8,562 research outputs found

    Isospin breaking in the nucleon mass and the sensitivity of β decays to new physics

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    We discuss the consequences of the approximate conservation of the vector and axial currents for the hadronic matrix elements appearing in β decay if nonstandard interactions are present. In particular, the isovector (pseudo)scalar charge gS(P) of the nucleon can be related to the difference (sum) of the nucleon masses in the absence of electromagnetic effects. Using recent determinations of these quantities from phenomenological and lattice QCD studies we obtain the accurate values gS=1.02(11) and gP=349(9) in the modified minimal subtraction scheme at μ=2  GeV. The consequences for searches of nonstandard scalar interactions in nuclear β decays are studied, finding for the corresponding Wilson coefficient εS=0.0012(24) at 90% C.L., which is significantly more stringent than current LHC bounds and previous low-energy bounds using less precise gS values. We argue that our results could be rapidly improved with updated computations and the direct calculation of certain ratios in lattice QCD. Finally, we discuss the pion-pole enhancement of gP, which makes β decays much more sensitive to nonstandard pseudoscalar interactions than previously thought

    A Nexafs Study of Nitric Oxide Layers Adsorbed from a nitrite Solution onto a Pt(111) Surface

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    NO molecules adsorbed on a Pt(111) surface from dipping in an acidic nitrite solution are studied by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) techniques. LEED patterns and STM images show that no long range ordered structures are formed after NO adsorption on a Pt(111) surface. Although the total NO coverage is very low, spectroscopic features in N K-edge and O K-edge absorption spectra have been singled out and related to the different species induced by this preparation method. From these measurements it is concluded that the NO molecule is adsorbed trough the N atom in an upright conformation. The maximum saturation coverage is about 0.3 monolayers, and although nitric oxide is the major component, nitrite and nitrogen species are slightly co-adsorbed on the surface. The results obtained from this study are compared with those previously reported in the literature for NO adsorbed on Pt(111) under UHV conditions

    Relación entre la composición química corporal, la fertilidad y la prolificidad en conejas primíparas.

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto de la composición química corporal, estimada mediante el método de impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA) en la primera y segunda inseminación artificial (IA), sobre la fertilidad y la prolificidad de conejas primíparas. Se utilizaron los datos de 137 conejas procedentes de dos granjas que utilizaban dos genéticas distintas (UPV e Hyplus) y tres ritmos reproductivos (R4: inseminación a los 4 días tras el parto y destete a los 28 días, R11: inseminación a los 11 días postparto y destete a 35 días y R14: inseminación a los 14 días tras el parto y destete a los 42 días). La fertilidad media observada en el segundo parto fue de un 56,2% y el porcentaje de nacidos vivos, sobre los nacidos totales, fue de un 87,5%, no encontrándose diferencias entre los ritmos utilizados. El aumento de la proporción de proteína corporal, grasa y energía en la primera IA tuvieron un efecto positivo (P=0,007; P=0,03 y P<0,001, respectivamente) sobre la fertilidad del segundo parto. Igualmente, un mayor contenido en grasa (P<0,001) y energía (P<0,001) en la segunda IA también incrementaron la fertilidad del segundo parto. El incremento del ratio proteína/energía corporal de las conejas, determinado en las dos IA, tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la fertilidad en el segundo parto (P<0,001), observándose mejores resultados en conejas con 12 g proteína/MJ respecto a otras con valores superiores. El porcentaje de nacidos vivos (P<0,001), sobre los nacidos totales, aumentó con la proporción de proteína de las conejas en el momento de la segunda IA, pero esta última no tuvo efecto sobre la fertilidad. This study evaluated the effect of chemical body composition at first and second artificial inseminations (AI), determined by bioelectric impedance technique (BIA), on fertility and prolificacy of primiparous rabbit does. Data of 137 does from two farms using two different genetics (UPV and Hyplus) and three breeding systems were analyzed. Fertility was 56.2 % and the percentage of kits born alive over total born was 87.5 %. Breeding system had no effect on fertility or the percentage of kits born alive. Higher body protein, fat and energy of the rabbit doe at first artificial insemination (AI) increased the fertility in the second parity (P=0.007, P=0.03 and P<0.001 respectively). Fat and energy content of the doe at the second AI affected positively fertility in the second parity (P<0.001 and P<0.001 respectively), while protein influenced positively only prolificacy (P<0.001). The increase of the ratio protein/energy in both AI moments had a negative influence on fertility in the second parity (P<0.001), rabbit does with 12 g protein/MJ showed a higher fertility than those with higher value

    On the algorithmic construction of classifying spaces and the isomorphism problem for biautomatic groups

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    We show that the isomorphism problem is solvable in the class of central extensions of word-hyperbolic groups, and that the isomorphism problem for biautomatic groups reduces to that for biautomatic groups with finite centre. We describe an algorithm that, given an arbitrary finite presentation of an automatic group Γ\Gamma, will construct explicit finite models for the skeleta of K(Γ,1)K(\Gamma,1) and hence compute the integral homology and cohomology of Γ\Gamma.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Interpreting the kinematics of the extended gas in distant radiogalaxies from 8-10m telescope spectra

