson field. We explicitly show the degeneracies present not only within each model but also between the different models : they are caused by the multi-integral relation between the equation-of-state of dark energy and the luminosity distance. Present supernova observations are analysed using a standard χ2\chi^2 method and the minimal χ2\chi^2 values obtained for each model are compared. We confirm the difficulty to discriminate between these models using present SNeIa data only. By means of simulations, we then show that future SNAP observations will not remove all the degeneracies. For example, wrong estimations of Ωm\Omega_m with a good value of χmin2\chi^2_{min} could be found if the right cosmological model is not used to fit the data. We finally give some probabilities to obtain unambiguous results, free from degeneracies. In particular, the probability to confuse a cosmological constant with a true barotropic fluid with an equation-of-state different from -1 is shown to be 95% at a 2σ2 \sigma level.Comment: 12 pages. This improved version has been accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.

    Ventilator induced lung injury (VILI) in acute respiratory distress syndrome (Ards). “barotrauma” to “biotrauma”: case report

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the most severe manifestation of acute lung injury and it is associated with high mortality rate. ARDS is characterized by the acute onset of diffuse neutrophilic alveolar infiltrates protein-rich edema due to enhanced alveolar-capillary permeability and hypoxemic respiratory failure. Mechanical ventilation is the main ARDS supportive treatment. However, mechanical ventilation is a non-physiologic process and complications are associated with its application. Mechanical ventilation may induce lung injury; referred to as ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and it is in form of alveolar rupture due to over distension of alveoli due to positive pressure ventilation i.e.Volutrauma, Barotrauma, Biotrauma. The Biotrauma is a form of VILI is the ability of inflation volume to disrupt the alveolarcapillary interface and promote proinflammatory cytokine released from the lungs and trigger the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and can lead to inflammatory injury in the lung as well in other organs. The biotrauma is the leading cause of mortality in patient with ARDS. The lung protective ventilation strategy- Low tidal volume ventilation has shown some reduction in mortality in patients with ARDS but mortality is still high in patient with severe ARDS secondary to Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP) despite of lung protective ventilation strategy. In patients with Severe ARDS due to PJP, the outcome can be improved with the use of Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) techniques, such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or extracorporealCO2 removal (ECCO2R), because with such technique the patient can be given very low tidal volume 2-4ml/kg/PBW and risk of VILI can be avoided

    The Effect of Blade Count on Body Force Model Performance for Axial Fans

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    Body force models enable inexpensive numerical simulations of turbomachinery. The approach replaces the blades with sources of momentum/energy. Such models capture a “smeared out” version of the blades’ effect on the flow, reducing computational cost. The body force model used in this paper has been widely used in aircraft engine applications. Its implementation for low speed, low solidity (few blades) turbomachines, such as automotive cooling fans, enables predictions of cooling flows and component temperatures without calibrated fan curves. Automotive cooling fans tend to have less than 10 blades, which is approximately 50% of blade counts for modern jet engine fans. The effect that has on the body force model predictions is unknown, and the objective of this paper is to quantify how varying blade count affects the accuracy of the predictions for both uniform and non-uniform inflow. The key findings are that reductions in blade metal blockage combined with spanwise flow redistribution drives the body force model to more accurately predict work coefficient as the blade count decreases and that reducing the number of blades is found to have negligible impacts on upstream influence and distortion transfer in non-uniform inflow until extremely low blade counts (such as 2) are applied

    Mechanical and Wear Properties of SiC/Graphite Reinforced Al359 Alloy-based Metal Matrix Composite

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    Al359 alloy was reinforced with Silicon Carbide and Silicon Carbide/Graphite particles using stir casting process. Thereafter their mechanical and wear properties were investigated. It was found that the hardness of the Al359-Silicon Carbide composite is better than Al359-Silicon Carbide-Graphite composite. The Silicon Carbide/Graphite reinforced composite exhibits a superior ultimate tensile strength against Silicon Carbide reinforced composite. The wear test was conducted at different loading, sliding velocities and sliding distances conditions. Results showed that the wear resistance of Al359 alloy increased with the reinforcement of Silicon Carbide/Graphite material for higher loading, sliding velocities and sliding distance conditions. SEM images of the worn surface of the pin were examined to study their wear mechanism.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 4, July 2015, pp. 330-338, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.867

    Theoretical Analysis of Circular Disk Microstrip Antenna with a Slot

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