4,524 research outputs found

    Electric potential distributions at the interface between plasmasheet clouds

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    At the interface between two plasma clouds with different densities, temperatures, and/or bulk velocities, there are large charge separation electric fields which can be modeled in the framework of a collisionless theory for tangential discontinuities. Two different classes of layers were identified: the first one corresponds to (stable) ion layers which are thicker than one ion Lamor radius; the second one corresponds to (unstable) electron layers which are only a few electron Larmor radii thick. It is suggested that these thin electron layers with large electric potential gradients (up to 400 mV/m) are the regions where large-amplitude electrostatic waves are spontaneously generated. These waves scatter the pitch angles of the ambient plasmasheet electron into the atmospheric loss cone. The unstable electron layers can therefore be considered as the seat of strong pitch angle scattering for the primary auroral electrons

    Legami curati - legami curanti. 'Cliniche della concertazione' e violenze di quartiere

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    Mahdi ha ventisei anni, è alto e di corporatura atletica ed è cieco in quanto vittima di un’aggressione in cui ha perso la vista. Una situazione come questa descritta, mette al lavoro una rete complessa che associa professionisti dell’aiuto, della cura, dell’educazione e del controllo, al di là di ciò che questi stessi operatori possono immaginare. La metodologia della “Clinica della Concertazione”, intesa come “Laboratorio di etica comunicazionale applicata”, riconosce a Mahdi e ai vari membri della sua famiglia il ruolo di architetti di questa rete. Se i professionisti non resistono a questa costruzione collettiva, vedranno disporsi numerosi sistemi relazionali in equilibrio di cui potranno sfruttare le risorse in un processo ricostruttore di legami. Più che un dispositivo descrittivo, la Clinica della Concertazione è un dispositivo terapeutico creativo retto da regole aleatorie che sfuggono a un progetto di padronanza assoluta. Si tratta, in un dibattito che non esclude alcun membro di questo collettivo ma, proprio al contrario, promotore di tutti i passi estensivi, di differenziare senza dissociare, con tutte le persone interessate ciò che apparterrà alla sfera privata da ciò che apparterrà alla sfera pubblica, riconoscendo la legittimità delle dinamiche compensative vendicative e delle dinamiche protettrici delle generazioni future, individuando le loro articolazioni, le loro compatibilità e incompatibilità permettendo lo sviluppo preferibilmente, di quelle che sono ricostruttrici e preventive. Résumé Mahdi a vingt-six ans, il est grand et de stature athlétique. Il est aveugle. Il a été victime d’une agression qui lui a ôté la vue. Une situation comme celle de Mahdi met au travail un réseau complexe associant des professionnels de l’aide, du soin, de l’éducation et du contrôle, au-delà de ce que ces mêmes professionnels peuvent imaginer. La Méthodologie de la « Clinique de Concertation », en tant que « Laboratoire d’éthique communicationelle appliquée», reconnaît que Mahdi et les membres de sa famille font d’emblée partie des architectes de ce réseau. Si les professionnels ne résistent pas à cette construction collective, ils verront se disposer plusieurs systèmes relationnels en équilibre dont ils pourront exploiter les ressources dans des processus reconstructeurs de liens. Plus qu’un dispositif descriptif, la « Clinique de Concertation » est un dispositif thérapeutique créatif régi par des règles aléatoires échappant à un projet de maîtrise absolue. Il s’agit, dans un débat collectif n’excluant aucun membre de ce même collectif, bien au contraire, promoteur de toutes les démarches extensives, de différencier sans dissocier, avec toutes les personnes intéressées ce qui va appartenir à la sphère privée de ce qui va appartenir à la sphère publique, tout en reconnaissant la légitimité des dynamiques compensatoires vengeresses et des dynamiques protectrices des générations futures, en repérant leurs articulations, leurs compatibilités et leurs incompatibilités, de développer préférentiellement celles qui sont reconstructrices et préventives. Abstract Mahdi is twenty-six years old, he is tall and athletic. He is blind, because he was attacked. This kind of situation puts at work a complex network of professionals of help, care, education and control, beyond everything they can expect. The methodology of the « Clinic of Concertation », as a « Laboratory of applied communicational ethics », recognises that Mahdi and the members of his family are directly part of this network. If the professionals do not resist to this collective construction, they will see laying out different relational systems in balance from which they can exploit the resources in the process of reconstructive links. More than a narrative device, the "Clinic of Concertation" is a creative therapeutic device governed by random rules beyond an absolute mastery. It is, in a collective discussion that does not exclude any member of the collective, but on the contrary, that promotes every extensive step, about differentiating without dissociating, with all interested persons, what will belong to the private sphere and what will belong to the public sphere, while recognizing the legitimacy of the compensatory dynamics of revenge and the protective dynamics of future generations, by identifying their joints, their compatibilities and their incompatibilities, by developing preferentially those reconstructive and preventive

    The nature of turbulence in OMC1 at the star forming scale: observations and simulations

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    Aim: To study turbulence in the Orion Molecular Cloud (OMC1) by comparing observed and simulated characteristics of the gas motions. Method: Using a dataset of vibrationally excited H2 emission in OMC1 containing radial velocity and brightness which covers scales from 70AU to 30000AU, we present the transversal structure functions and the scaling of the structure functions with their order. These are compared with the predictions of two-dimensional projections of simulations of supersonic hydrodynamic turbulence. Results: The structure functions of OMC1 are not well represented by power laws, but show clear deviations below 2000AU. However, using the technique of extended self-similarity, power laws are recovered at scales down to 160AU. The scaling of the higher order structure functions with order deviates from the standard scaling for supersonic turbulence. This is explained as a selection effect of preferentially observing the shocked part of the gas and the scaling can be reproduced using line-of-sight integrated velocity data from subsets of supersonic turbulence simulations. These subsets select regions of strong flow convergence and high density associated with shock structure. Deviations of the structure functions in OMC1 from power laws cannot however be reproduced in simulations and remains an outstanding issue.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted A&A. Revised in response to referee. For higher resolution, see http://www.astro.phys.au.dk/~maikeng/sim_paper

    Interplanetary boundary layers at 1 AU

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    The structure and nature of discontinuities in the interplanetary magnetic field at 1 AU in the period March 18, 1971 to April 9, 1971, is determined by using high-resolution magnetic field measurements from Explorer 34. The discontinuities that were selected for this analysis occurred under a variety of interplanetary conditions at an average rate of 0.5/hr. This set does not include all discontinuities that were present, but the sample is large and it is probably representative. Both tangential and rotational discontinuities were identified, the ratio of TD's to RD's being approximately 3 to 1. Tangential discontinuities were observed every day, even among Alfvenic fluctuations. The structure of most of the boundary layers was simple and ordered, i.e., the magnetic field usually changed smoothly and monotonically from one side of the boundary layer to the other

    Improved version of the eikonal model for absorbing spherical particles

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    We present a new expression of the scattering amplitude, valid for spherical absorbing objects, which leads to an improved version of the eikonal method outside the diffraction region. Limitations of this method are discussed and numerical results are presented and compared successfully with the Mie theory.Comment: 7 pages, postscript figures available on cpt.univ-mrs.fr, to appear in J. Mod. Optic

    Observations of spatial and velocity structure in the Orion Molecular Cloud

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    Observations are reported of H2 IR emission in the S(1) v=1-0 line at 2.121 microns in the Orion Molecular Cloud, OMC1, using the GriF instrument on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. GriF is a combination of adaptive optics and Fabry-Perot interferometry, yielding a spatial resolution of 0.15" to 0.18" and a velocity discrimination as high as 1 km/s. Thanks to the high spatial and velocity resolution of the GriF data, 193 bright H2 emission regions can be identified in OMC1. The general characteristics of these features are described in terms of radial velocities, brightness and spatial displacement of maxima of velocity and brightness, the latter to yield the orientation of flows in the plane of the sky. Strong spatial correlation between velocity and bright H2 emission is found and serves to identify many features as shocks. Important results are: (i) velocities of the excited gas illustrate the presence of a zone to the south of BN-IRc2 and Peak 1, and the west of Peak 2, where there is a powerful blue-shifted outflow with an average velocity of -18 km/s. This is shown to be the NIR counterpart of an outflow identified in the radio from source I, a very young O-star. (ii) There is a band of weak velocity features (<5 km/s) in Peak 1 which may share a common origin through an explosive event, in the BN-IRc2 region, with the fast-moving fingers (or bullets) to the NW of OMC1. (iii) A proportion of the flows are likely to represent sites of low mass star formation and several regions show multiple outflows, probably indicative of multiple star formation within OMC1. The high spatial and velocity resolution of the GriF data show these and other features in more detail than has previously been possible.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures, submitted to A&A Version 2: Several additions, including a section on protostellar candidates in OMC1, have been made based on the referee's suggestions v3: corrected typograph

