247 research outputs found

    Assessment of Water Quality Using Macrobenthos as Bioindicator and Its Application on Abundance-Biomass Comparison (ABC) Curves

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    -Activities of aquaculture and industry which is directly adjacent to an aquatic environment may potentially result in increasing organic matter and causes a decreasing quality of water in it. Macrobenthos can be used as an bioindicators to detect environmental disturbances occur in the aquatic environment. This study aims to determine the level of environmental disturbance in aquatic environments using macrobenthic assemblages and their application in the abundance and biomass curves and it was compared to the values of diversity and similarity indices. Locations of this study is polyculture ponds and coastal of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesian located in Mororejo Village, Central Java. Based on the abundance of macrobenthos results shows that in coastal area of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia is dominated by Cirratulidae (60%) from Polychaeta while in polyculture ponds is dominated by Potamididae (58%). Based on the abundance and biomass comparison (ABC) curves, the polyculture ponds were categorized as undisturbed area, whereas the coastal area of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia was categorized as moderately polluted for the second sampling time. Whilst the values of diversity (H') and similarity (e) indices indicated low for all stations, the ABC curve of macrobetnhic assemblages is effective to demonstrate the level of environmental disturbance occurs in aquatic environments

    Pengaruh Tarif, Kualitas Pelayanan, Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Penumpang Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Trans Semarang Koridor II Terboyo - Sisemut, Ungaran)

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    This research is motivated by the provision of public transport services better, orderly, safe, effective, efficient, and affordable aims to reduce traffic congestion that private vehicle users to switch to public transport. Transportation Services BRT Trans Semarang is one solution that has a public transportation bus system better, orderly, fast, convenient, safe, affordable in terms of infrastructure, vehicles and schedules. This study aimed to determine the effect of Fare, quality of service, and promotion to the purchase decision (a case study Passenger BRT Trans Semarang Corridor II Terboyo - Sisemut, Ungaran). This type of research is eksplanatory research with data collection tool is questionnaire. This study uses the 100 respondents that passengers BRT Corridor II which has been used more than 3 times. The sampling technique of this study is purposive sampling. The test used are validity test and reliability test. Analysis of the data used is cross tabulation, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simple linear regression, t test, multiple linear regression, and F test. Based on the results of analysis show that in partial fare contributed influence on purchasing decisions by 6.7%, the variable quality of service contributed influence on purchasing decisions by 8.5% and promotion variables contributing influence on purchasing decisions by 19.1%. Simultaneously, tariffs, quality of service, and promotion of contributing influence on purchasing decisions by 21.5%.The Conclusion This study shows the fare, quality of service, and the promotion of partially and simultaneously influence purchasing decisions Trans Semarang BRT corridor II. Based on these results, the manager of BRT BLU Mangkang Semarang Terminal Unit must be able to maintain the prescribed fare, improve, and continue to develop the quality of services to suit the consumer benefits, and increase the intensity and diversity promotion carried out by the manager to be able to attract a purchase decision BRT, as well as the need for continued research by the company and other parties to determine the effect of other variables and outside the shelter placement indicators such research, feasibility fleet, opening new routes, passenger capacity, ease of access to shelter, special Line BRT

    Inovasi dalam Online Marketing dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepercayaan, Loyalitas, dan Word Of Mouth pada Konsumen

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    The background of this paper discusses the role of consumer perceptions of innovation a website as a factor influencing their evaluation of service quality, development of trust, loyalty and word of mouth behavior on the site. This study aims to answer the question the extent not experienced site service innovation evaluation of the influence of website quality, trust, loyalty and word of mouth. Therefore, to answer this question this study developed and tested a theoretical model that seeks to explain the perceived effects of site-service innovation on perceived e-service quality, trust, loyalty sites and word-of-mouth behavior in e-retail market space. The study design is based on valid responses werecollected from a questionnaire survey of 120 people located in Jakarta. The variables examined in this study using the Partial Least Squares (PLS), specifically PLS-IMAGE v.3.00 to assess the relevance of the predictions of the conceptual model, and test the hypothesis relationship as depicted in picture. Results showed that when an e-retail sites considered positive for providing an innovative experience more positive evaluations affect the overall perception of the quality of online services, high level of trust and loyalty websites and the positive side of the conversation behavior mouth. This study provides important implications for the delivery of online services and online branding, especially foronline retailers. Additional research is needed to see the impact of an innovation in online marketing by adding other variables that are considered important are associated with innovation

