3,613 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Calorimetry above 1019^{19} eV: Shooting Lasers at the Pierre Auger Cosmic-Ray Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Cosmic-Ray Observatory uses the earth's atmosphere as a calorimeter to measure extensive air-showers created by particles of astrophysical origin. Some of these particles carry joules of energy. At these extreme energies, test beams are not available in the conventional sense. Yet understanding the energy response of the observatory is important. For example, the propagation distance of the highest energy cosmic-rays through the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is predicted to be strong function of energy. This paper will discuss recently reported results from the observatory and the use of calibrated pulsed UV laser "test-beams" that simulate the optical signatures of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The status of the much larger 200,000 km3^3 companion detector planned for the northern hemisphere will also be outlined.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures XIII International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physic

    Resolving on 100 pc scales the UV-continuum in Lyman-α\alpha emitters between redshift 2 to 3 with gravitational lensing

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    We present a study of seventeen LAEs at redshift 2<z<<z<3 gravitationally lensed by massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) at a mean redshift of approximately 0.5. Using a fully Bayesian grid-based technique, we model the gravitational lens mass distributions with elliptical power-law profiles and reconstruct the UV-continuum surface brightness distributions of the background sources using pixellated source models. We find that the deflectors are close to, but not consistent with isothermal models in almost all cases, at the 2σ2\sigma-level. We take advantage of the lensing magnification (typically μ\mu\simeq 20) to characterise the physical and morphological properties of these LAE galaxies. From reconstructing the ultra-violet continuum emission, we find that the star-formation rates range from 0.3 to 8.5 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} and that the galaxies are typically composed of several compact and diffuse components, separated by 0.4 to 4 kpc. Moreover, they have peak star-formation rate intensities that range from 2.1 to 54.1 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} kpc2^{-2}. These galaxies tend to be extended with major axis ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 kpc (median 561 pc), and with a median ellipticity of 0.49. This morphology is consistent with disk-like structures of star-formation for more than half of the sample. However, for at least two sources, we also find off-axis components that may be associated with mergers. Resolved kinematical information will be needed to confirm the disk-like nature and possible merger scenario for the LAEs in the sample.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    A Three-Point Cosmic Ray Anisotropy Method

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    The two-point angular correlation function is a traditional method used to search for deviations from expectations of isotropy. In this paper we develop and explore a statistically descriptive three-point method with the intended application being the search for deviations from isotropy in the highest energy cosmic rays. We compare the sensitivity of a two-point method and a "shape-strength" method for a variety of Monte-Carlo simulated anisotropic signals. Studies are done with anisotropic source signals diluted by an isotropic background. Type I and II errors for rejecting the hypothesis of isotropic cosmic ray arrival directions are evaluated for four different event sample sizes: 27, 40, 60 and 80 events, consistent with near term data expectations from the Pierre Auger Observatory. In all cases the ability to reject the isotropic hypothesis improves with event size and with the fraction of anisotropic signal. While ~40 event data sets should be sufficient for reliable identification of anisotropy in cases of rather extreme (highly anisotropic) data, much larger data sets are suggested for reliable identification of more subtle anisotropies. The shape-strength method consistently performs better than the two point method and can be easily adapted to an arbitrary experimental exposure on the celestial sphere.Comment: Fixed PDF erro

    Luminous Satellites II: Spatial Distribution, Luminosity Function and Cosmic Evolution

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    We infer the normalization and the radial and angular distributions of the number density of satellites of massive galaxies (log10[Mh/M]>10.5\log_{10}[M_{h}^*/M\odot]>10.5) between redshifts 0.1 and 0.8 as a function of host stellar mass, redshift, morphology and satellite luminosity. Exploiting the depth and resolution of the COSMOS HST images, we detect satellites up to eight magnitudes fainter than the host galaxies and as close as 0.3 (1.4) arcseconds (kpc). Describing the number density profile of satellite galaxies to be a projected power law such that P(R)\propto R^{\rpower}, we find \rpower=-1.1\pm 0.3. We find no dependency of \rpower on host stellar mass, redshift, morphology or satellite luminosity. Satellites of early-type hosts have angular distributions that are more flattened than the host light profile and are aligned with its major axis. No significant average alignment is detected for satellites of late-type hosts. The number of satellites within a fixed magnitude contrast from a host galaxy is dependent on its stellar mass, with more massive galaxies hosting significantly more satellites. Furthermore, high-mass late-type hosts have significantly fewer satellites than early-type galaxies of the same stellar mass, likely a result of environmental differences. No significant evolution in the number of satellites per host is detected. The cumulative luminosity function of satellites is qualitatively in good agreement with that predicted using subhalo abundance matching techniques. However, there are significant residual discrepancies in the absolute normalization, suggesting that properties other than the host galaxy luminosity or stellar mass determine the number of satellites.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Global Production Increased by Spatial Heterogeneity in a Population Dynamics Model

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    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity are often described as important factors having a strong impact on biodiversity. The effect of heterogeneity is in most cases analyzed by the response of biotic interactions such as competition of predation. It may also modify intrinsic population properties such as growth rate. Most of the studies are theoretic since it is often difficult to manipulate spatial heterogeneity in practice. Despite the large number of studies dealing with this topics, it is still difficult to understand how the heterogeneity affects populations dynamics. On the basis of a very simple model, this paper aims to explicitly provide a simple mechanism which can explain why spatial heterogeneity may be a favorable factor for production.We consider a two patch model and a logistic growth is assumed on each patch. A general condition on the migration rates and the local subpopulation growth rates is provided under which the total carrying capacity is higher than the sum of the local carrying capacities, which is not intuitive. As we illustrate, this result is robust under stochastic perturbations