    Structural Rearrangements of a Dodecameric Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase Isolated from a Marine Thermophilic Methanogen

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    Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI) orchestrates the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids, an elementary reaction in prototrophic organisms as well as a valuable process in biotechnology. Bacterial KARIs belonging to class I organise as dimers or dodecamers and were intensively studied to understand their remarkable specificity towards NADH or NADPH, but also to develop antibiotics. Here, we present the first structural study on a KARI natively isolated from a methanogenic archaea. The dodecameric structure of 0.44-MDa was obtained in two different conformations, an open and close state refined to a resolution of 2.2-Ă… and 2.1-Ă…, respectively. These structures illustrate the conformational movement required for substrate and coenzyme binding. While the close state presents the complete NADP bound in front of a partially occupied Mg2+-site, the Mg2+-free open state contains a tartrate at the nicotinamide location and a bound NADP with the adenine-nicotinamide protruding out of the active site. Structural comparisons show a very high conservation of the active site environment and detailed analyses point towards few specific residues required for the dodecamerisation. These residues are not conserved in other dodecameric KARIs that stabilise their trimeric interface differently, suggesting that dodecamerisation, the cellular role of which is still unknown, might have occurred several times in the evolution of KARIs

    The geodesic approximation for lump dynamics and coercivity of the Hessian for harmonic maps

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    The most fruitful approach to studying low energy soliton dynamics in field theories of Bogomol'nyi type is the geodesic approximation of Manton. In the case of vortices and monopoles, Stuart has obtained rigorous estimates of the errors in this approximation, and hence proved that it is valid in the low speed regime. His method employs energy estimates which rely on a key coercivity property of the Hessian of the energy functional of the theory under consideration. In this paper we prove an analogous coercivity property for the Hessian of the energy functional of a general sigma model with compact K\"ahler domain and target. We go on to prove a continuity property for our result, and show that, for the CP^1 model on S^2, the Hessian fails to be globally coercive in the degree 1 sector. We present numerical evidence which suggests that the Hessian is globally coercive in a certain equivariance class of the degree n sector for n>1. We also prove that, within the geodesic approximation, a single CP^1 lump moving on S^2 does not generically travel on a great circle.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected, references added, expanded discussion of the main function spac

    Probing Turbulence with Infrared Observations in OMC1

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    A statistical analysis is presented of the turbulent velocity structure in the Orion Molecular Cloud at scales ranging from 70 AU to 30000 AU. Results are based on IR Fabry-Perot interferometric observations of shock and photon-excited H2 in the K-band S(1) v=1-0 line at 2.121micron and refer to the dynamical characteristics of warm perturbed gas. Observations establish that the Larson size-linewidth relation is obeyed to the smallest scales studied here extending the range of validity of this relationship by nearly 2 orders of magnitude. The velocity probability distribution function (PDF) is constructed showing extended exponential wings, providing evidence of intermittency, further supported by the skewness and kurtosis of the velocity distribution. Variance and kurtosis of the PDF of velocity differences are constructed as a function of lag. The variance shows an approximate power law dependence on lag, with exponent significantly lower than the Kolmogorov value, and with deviations below 2000AU which are attributed to outflows and possibly disk structures associated with low mass star formation within OMC1. The kurtosis shows strong deviation from a gaussian velocity field, providing evidence of velocity correlations at small lags. Results agree accurately with semi-empirical simulations in Eggers & Wang (1998). In addition, 170 individual H2 emitting clumps have been analysed with sizes between 500 and 2200 AU. These show considerable diversity with regard to PDFs and variance functions. Our analysis constitutes the first characterization of the turbulent velocity field at the scale of star formation and provide a dataset which models of star-forming regions should aim to reproduce.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, to appear in A&A, typos correcte
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