    An Atmosphere on Ganymede from Its Occultation of SAO 186800 on 7 June 1972

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    On 7 June 1972 the third, Jovian satellite Ganymede occulted the eighth-magnitude star SAO 186800. Successful photoelectric observations obtained at Lembang, Java (Indonesia), and Kavalur, India, show nonabrupt immersions and emersions, indicating the presence of an atmosphere whose surface pressure is greater than about 10^(-3) millibar. By fitting the two occultation durations as chords to a model disk, the diameter is found to be 5270 (+30, -∼200) kilometers, the major error contribution arising from the uncertain atmospheric thickness below the occultation layer. The derived mean density is 2.0 (-0.03, + ∼0.2) grams per cubic centimeter

    Cytotoxicity of apigenin on leukemia cell lines: implications for prevention and therapy

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    Natural-food-based compounds show substantial promise for prevention and biotherapy of cancers including leukemia. In general, their mechanism of action remains unclear, hampering rational use of these compounds. Herein we show that the common dietary flavonoid apigenin has anticancer activity, but also may decrease chemotherapy sensitivity, depending on the cell type. We analyzed the molecular consequences of apigenin treatment in two types of leukemia, the myeloid and erythroid subtypes. Apigenin blocked proliferation in both lineages through cell-cycle arrest in G2/M phase for myeloid HL60 and G0/G1 phase for erythroid TF1 cells. In both cell lines the JAK/STAT pathway was one of major targets of apigenin. Apigenin inhibited PI3K/PKB pathway in HL60 and induced caspase-dependent apoptosis. In contrast, no apoptosis was detected in TF1 cells, but initiation of autophagy was observed. The block in cell cycle and induction of autophagy observed in this erythroleukemia cell line resulted in a reduced susceptibility toward the commonly used therapeutic agent vincristine. Thus, this study shows that although apigenin is a potential chemopreventive agent due to the induction of leukemia cell-cycle arrest, caution in dietary intake of apigenin should be taken during disease as it potentially interferes with cancer treatment

    SIRT1 Overexpression Antagonizes Cellular Senescence with Activated ERK/S6k1 Signaling in Human Diploid Fibroblasts

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    Sir2, a NAD-dependent deacetylase, modulates lifespan in yeasts, worms and flies. The SIRT1, mammalian homologue of Sir2, regulates signaling for favoring survival in stress. But whether SIRT1 has the function to influence cell viability and senescence under non-stressed conditions in human diploid fibroblasts is far from unknown. Our data showed that enforced SIRT1 expression promoted cell proliferation and antagonized cellular senescence with the characteristic features of delayed Senescence-Associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining, reduced Senescence-Associated Heterochromatic Foci (SAHF) formation and G1 phase arrest, increased cell growth rate and extended cellular lifespan in human fibroblasts, while dominant-negative SIRT1 allele (H363Y) did not significantly affect cell growth and senescence but displayed a bit decreased lifespan.. Western blot results showed that SIRT1 reduced the expression of p16INK4A and promoted phosphorylation of Rb. Our data also exposed that overexpression of SIRT1 was accompanied by enhanced activation of ERK and S6K1 signaling. These effects were mimicked in both WI38 cells and 2BS cells by concentration-dependent resveratrol, a SIRT1 activator. It was noted that treatment of SIRT1-.transfected cells with Rapamycin, a mTOR inhibitor, reduced the phosphorylation of S6K1 and the expression of Id1, implying that SIRT1-induced phosphorylation of S6K1 may be partly for the decreased expression of p16INK4A and promoted phosphorylation of Rb in 2BS. It was also observed that the expression of SIRT1 and phosphorylation of ERK and S6K1 was declined in senescent 2BS. These findings suggested that SIRT1-promoted cell proliferation and antagonized cellular senescence in human diploid fibroblasts may be, in part, via the activation of ERK/ S6K1 signaling