33 research outputs found

    Structural and mechanical properties of graded composite Al2O3/Ni obtained from slurry of different solid content

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    AbstractIn this work, an alumina-nickel graded hollow cylinders were prepared by the centrifugal slip casting. In the paper, the results for samples formed from slurries with different solid content: 45 vol.%, 40 vol.% and 35 vol.% are presented. The structure of the samples after sintering was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructure of the composite, especially the nickel particle size distributions were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An image analyzer has been used for the measurement of volume fraction of the nickel particles in the composites. The hardness was measured by using a Vickers hardness-testing. Based on hardness measurements KIC value were determined. The XRD results confirmed only two phases: Ni and 伪-Al2O3 in all samples. The preliminary macroscopic observation as well as SEM showed, that the microstructure of the sample cross-section is not homogeneous. Microstructural characterization revealed the gradation of nickel content along the radial direction of hollow cylinder. Three zones were distinguished, from outer surface towards the inner side of the tube. The maximum of volume fraction of nickel particles was obtained at the middle zone of the composites. The results of hardness-testing revealed that the maximum hardness values were observed in region at the inner edge of the casting due to an absence of nickel particles

    Quality of life among people living with hypertension in a rural Vietnam community

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    Background - To respond to growing prevalence of hypertension in Vietnam, it is critical to have an in-depth understanding about quality of life (QOL) among people living with hypertension and related factors. This study aimed to measure QOL among hypertensive people in a rural community in Vietnam, and its association with socio-demographic characteristics and factors related to treatment. Methods - This study was conducted in a rural community located 60 km from Ho Chi Minh City. Face-to-face interviews were conducted among 275 hypertensive people aged 50 years and above using WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to examine mean scores of quality of life. Cronbach鈥檚 alpha coefficient and Pearson鈥檚 correlation coefficient were applied to estimate the internal consistency, and the level of agreement between different domains of WHOQOL-BREF, respectively. Independent T-test and ANOVA test followed by multiple linear regression analyses were used to measure the association between QOL domains and independent variables. Results - Both overall WHOQOL-BREF and each domain had a good internal consistency, ranging from 0.65 to 0.88. The QOL among hypertensive patients was found moderate in all domains, except for psychological domain that was fairly low (mean = 49.4). Backward multiple linear regressions revealed that being men, married, attainment of higher education, having physical activities at moderate level, and adherence to treatment were positively associated with QOL. However, older age and presence of co-morbidity were negatively associated with QOL. Conclusion - WHOQOL-BREF is a reliable instrument to measure QOL among hypertensive patients. The results revealed low QOL in psychological domain and inequality in QOL across socio-demographic characteristics. Given the results, encouraging physical activities and strengthening treatment adherence should be considered to improve QOL of hypertensive people, especially for psychological aspect. Actions to improve QOL among hypertensive patients targeted towards women, lower educated and unmarried patients are needed in the setting

    Reliability and practical aspects of the disease impact measure on hypertensive patients

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, the ceiling and floor effects and the reliability of the Instrument to Measure the Impact of Coronary Disease on Patient's Daily Life (IDCV) when applied to hypertensive patients. METHOD: one hundred and thirty seven hypertensive outpatients were interviewed, using questionnaires to collect sociodemographic and clinical data, followed by the IDCV. Reliability was assessed according to the temporal stability and internal consistency criteria. RESULTS: the IDCV was applied in 8.0 (卤3.0) minutes with 100% of the items answered. A ceiling effect of 31.4% was observed in the domain Adjustment to the Disease. The stability measure was observed for the total score and for all domains. There was evidence of internal consistency of the total IDCV (伪=0.83) and the domains Physical Impact of the Disease - Symptoms (伪=0.78) and Social and Emotional Impact of the Disease (伪=0.74). CONCLUSION: the IDCV is an instrument of easy use and its reliability among hypertensive patients is evidenced. The domain Adjustment to the Disease, however, should be reviewed in further studies

    Quantitative Description of the Spinel Phase (NiAl2O4) Located into Al2O3 Matrix

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    The presented work focuses on the quantitative description of the spinel phase (NiAl2O4) located into Al2O3 matrix. Three series of samples were prepared. Series I, II and III containing following amount of nickel powder: 0.21% vol, 0.43% vol and 1.3% vol respectively. In order to obtain nickel aluminate spinel sintering was carried out in an oxidizing atmosphere (air). Based on the SEM observation and XRD analysis the presence of spinel phase was confirmed in all samples. Difference in volume fraction of the Ni in the compacts before sintering, resulted in the different content of the spinel phase in the final material. All tested composites were characterized by homogeneous distribution of NiAl2O4 in the whole volume of the material. The purpose of the study was also the use the stereological analysis to determine the shape parameters of new phase

    Quantitative Description of the Spinel Phase (NiAl2O4) Located into Al2O3 Matrix

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    The presented work focuses on the quantitative description of the spinel phase (NiAl2O4) located into Al2O3 matrix. Three series of samples were prepared. Series I, II and III containing following amount of nickel powder: 0.21% vol, 0.43% vol and 1.3% vol respectively. In order to obtain nickel aluminate spinel sintering was carried out in an oxidizing atmosphere (air). Based on the SEM observation and XRD analysis the presence of spinel phase was confirmed in all samples. Difference in volume fraction of the Ni in the compacts before sintering, resulted in the different content of the spinel phase in the final material. All tested composites were characterized by homogeneous distribution of NiAl2O4 in the whole volume of the material. The purpose of the study was also the use the stereological analysis to determine the shape parameters of new phase

