101 research outputs found

    Dissipation time and decay of correlations

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    We consider the effect of noise on the dynamics generated by volume-preserving maps on a d-dimensional torus. The quantity we use to measure the irreversibility of the dynamics is the dissipation time. We focus on the asymptotic behaviour of this time in the limit of small noise. We derive universal lower and upper bounds for the dissipation time in terms of various properties of the map and its associated propagators: spectral properties, local expansivity, and global mixing properties. We show that the dissipation is slow for a general class of non-weakly-mixing maps; on the opposite, it is fast for a large class of exponentially mixing systems which include uniformly expanding maps and Anosov diffeomorphisms.Comment: 26 Pages, LaTex. Submitted to Nonlinearit

    A quantization procedure based on completely positive maps and Markov operators

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    We describe ω\omega-limit sets of completely positive (CP) maps over finite-dimensional spaces. In such sets and in its corresponding convex hulls, CP maps present isometric behavior and the states contained in it commute with each other. Motivated by these facts, we describe a quantization procedure based on CP maps which are induced by Markov (transfer) operators. Classical dynamics are described by an action over essentially bounded functions. A non-expansive linear map, which depends on a choice of a probability measure, is the centerpiece connecting phenomena over function and matrix spaces

    Statistical stability of equilibrium states for interval maps

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    We consider families of multimodal interval maps with polynomial growth of the derivative along the critical orbits. For these maps Bruin and Todd have shown the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the potential ϕt:xtlogDf(x)\phi_t:x\mapsto-t\log|Df(x)|, for tt close to 1. We show that these equilibrium states vary continuously in the weak^* topology within such families. Moreover, in the case t=1t=1, when the equilibrium states are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue, we show that the densities vary continuously within these families.Comment: More details given and the appendices now incorporated into the rest of the pape

    Analyticity of the SRB measure of a lattice of coupled Anosov diffeomorphisms of the torus

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    We consider the "thermodynamic limit"of a d-dimensional lattice of hyperbolic dynamical systems on the 2-torus, interacting via weak and nearest neighbor coupling. We prove that the SRB measure is analytic in the strength of the coupling. The proof is based on symbolic dynamics techniques that allow us to map the SRB measure into a Gibbs measure for a spin system on a (d+1)-dimensional lattice. This Gibbs measure can be studied by an extension (decimation) of the usual "cluster expansion" techniques.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius spectrum for Anosov maps

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    We extend a number of results from one dimensional dynamics based on spectral properties of the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius transfer operator to Anosov diffeomorphisms on compact manifolds. This allows to develop a direct operator approach to study ergodic properties of these maps. In particular, we show that it is possible to define Banach spaces on which the transfer operator is quasicompact. (Information on the existence of an SRB measure, its smoothness properties and statistical properties readily follow from such a result.) In dimension d=2d=2 we show that the transfer operator associated to smooth random perturbations of the map is close, in a proper sense, to the unperturbed transfer operator. This allows to obtain easily very strong spectral stability results, which in turn imply spectral stability results for smooth deterministic perturbations as well. Finally, we are able to implement an Ulam type finite rank approximation scheme thus reducing the study of the spectral properties of the transfer operator to a finite dimensional problem.Comment: 58 pages, LaTe

    Equilibrium states for potentials with \sup\phi - \inf\phi < \htop(f)

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    In the context of smooth interval maps, we study an inducing scheme approach to prove existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for potentials ϕ\phi with he `bounded range' condition \sup \phi - \inf \phi < \htop, first used by Hofbauer and Keller. We compare our results to Hofbauer and Keller's use of Perron-Frobenius operators. We demonstrate that this `bounded range' condition on the potential is important even if the potential is H\"older continuous. We also prove analyticity of the pressure in this context.Comment: Added Lemma 6 to deal with the disparity between leading eigenvalues and operator norms. Added extra references and corrected some typo

    Stochastic stability versus localization in chaotic dynamical systems

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    We prove stochastic stability of chaotic maps for a general class of Markov random perturbations (including singular ones) satisfying some kind of mixing conditions. One of the consequences of this statement is the proof of Ulam's conjecture about the approximation of the dynamics of a chaotic system by a finite state Markov chain. Conditions under which the localization phenomenon (i.e. stabilization of singular invariant measures) takes place are also considered. Our main tools are the so called bounded variation approach combined with the ergodic theorem of Ionescu-Tulcea and Marinescu, and a random walk argument that we apply to prove the absence of ``traps'' under the action of random perturbations.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe

    Upper bound on the density of Ruelle resonances for Anosov flows

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    Using a semiclassical approach we show that the spectrum of a smooth Anosov vector field V on a compact manifold is discrete (in suitable anisotropic Sobolev spaces) and then we provide an upper bound for the density of eigenvalues of the operator (-i)V, called Ruelle resonances, close to the real axis and for large real parts.Comment: 57 page

    Phase transition and correlation decay in Coupled Map Lattices

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    For a Coupled Map Lattice with a specific strong coupling emulating Stavskaya's probabilistic cellular automata, we prove the existence of a phase transition using a Peierls argument, and exponential convergence to the invariant measures for a wide class of initial states using a technique of decoupling originally developed for weak coupling. This implies the exponential decay, in space and in time, of the correlation functions of the invariant measures

    A strong pair correlation bound implies the CLT for Sinai Billiards

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    For Dynamical Systems, a strong bound on multiple correlations implies the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) [ChMa]. In Chernov's paper [Ch2], such a bound is derived for dynamically Holder continuous observables of dispersing Billiards. Here we weaken the regularity assumption and subsequently show that the bound on multiple correlations follows directly from the bound on pair correlations. Thus, a strong bound on pair correlations alone implies the CLT, for a wider class of observables. The result is extended to Anosov diffeomorphisms in any dimension.Comment: 13 page