625 research outputs found

    Dynamical Monte Carlo Study of Equilibrium Polymers : Static Properties

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    We report results of extensive Dynamical Monte Carlo investigations on self-assembled Equilibrium Polymers (EP) without loops in good solvent. (This is thought to provide a good model of giant surfactant micelles.) Using a novel algorithm we are able to describe efficiently both static and dynamic properties of systems in which the mean chain length \Lav is effectively comparable to that of laboratory experiments (up to 5000 monomers, even at high polymer densities). We sample up to scission energies of E/kBT=15E/k_BT=15 over nearly three orders of magnitude in monomer density ϕ\phi, and present a detailed crossover study ranging from swollen EP chains in the dilute regime up to dense molten systems. Confirming recent theoretical predictions, the mean-chain length is found to scale as \Lav \propto \phi^\alpha \exp(\delta E) where the exponents approach αd=δd=1/(1+γ)0.46\alpha_d=\delta_d=1/(1+\gamma) \approx 0.46 and αs=1/2[1+(γ1)/(νd1)]0.6,δs=1/2\alpha_s = 1/2 [1+(\gamma-1)/(\nu d -1)] \approx 0.6, \delta_s=1/2 in the dilute and semidilute limits respectively. The chain length distribution is qualitatively well described in the dilute limit by the Schulz-Zimm distribution \cN(s)\approx s^{\gamma-1} \exp(-s) where the scaling variable is s=\gamma L/\Lav. The very large size of these simulations allows also an accurate determination of the self-avoiding walk susceptibility exponent γ1.165±0.01\gamma \approx 1.165 \pm 0.01. ....... Finite-size effects are discussed in detail.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, LATE

    Monitoring the oceanic flow between Africa and Antarctica: Report of the first GoodHope cruise

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    The southern ocean plays a major role in the global oceanic circulation role in the global oceanic circulation, as a component of the Meridional Overturning Circulation, and it is postulated that it has a great influence on present-day climate. However, our understanding of its complex three-dimensional dynamics and of the impact of its variability on the climate system is rudimentary. The newly constituted, international GoodHope research venture aims to address this knowledge gap by establishing a programme of regular observations across the Southern Ocean between the African and Antarctic continents. The objectives of this programme are fivefold: (1) to improve understanding of Indo-Atlantic inter-ocean exchanges and their impact on the global thermohaline circulation and thus on global climate change; (2) to understand in more detail the influence these exchanges have on the climate variability of the southern African subcontinent; (3) to monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current; (4) to study air–sea exchanges and their role on the global heat budget, with particular emphasis on the intense exchanges occurring within the Agulhas Retroflection region south of South Africa, and (5) to examine the role of major frontal systems as areas of elevated biological activity and as biogeographical barriers to the distribution of plankton. We present here preliminary results on the physical and biological structure of the frontal systems using the first GoodHope transect that was completed during February–March 2004

    String-like Clusters and Cooperative Motion in a Model Glass-Forming Liquid

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    A large-scale molecular dynamics simulation is performed on a glass-forming Lennard-Jones mixture to determine the nature of dynamical heterogeneities which arise in this model fragile liquid. We observe that the most mobile particles exhibit a cooperative motion in the form of string-like paths (``strings'') whose mean length and radius of gyration increase as the liquid is cooled. The length distribution of the strings is found to be similar to that expected for the equilibrium polymerization of linear polymer chains.Comment: 6 pages of RevTex, 6 postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Guidance in social and ethical issues related to clinical, diagnostic care and novel therapies for hereditary neuromuscular rare diseases: "translating" the translational.

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    Drug trials in children engage with many ethical issues, from drug-related safety concerns to communication with patients and parents, and recruitment and informed consent procedures. This paper addresses the field of neuromuscular disorders where the possibility of genetic, mutation-specific treatments, has added new complexity. Not only must trial design address issues of equity of access, but researchers must also think through the implications of adopting a personalised medicine approach, which requires a precise molecular diagnosis, in addition to other implications of developing orphan drugs. It is against this background of change and complexity that the Project Ethics Council (PEC) was established within the TREAT-NMD EU Network of Excellence. The PEC is a high level advisory group that draws upon the expertise of its interdisciplinary membership which includes clinicians, lawyers, scientists, parents, representatives of patient organisations, social scientists and ethicists. In this paper we describe the establishment and terms of reference of the PEC, give an indication of the range and depth of its work and provide some analysis of the kinds of complex questions encountered. The paper describes how the PEC has responded to substantive ethical issues raised within the TREAT-NMD consortium and how it has provided a wider resource for any concerned parent, patient, or clinician to ask a question of ethical concern. Issues raised range from science related ethical issues, issues related to hereditary neuromuscular diseases and the new therapeutic approaches and questions concerning patients rights in the context of patient registries and bio-banks. We conclude by recommending the PEC as a model for similar research contexts in rare diseases

    The impact of ENSO on Southern African rainfall in CMIP5 ocean atmosphere coupled climate models

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    We study the ability of 24 ocean atmosphere global coupled models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) to reproduce the teleconnections between El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Southern African rainfall in austral summer using historical forced simulations, with a focus on the atmospheric dynamic associated with El Niño. Overestimations of summer rainfall occur over Southern Africa in all CMIP5 models. Abnormal westward extensions of ENSO patterns are a common feature of all CMIP5 models, while the warming of the Indian Ocean that happens during El Niño is not correctly reproduced. This could impact the teleconnection between ENSO and Southern African rainfall which is represented with mixed success in CMIP5 models. Large-scale anomalies of suppressed deep-convection over the tropical maritime continent and enhanced convection from the central to eastern Pacific are correctly simulated. However, regional biases occur above Africa and the Indian Ocean, particularly in the position of the deep convection anomalies associated with El Niño, which can lead to the wrong sign in rainfall anomalies in the northwest part of South Africa. From the near-surface to mid-troposphere, CMIP5 models underestimate the observed anomalous pattern of pressure occurring over Southern Africa that leads to dry conditions during El Niño years

    Interface localisation-delocalisation transition in a symmetric polymer blend: a finite-size scaling Monte Carlo study

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    Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we study the phase diagram of a symmetric binary (AB) polymer blend confined into a thin film as a function of the film thickness D. The monomer-wall interactions are short ranged and antisymmetric, i.e, the left wall attracts the A-component of the mixture with the same strength as the right wall the B-component, and give rise to a first order wetting transition in a semi-infinite geometry. The phase diagram and the crossover between different critical behaviors is explored. For large film thicknesses we find a first order interface localisation/delocalisation transition and the phase diagram comprises two critical points, which are the finite film width analogies of the prewetting critical point. Using finite size scaling techniques we locate these critical points and present evidence of 2D Ising critical behavior. When we reduce the film width the two critical points approach the symmetry axis ϕ=1/2\phi=1/2 of the phase diagram and for D2RgD \approx 2 R_g we encounter a tricritical point. For even smaller film thickness the interface localisation/delocalisation transition is second order and we find a single critical point at ϕ=1/2\phi=1/2. Measuring the probability distribution of the interface position we determine the effective interaction between the wall and the interface. This effective interface potential depends on the lateral system size even away from the critical points. Its system size dependence stems from the large but finite correlation length of capillary waves. This finding gives direct evidence for a renormalization of the interface potential by capillary waves in the framework of a microscopic model.Comment: Phys.Rev.

    Critical dynamics in thin films

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    Critical dynamics in film geometry is analyzed within the field-theoretical approach. In particular we consider the case of purely relaxational dynamics (Model A) and Dirichlet boundary conditions, corresponding to the so-called ordinary surface universality class on both confining boundaries. The general scaling properties for the linear response and correlation functions and for dynamic Casimir forces are discussed. Within the Gaussian approximation we determine the analytic expressions for the associated universal scaling functions and study quantitatively in detail their qualitative features as well as their various limiting behaviors close to the bulk critical point. In addition we consider the effects of time-dependent fields on the fluctuation-induced dynamic Casimir force and determine analytically the corresponding universal scaling functions and their asymptotic behaviors for two specific instances of instantaneous perturbations. The universal aspects of nonlinear relaxation from an initially ordered state are also discussed emphasizing the different crossovers that occur during this evolution. The model considered is relevant to the critical dynamics of actual uniaxial ferromagnetic films with symmetry-preserving conditions at the confining surfaces and for Monte Carlo simulations of spin system with Glauber dynamics and free boundary conditions.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figure

    Exact Three Dimensional Casimir Force Amplitude, CC-function and Binder's Cumulant Ratio: Spherical Model Results

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    The three dimensional mean spherical model on a hypercubic lattice with a film geometry L×2L\times \infty ^2 under periodic boundary conditions is considered in the presence of an external magnetic field HH. The universal Casimir amplitude Δ\Delta and the Binder's cumulant ratio BB are calculated exactly and found to be Δ=2ζ(3)/(5π)0.153051\Delta =-2\zeta (3)/(5\pi)\approx -0.153051 and B=2π/(5ln3[(1+5)/2]).B=2\pi /(\sqrt{5}\ln ^3[(1+\sqrt{5})/2]). A discussion on the relations between the finite temperature CC-function, usually defined for quantum systems, and the excess free energy (due to the finite-size contributions to the free energy of the system) scaling function is presented. It is demonstrated that the CC-function of the model equals 4/5 at the bulk critical temperature TcT_c. It is analytically shown that the excess free energy is a monotonically increasing function of the temperature TT and of the magnetic field H|H| in the vicinity of Tc.T_c. This property is supposed to hold for any classical dd-dimensional O(n),n>2,O(n),n>2, model with a film geometry under periodic boundary conditions when d3d\leq 3. An analytical evidence is also presented to confirm that the Casimir force in the system is negative both below and in the vicinity of the bulk critical temperature Tc.T_c.Comment: 12 pages revtex, one eps figure, submitted to Phys. Rev E A set of references added with the text needed to incorporate them. Small changes in the title and in the abstrac