1,645 research outputs found

    Prothonotary warbler nestling growth and condition inresponse to variation in aquatic and terrestrial preyavailability

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    Aquatic prey subsidies entering terrestrial habitats are well documented, but little is known about the degree to which these resources provide fitness benefits to riparian consumers. Riparian species take advantage of seasonal pulses of both terrestrial and aquatic prey, although aquatic resources are often over-looked in studies of how diet influences the reproductive ecology of these organisms. Ideally, the timing of resource pulses should occur at the time of highest reproductive demand. This study investigates the availability of aquatic(mayfly) and terrestrial (caterpillar) prey resources as well as the nestling diet of the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) at two sites along the lower James River in Virginia during the 2014 breeding season. We found large differences in availability of prey items between the two sites, with one having significantly higher mayfly availability. Nestling diet was generally reflective of prey availability, and nestlings had faster mean growth rates at the site with higher aquatic prey availability. Terrestrial prey were fed more readily at the site with lower aquatic prey availability, and at this site, nestlings fed mayflies had higher mean growth rates than nestlings fed only terrestrial prey. Our results suggest that aquatic subsidies are an important resource for nestling birds and are crucial to understanding the breeding ecology of riparian species

    The supercuspidal representations of p-adic classical groups

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    Let G be a unitary, symplectic or special orthogonal group over a locally compact non-archimedean local field of odd residual characteristic. We construct many new supercuspidal representations of G, and Bushnell-Kutzko types for these representations. Moreover, we prove that every irreducible supercuspidal representation of G arises from our constructions.Comment: 55 pages -- minor changes from 1st version (mostly in sections 2.2, 4.2 and 6.2). To appear in Inventiones mathematicae, 2008 (DOI is not yet active as at 12 Nov 2007

    Effects of interatomic collisions on atom laser outcoupling

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    We present a computational approach to the outcoupling in a simple one-dimensional atom laser model, the objective being to circumvent mathematical difficulties arising from the breakdown of the Born and Markov approximations. The approach relies on the discretization of the continuum representing the reservoir of output modes, which allows the treatment of arbitrary forms of outcoupling as well as the incorporation of non-linear terms in the Hamiltonian, associated with interatomic collisions. By considering a single-mode trapped condensate, we study the influence of elastic collisions between trapped and free atoms on the quasi steady-state population of the trap, as well as the energy distribution and the coherence of the outcoupled atoms.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    Electrostatics of ions inside the nanopores and trans-membrane channels

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    A model of a finite cylindrical ion channel through a phospholipid membrane of width LL separating two electrolyte reservoirs is studied. Analytical solution of the Poisson equation is obtained for an arbitrary distribution of ions inside the trans-membrane pore. The solution is asymptotically exact in the limit of large ionic strength of electrolyte on the two sides of membrane. However, even for physiological concentrations of electrolyte, the electrostatic barrier sizes found using the theory are in excellent agreement with the numerical solution of the Poisson equation. The analytical solution is used to calculate the electrostatic potential energy profiles for pores containing charged protein residues. Availability of a semi-exact interionic potential should greatly facilitate the study of ionic transport through nanopores and ion channels

    Isomonodromic deformations of connections with singularities of parahoric formal type

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    In previous work, the authors have developed a geometric theory of fundamental strata to study connections on the projective line with irregular singularities of parahoric formal type. In this paper, the moduli space of connections that contain regular fundamental strata with fixed combinatorics at each singular point is constructed as a smooth Poisson reduction. The authors then explicitly compute the isomonodromy equations as an integrable system. This result generalizes work of Jimbo, Miwa, and Ueno to connections whose singularities have parahoric formal type.Comment: 32 pages. One of the main theorems (Theorem 5.1) has been significantly strengthened. It now states that the isomonodromy equations give rise to an integrable system on the moduli space of framed connections with fixed combinatorics instead of only on a principal GL_n bundle over this space. Sections 5 and 6 have been substantially rewritte

    Asymptotics and local constancy of characters of p-adic groups

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    In this paper we study quantitative aspects of trace characters Θπ\Theta_\pi of reductive pp-adic groups when the representation π\pi varies. Our approach is based on the local constancy of characters and we survey some other related results. We formulate a conjecture on the behavior of Θπ\Theta_\pi relative to the formal degree of π\pi, which we are able to prove in the case where π\pi is a tame supercuspidal. The proof builds on J.-K.~Yu's construction and the structure of Moy-Prasad subgroups.Comment: Proceedings of Simons symposium on the trace formul

    Escape from a metastable well under a time-ramped force

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    Thermally activated escape of an over-damped particle from a metastable well under the action of a time-ramped force is studied. We express the mean first passage time (MFPT) as the solution to a partial differential equation, which we solve numerically for a model case. We discuss two approximations of the MFPT, one of which works remarkably well over a wide range of loading rates, while the second is easy to calculate and can provide a valuable first estimate.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figure

    On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

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    In this paper, we consider the relation between two nonabelian Fourier transforms. The first one is defined in terms of the Langlands-Kazhdan-Lusztig parameters for unipotent elliptic representations of a split p-adic group and the second is defined in terms of the pseudocoefficients of these representations and Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform for characters of finite groups of Lie type. We exemplify this relation in the case of the p-adic group of type G_2.Comment: 17 pages; v2: several minor corrections, references added; v3: corrections in the table with unipotent discrete series of G

    Irreducible characters of GSp(4, q) and dimensions of spaces of fixed vectors

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    In this paper, we compute the conjugacy classes and the list of irreducible characters of GSp(4,q), where q is odd. We also determine precisely which irreducible characters are non-cuspidal and which are generic. These characters are then used to compute dimensions of certain subspaces of fixed vectors of smooth admissible non-supercuspidal representations of GSp(4,F), where F is a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero with residue field of order q.Comment: 48 pages, 21 tables. Corrected an error in Table 16 for type V* representations (theta_11 and theta_12 were switched