    Effect of the Powder Consolidation Method Type on the Microstructure and Selected Properties of Al2O3-Cu-Ni Composite

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    The present research is focused on the characterization of the composites from Al2O3-Cu-Ni system. Two methods of ceramic-metal composite forming were applied: uniaxial powder pressing and Pulse Plasma Sintering (PPS). To obtain the samples the powder mixtures containing 85 vol.% of Al2O3 and 15 vol.% of metal powders were used. Influence of the sintering process on microstructure and mechanical properties of the two series of the composites was analyzed in detail. The selected physical properties of samples were characterized by Archimedes immersion method. Vickers hardness and the fracture toughness of the composites was determined as well. The microstructure of the composites was characterized by XRD, SEM, EDX. Fractography investigation was carried out as well. Independently on composite production method Al2O3, Cu, Ni, and CuNi phases were revealed. Fractography investigation results revealed different character of fracture in dependence of fabrication method. Pulse Plasma Sintered samples were characterized by higher crack resistance and higher Vickers hardness in comparison to the specimens manufactured by uniaxial pressing

    The Magnetic Entropy Changes in Pb Doped Ni-Mn-Cu-Ga Alloys

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    Effect of Pb addition on magnetocaloric properties of Ni50 Mn18,75 Cu6,25-aPbaGa25 (a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) alloys was investigated experimentally. The magnetic measurements conducted at low field of 4 kA/m showed that addition of Pb led to separation of the both transformation temperatures and significantly shifted the structural transition effect towards lower temperatures as well as increased the Curie temperature. The analysis of isothermal magnetic curves allowed for the calculation of magnetic entropychange (螖SM). Although the peak values of |螖SM| for alloys containing 4 and 5 at.% Pb, ~3 J/(kg*K) and ~1.5 J/(kg*K) respectively, are low they stretch over the structural transformation and Curie temperature, and are at least 30 K wide at half maximum height

    Enzymatic method for oxygen solubility determination in liquid perfluorochemicals

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    Opracowano metod臋 enzymatyczn膮 pomiaru st臋偶enia 02 w perfluorodeka- linie (PFD) poprzez wykorzystanie uk艂adu nast臋pczych reakcji katalizowanych przez oksydoreduktazy. Metodyka pozwala okre艣li膰 st臋偶enie 02 w pr贸bie PFD o obj臋to艣ci rz臋du mikro litr贸w. Wyznaczono warto艣ci obj臋to艣ciowych wsp贸艂czynnik贸w wnikania masy w fazie gazowej i ciek艂ej w dwufazowym uk艂adzie PFD-tlen/powietrze.An enzymatic method for the determination of 02 solubility in perfluoro- decalin (PFD) and based on the system of two reactions catalysed by oxi- doreductases was elaborated. The proposed method enables one to determine the 02 concentration in PFD microliter-scale samples. Volumetric mass transfer coefficients in gas and liquid phases for the PFD-oxygen/air two-phase system were calculated

    Formation the gradient composite from the ceramic-metal system by centrifugal slip casting

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    Zapotrzebowanie na nowe materia艂y kompozytowe nieustanie si臋 zwi臋ksza. Rosn膮 r贸wnie偶 oczekiwania odno艣nie jako艣ci nowych kompozyt贸w oraz metod ich wytwarzania. Aktualnie kierunki rozwoju w zakresie wytwarzania materia艂贸w kompozytowych koncentruj膮 si臋 na poprawie w艂a艣ciwo艣ci oraz opracowaniu nowych metod pozwalaj膮cych wytwarza膰 kompozyty gradientowe. G艂贸wnym problemem stawianym przed in偶ynierami podczas projektowania kompozyt贸w gradientowych jest kontrolowanie rozmieszczenia cz膮stek wzd艂u偶 wybranego kierunku. Jedn膮 z metod pozwalaj膮cych uzyska膰 kompozyt gradientowy z uk艂adu ceramika-metal jest odlewanie od艣rodkowe mas lejnych (ang. centrifugal slip casting). Metoda ta 艂膮czy w sobie klasyczne odlewanie z g臋stwy z dzia艂aniem si艂y od艣rodkowej. Pozwala na wytworzenie gotowego wyrobu w kszta艂cie tulei. Wytworzone kompozyty charakteryzuj膮 si臋 gradientow膮 budow膮. Prace prowadzone by艂y dla uk艂adu Al2O3-Ni. Na ich przekroju mo偶na dostrzec trzy strefy r贸偶ni膮ce si臋 rozmieszczeniem cz膮stek niklu.Demands for new composite materials are continuously increasing, as well as quality requirements for the new composites and methods of their preparation. Currently, directions of development in the production of composite materials focus on improving the properties and inventing of new methods to produce graded composites. The main problem for the engineers designing functionally gradient composites, is to control distribution of the particles along the gradient direction. One of the method to obtain FGM ceramicmetal composite is the centrifugal slip casting. This method combines the classical slip casting with the centrifugal force. It allows the production of finished products in the shape of a hollow cylinder. This investigation was carried out for the Al2O3-Ni system. The resulting composites are characterized by microstructure with the gradient concentration of nickel particles, which has a three-zone microstructure