722 research outputs found

    Heritable and nutritional influences on bone mineral mass

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    Osteoporosis is the net result of the maximal amount of bone mineral mass achieved by the end of pubertal growth (peak bone mass) minus post-menopausal and elderly bone losses. Peak bone mineral mass is determined from early childhood by both heritable and environmental factors. Recent developments in the molecular epidemiology of osteoporosis have shown the interest, but also the limitations, of specific molecular markers, such as the vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms Bsm 1 and Fok 1, to explain bone mineral density differences across the population. Importantly, however, interactions between VDR gene polymorphisms and environmental factors, particularly dietary calcium, have provided new insights into the complex determination of bone mineral mas

    Spacetime structure of the global vortex

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    We analyse the spacetime structure of the global vortex and its maximal analytic extension in an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions. We find that the vortex compactifies space on the scale of the Hubble expansion of its worldvolume, in a manner reminiscent of that of the domain wall. We calculate the effective volume of this compactification and remark on its relevance to hierarchy resolution with extra dimensions. We also consider strongly gravitating vortices and derive bounds on the existence of a global vortex solution.Comment: 19 pages revtex, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Pubertal timing and body mass index gain from birth to maturity in relation with femoral neck BMD and distal tibia microstructure in healthy female subjects

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    Childhood body mass index (BMI) gain is linked to hip fracture risk in elderly. In healthy girls, menarcheal age is inversely related to BMI gain during childhood and to femoral neck areal bone mass density (aBMD) and distal tibia structural components at maturity. This study underscores the importance of pubertal timing in age-related fragility fracture risk

    Asynchrony between the rates of standing height gain and bone mass accumulation during puberty

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    During puberty, the marked increases in both standing height and bone mass appear to be dissociated in time, the former occurring earlier than the latter. However, the age or pubertal stage at which this dissociation is maximal in girls as opposed to boys, and whether this dissociation is similar at all parts of the skeleton, are not clearly established. Standing height and bone mineral mass, as assessed by measuring areal bone mineral density (BMD), at the levels of the lumbar spine, femoral neck and midfemoral shaft, were measured in 98 females and 100 males between the ages of 9 and 19 years twice at a 1-year interval. In males, the greatest difference between height and BMD gains occurred in the 13-14 year age group and was more pronounced for the lumbar spine and femoral neck than for the midfemoral shaft. In females, the greatest difference was detectable at a younger age (11-12 year age group) and appeared to be of a lower magnitude than in males. In both genders, the maximal difference occurred during the period of peak height velocity, which corresponded to the pubertal stages P2-P3. Such a dissociation between the rates of statural growth and mineral mass accrual could define a state of relatively low bone mass and contribute to the higher incidence of fracture known to occur at the age and/or pubertal stage when this dissociation is maxima

    Phonon Mode Spectroscopy, Electron-Phonon Coupling and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional M2Mo6Se6

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    We present electronic structure calculations, electrical resistivity data and the first specific heat measurements in the normal and superconducting states of quasi-one-dimensional M2Mo6Se6 (M = Tl, In, Rb). Rb2Mo6Se6 undergoes a metal-insulator transition at ~170K: electronic structure calculations indicate that this is likely to be driven by the formation of a dynamical charge density wave. However, Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6 remain metallic down to low temperature, with superconducting transitions at Tc = 4.2K and 2.85K respectively. The absence of any metal-insulator transition in these materials is due to a larger in-plane bandwidth, leading to increased inter-chain hopping which suppresses the density wave instability. Electronic heat capacity data for the superconducting compounds reveal an exceptionally low density of states DEF = 0.055 states eV^-1 atom^-1, with BCS fits showing 2Delta/kBTc >= 5 for Tl2Mo6Se6 and 3.5 for In2Mo6Se6. Modelling the lattice specific heat with a set of Einstein modes, we obtain the approximate phonon density of states F(w). Deconvolving the resistivity for the two superconductors then yields their electron-phonon transport coupling function a^2F(w). In Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6, F(w) is dominated by an optical "guest ion" mode at ~5meV and a set of acoustic modes from ~10-30meV. Rb2Mo6Se6 exhibits a similar spectrum; however, the optical phonon has a lower intensity and is shifted to ~8meV. Electrons in Tl2Mo6Se6 couple strongly to both sets of modes, whereas In2Mo6Se6 only displays significant coupling in the 10-18meV range. Although pairing is clearly not mediated by the guest ion phonon, we believe it has a beneficial effect on superconductivity in Tl2Mo6Se6, given its extraordinarily large coupling strength and higher Tc compared to In2Mo6Se6.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Thick domain wall universes

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    We investigate the spacetime of a thick gravitating domain wall for a general potential V(Ί)V(\Phi). Using general analytical arguments we show that all nontrivial solutions fall into two categories: those interpretable as an isolated domain wall with a cosmological event horizon, and those which are pure false vacuum de Sitter solutions. Although this latter solution is always unstable to the field rolling coherently to its true vacuum, we show that there is an additional instability to wall formation if the scalar field does not couple too strongly to gravity. Using the λΊ4\lambda \Phi^4 and sine-Gordon models as illustrative examples, we investigate the phase space of the gravitating domain wall in detail numerically, following the solutions from weak to strong gravity. We find excellent agreement with the analytic work. Then, we analyse the domain wall in the presence of a cosmological constant finding again the two kinds of solutions, wall and de Sitter, even in the presence of a negative cosmological constant.Comment: 20 pages revtex, epsfig, references added, some conclusions altere

    Thick domain walls around a black hole

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    We discuss the gravitationally interacting system of a thick domain wall and a black hole. We numerically solve the scalar field equation in the Schwarzschild spacetime and obtain a sequence of static axi-symmetric solutions representing thick domain walls. We find that, for the walls near the horizon, the Nambu--Goto approximation is no longer valid.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, one reference adde

    Abelian Higgs Hair for a Static Charged Black String

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    We study the problem of vortex solutions in the background of an electrically charged black string. We show numerically that the Abelian Higgs field equations in the background of a four-dimensional black string have vortex solutions. These solutions which have axial symmetry, show that the black string can support the Abelian Higgs field as hair. This situation holds also in the case of the extremal black string. We also consider the self-gravity of the Abelian Higgs field and show that the effect of the vortex is to induce a deficit angle in the metric under consideration.Comment: REVTEX4, 12 pages, 6 figures, The version to be appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Reye's syndrome and short-chain fatty acids

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