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    The nature of the extreme kinematics in the extended gas of distant radio galaxies (z>0.7) is still an open question. With the advent of the 8-10 m telescope generation and the development of NIR arrays we are in the position for the first time to develop a more detailed study by using lines other than Lya and [OII]3727 depending on redshift. In this paper we review the main sources of uncertainty in the interpretation of the emission line kinematics: the presence of several kinematic components, Lya absorption by neutral gas/dust and the contribution of scattered light to some of the lines. As an example, several kinematic components can produce apparent, false rotation curves. We propose methods to solve these uncertainties. We propose to extend the methods applied to low redshift radio galaxies to investigate the nature of the kinematics in distant radio galaxies: by means of the spectral decomposition of the strong optical emission lines (redshifted into the NIR) we can isolate the different kinematic components and study the emission line ratios for the individual components. If shocks are responsible for the extreme kinematics, we should be able to isolate a kinematic component (the shocked gas) with large FWHM (>900 km/s), low ionization level [OIII]5007/Hb~2-4 and weak HeII4686/Hb<0.07, together with a narrow component (~few hundred km/s) with higher ionization level and strong HeII emission (HeII/Hb~0.5)Comment: 11 pages, 6 Figures, to be published in A&A Supplement Serie

    Disorder induced phase segregation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 manganites

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    Neutron powder diffraction experiments on La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 over a broad temperature range above and below the metal-insulator transition have been analyzed beyond the Rietveld average approach by use of Reverse Monte Carlo modelling. This approach allows the calculation of atomic pair distribution functions and spin correlation functions constrained to describe the observed Bragg and diffuse nuclear and magnetic scattering. The results evidence phase separation within a paramagnetic matrix into ferro and antiferromagnetic domains correlated to anistropic lattice distortions in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Figure 1 replace

    Mid-infrared imaging- and spectro-polarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068

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    We present sub-arcsecond 7.5-13 μ\mum imaging- and spectro-polarimetric observations of NGC 1068 using CanariCam on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. At all wavelengths, we find: (1) A 90 ×\times 60 pc extended polarized feature in the northern ionization cone, with a uniform \sim44^{\circ} polarization angle. Its polarization arises from dust and gas emission in the ionization cone, heated by the active nucleus and jet, and further extinguished by aligned dust grains in the host galaxy. The polarization spectrum of the jet-molecular cloud interaction at \sim24 pc from the core is highly polarized, and does not show a silicate feature, suggesting that the dust grains are different from those in the interstellar medium. (2) A southern polarized feature at \sim9.6 pc from the core. Its polarization arises from a dust emission component extinguished by a large concentration of dust in the galaxy disc. We cannot distinguish between dust emission from magnetically aligned dust grains directly heated by the jet close to the core, and aligned dust grains in the dusty obscuring material surrounding the central engine. Silicate-like grains reproduce the polarized dust emission in this feature, suggesting different dust compositions in both ionization cones. (3) An upper limit of polarization degree of 0.3 per cent in the core. Based on our polarization model, the expected polarization of the obscuring dusty material is \lesssim0.1 per cent in the 8-13 μ\mum wavelength range. This low polarization may be arising from the passage of radiation through aligned dust grains in the shielded edges of the clumps.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication at MNRA

    Dynamical fermion mass generation at a tricritical point in strongly coupled U(1) lattice gauge theory

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    Fermion mass generation in the strongly coupled U(1) lattice gauge theory with fermion and scalar fields of equal charge is investigated by means of numerical simulation with dynamical fermions. Chiral symmetry of this model is broken by the gauge interaction and restored by the light scalar. We present evidence for the existence of a particular, tricritical point of the corresponding phase boundary where the continuum limit might possibly be constructed. It is of interest as a model for dynamical symmetry breaking and mass generation due to a strong gauge interaction. In addition to the massive and unconfined fermion F and Goldstone boson π\pi, a gauge ball of mass mS1/2mFm_S \simeq 1/2 m_F and some other states are found. Tricritical exponents appear to be non-classical.Comment: 21 page

    GJ 900: A new hierarchical system with low-mass components

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    Speckle interferometric observations made with the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000 revealed the triple nature of the nearby (πHip=51.80±1.74\pi_{Hip}=51.80\pm1.74 mas) low-mass young (200\approx200 Myr) star GJ 900. The configuration of the triple system allowed it to be dynamically unstable. Differential photometry performed from 2000 through 2004 yielded II- and KK-band absolute magnitudes and spectral types for the components to be IAI_{A}=6.66±\pm0.08, IBI_{B}=9.15±\pm0.11, ICI_{C}=10.08±\pm0.26, KAK_{A}=4.84±\pm0.08, KBK_{B}=6.76±\pm0.20, KCK_{C}=7.39±\pm0.31, SpASp_{A}\approxK5--K7, SpBSp_{B}\approxM3--M4, SpCSp_{C}\approxM5--M6. The ``mass--luminosity'' relation is used to estimate the individual masses of the components: MA\mathcal{M}_{A}0.64M\approx0.64\mathcal{M}_{\odot}, MB\mathcal{M}_{B}0.21M\approx0.21\mathcal{M}_{\odot}, MC\mathcal{M}_{C}0.13M\approx0.13\mathcal{M}_{\odot}. From the observations of the components relative motion in the period 2000--2006, we conclude that GJ 900 is a hierarchical triple star with the possible orbital periods PABC_{A-BC}\approx80 yrs and PBC_{BC}\approx20 yrs. An analysis of the 2MASS images of the region around GJ 900 leads us to suggest that the system can include other very-low-mass components.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure