679 research outputs found

    Tension Perturbations of Black Brane Spacetimes

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    We consider black-brane spacetimes that have at least one spatial translation Killing field that is tangent to the brane. A new parameter, the tension of a spacetime, is defined. The tension parameter is associated with spatial translations in much the same way that the ADM mass is associated with the time translation Killing field. In this work, we explore the implications of the spatial translation symmetry for small perturbations around a background black brane. For static charged black branes we derive a law which relates the tension perturbation to the surface gravity times the change in the the horizon area, plus terms that involve variations in the charges and currents. We find that as a black brane evaporates the tension decreases. We also give a simple derivation of a first law for black brane spacetimes. These constructions hold when the background stress-energy is governed by a Hamiltonian, and the results include arbitrary perturbative stress-energy sources.Comment: 21 pages, o figures, harvma

    Stratification of the orbit space in gauge theories. The role of nongeneric strata

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    Gauge theory is a theory with constraints and, for that reason, the space of physical states is not a manifold but a stratified space (orbifold) with singularities. The classification of strata for smooth (and generalized) connections is reviewed as well as the formulation of the physical space as the zero set of a momentum map. Several important features of nongeneric strata are discussed and new results are presented suggesting an important role for these strata as concentrators of the measure in ground state functionals and as a source of multiple structures in low-lying excitations.Comment: 22 pages Latex, 1 figur

    The York map as a Shanmugadhasan canonical transformation in tetrad gravity and the role of non-inertial frames in the geometrical view of the gravitational field

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    A new parametrization of the 3-metric allows to find explicitly a York map in canonical ADM tetrad gravity, the two pairs of physical tidal degrees of freedom and 14 gauge variables. These gauge quantities (generalized inertial effects) are all configurational except the trace 3K(τ,σ){}^3K(\tau ,\vec \sigma) of the extrinsic curvature of the instantaneous 3-spaces Στ\Sigma_{\tau} (clock synchronization convention) of a non-inertial frame. The Dirac hamiltonian is the sum of the weak ADM energy EADM=d3σEADM(τ,σ)E_{ADM} = \int d^3\sigma {\cal E}_{ADM}(\tau ,\vec \sigma) (whose density is coordinate-dependent due to the inertial potentials) and of the first-class constraints. Then: i) The explicit form of the Hamilton equations for the two tidal degrees of freedom in an arbitrary gauge: a deterministic evolution can be defined only in a completely fixed gauge, i.e. in a non-inertial frame with its pattern of inertial forces. ii) A general solution of the super-momentum constraints, which shows the existence of a generalized Gribov ambiguity associated to the 3-diffeomorphism gauge group. It influences: a) the explicit form of the weak ADM energy and of the super-momentum constraint; b) the determination of the shift functions and then of the lapse one. iii) The dependence of the Hamilton equations for the two pairs of dynamical gravitational degrees of freedom (the generalized tidal effects) and for the matter, written in a completely fixed 3-orthogonal Schwinger time gauge, upon the gauge variable 3K(τ,σ){}^3K(\tau ,\vec \sigma), determining the convention of clock synchronization. Therefore it should be possible (for instance in the weak field limit but with relativistic motion) to try to check whether in Einstein's theory the {\it dark matter} is a gauge relativistic inertial effect induced by 3K(τ,σ){}^3K(\tau ,\vec \sigma).Comment: 90 page

    A gauge model for quantum mechanics on a stratified space

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    In the Hamiltonian approach on a single spatial plaquette, we construct a quantum (lattice) gauge theory which incorporates the classical singularities. The reduced phase space is a stratified K\"ahler space, and we make explicit the requisite singular holomorphic quantization procedure on this space. On the quantum level, this procedure furnishes a costratified Hilbert space, that is, a Hilbert space together with a system which consists of the subspaces associated with the strata of the reduced phase space and of the corresponding orthoprojectors. The costratified Hilbert space structure reflects the stratification of the reduced phase space. For the special case where the structure group is SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2), we discuss the tunneling probabilities between the strata, determine the energy eigenstates and study the corresponding expectation values of the orthoprojectors onto the subspaces associated with the strata in the strong and weak coupling approximations.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures. Changes: comments on the heat kernel and coherent states have been adde

    Proof of the Thin Sandwich Conjecture

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    We prove that the Thin Sandwich Conjecture in general relativity is valid, provided that the data (gab,g˙ab)(g_{ab},\dot g_{ab}) satisfy certain geometric conditions. These conditions define an open set in the class of possible data, but are not generically satisfied. The implications for the ``superspace'' picture of the Einstein evolution equations are discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Modeling Kelvin wave cascades in superfluid helium

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    We study two different types of simplified models for Kelvin wave turbulence on quantized vortex lines in superfluids near zero temperature. Our first model is obtained from a truncated expansion of the Local Induction Approximation (Truncated-LIA) and it is shown to possess the same scalings and the essential behaviour as the full Biot-Savart model, being much simpler than the later and, therefore, more amenable to theoretical and numerical investigations. The Truncated-LIA model supports six-wave interactions and dual cascades, which are clearly demonstrated via the direct numerical simulation of this model in the present paper. In particular, our simulations confirm presence of the weak turbulence regime and the theoretically predicted spectra for the direct energy cascade and the inverse wave action cascade. The second type of model we study, the Differential Approximation Model (DAM), takes a further drastic simplification by assuming locality of interactions in k-space via using a differential closure that preserves the main scalings of the Kelvin wave dynamics. DAMs are even more amenable to study and they form a useful tool by providing simple analytical solutions in the cases when extra physical effects are present, e.g. forcing by reconnections, friction dissipation and phonon radiation. We study these models numerically and test their theoretical predictions, in particular the formation of the stationary spectra, and closeness of numerics for the higher-order DAM to the analytical predictions for the lower-order DAM

    Renaissance of the ~1 TeV Fixed-Target Program

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    This document describes the physics potential of a new fixed-target program based on a ~1 TeV proton source. Two proton sources are potentially available in the future: the existing Tevatron at Fermilab, which can provide 800 GeV protons for fixed-target physics, and a possible upgrade to the SPS at CERN, called SPS+, which would produce 1 TeV protons on target. In this paper we use an example Tevatron fixed-target program to illustrate the high discovery potential possible in the charm and neutrino sectors. We highlight examples which are either unique to the program or difficult to accomplish at other venues.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Energetics and Possible Formation and Decay Mechanisms of Vortices in Helium Nanodroplets

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    The energy and angular momentum of both straight and curved vortex states of a helium nanodroplet are examined as a function of droplet size. For droplets in the size range of many experiments, it is found that during the pickup of heavy solutes, a significant fraction of events deposit sufficient energy and angular momentum to form a straight vortex line. Curved vortex lines exist down to nearly zero angular momentum and energy, and thus could in principle form in almost any collision. Further, the coalescence of smaller droplets during the cooling by expansion could also deposit sufficient angular momentum to form vortex lines. Despite their high energy, most vortices are predicted to be stable at the final temperature (0.38 K) of helium nanodroplets due to lack of decay channels that conserve both energy and angular momentum.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, RevTex 4, submitted to Phys. Rev.