41 research outputs found

    Global citizenship education for whom? Indo-German reflections on glocal vignettes from worldwide practices

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    This commentary, by two authors from the Global North and Global South respectively, reflects on the significance of (auto)ethnographic vignettes as a point of departure for an emic approach, applying the concept of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) to the maxim of \u27education for all\u27 as promulgated by the UN from 1990. The authors explore GCE from a post- and decolonial perspective, with a particular focus on the universal right to education and the power structures, hierarchies, and misunderstandings that are reflected in or arise from subconscious assumptions or conventions. With a discussion of the global roots and discourses that have led to the emergence of GCE as a concept, the authors point to the complexities of GCE, which needs to combine global responsibility with knowledge about and respect for local traditions if it is to free itself from the imperial connotations of Enlightenment universalism. Ultimately, the authors conclude, in order to \u27learn\u27 GCE we must first \u27de-learn\u27 conventional (colonial) power relations. (DIPF/Orig.

    Application of iron compounds as catalysts for the oxidation of carbon black in the combustion process of the light heating oil

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    Przeprowadzono badania skuteczno艣ci katalitycznej dw贸ch organicznych suspensji zwi膮zk贸w 偶elaza. Wykonano testy w warunkach rzeczywistych, spalaj膮c lekki olej opa艂owy uszlachetniony badanymi pr贸bkami w kotle o mocy 80 kW. Analizowano sk艂ad spalin pod k膮tem zawarto艣ci CO, NOx, py艂贸w i niespalonych w臋glowodor贸w. Wykazano znaczne r贸偶nice w efektywno艣ci katalitycznej badanych pr贸bek.Catalytic efficiency of two organic suspensions of iron compounds was tested. Real condition tests were performed by burning light heating oil treated with samples of tested suspensions in 80 kW power boiler. The exhaust gases were analyzed for CO, NOx, dust and unburnt hydrocarbon concentration. Significant differences in the catalytic efficiency of the samples tested were found