27 research outputs found

    Os quase-mercados na educação superior: dos improváveis mercados perfeitamente competitivos à imprescindível regulação do Estado The quasi-markets in higher education: from the improbable perfectly competitive markets to the unavoidable State regulation

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    Nas últimas duas décadas, organismos internacionais multilaterais e governos de diversos países incentivaram reformas na educação superior que geraram, principalmente, a expansão das redes de instituições privadas, a redução dos financiamentos públicos, a cobrança de mensalidades e a competição no provimento de serviços educacionais. Como consequência, observou-se o fenômeno da mercantilização, no qual o desenvolvimento dos fins e dos meios da educação superior, tanto no âmbito estatal como no privado, sofre uma reorientação de acordo com os princípios e a lógica do mercado, e sob o qual a educação, gradativa e progressivamente, perde o status de bem público e assume a condição de serviço comercial. O presente artigo aborda a emergência da lógica e de mecanismos de mercado no contexto da educação superior, tomando por base importantes conceitos econômicos tais como mercado competitivo, livre mercado, intervenção estatal, quase-mercados e falhas de mercado. São descritas e analisadas as ocorrências de imperfeições de competição, ou seja, as falhas de mercado geralmente presentes nos contextos da educação superior: bens públicos, externalidades positivas, poder de monopólio e informações assimétricas. Por fim, conclui-se que a regulação dos Estados nacionais é imprescindível e que, por conseguinte, o estabelecimento de mercados perfeitamente competitivos no âmbito da educação superior é altamente improvável.<br>In the last two decades multilateral international organisms and the governments of several countries have stimulated reforms in higher education that fostered, fundamentally, the expansion of private school systems, the reduction of public financing, the charging of school fees, and the competition in the provision of educational services. As a consequence, it has been observed a phenomenon of commercialization, in which the development of the ends and means of higher education, both in state and in the private realms, is redirected in accordance to the principles and logic of the market, and under which education gradually loses its status as a public good, and acquires the position of a commercial service. The present article focuses on the emergence of the market logic and mechanisms in the context on higher education, based on important economic concepts, such as those of competitive market, free market, state intervention, quasi-markets and market failure. The occurrences of competition imperfections are described and analyzed, namely, the market failures generally present in the context of higher education: public goods, positive externalities, powers of monopoly, and asymmetrical information. The text concludes that the regulation of national States is indispensable and that, consequently, the establishment of perfectly competitive markets within the sphere of higher education is very unlikely

    La redefinición del espacio público: el caso de las escuelas autogestionadas en Argentina Redefining the public sphere: self-managed schools in Argentina

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    El Proyecto de las Escuelas Experimentales o Autogestionadas de la Provincia de San Luis adquiere sentido en el marco de la denominada Transformación Educativa y de las políticas desarrolladas en las últimas décadas en Argentina, que, al igual que en gran parte de los países latinoamericanos, han estado orientadas por discursos y prácticas tendientes a legitimar un nuevo modelo económico, social, político, cultural y educativo. La reforma educativa argentina de la década del '90 puede analizarse como una respuesta frente a la crisis de la matriz estado-céntrica que caracterizó la institucionalización y expansión del sistema educativo. El Proyecto de las Escuelas Experimentales en la Provincia de San Luis, inspirado en el modelo de las charter schools de Estados Unidos, es presentado por el Gobierno de la Provincia como un caso precursor en nivel regional en el marco de lo que caracterizan como la "necesaria e imperante reforma de los sistemas educativos". En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la lógica que orienta el modelo de estas escuelas así como presentar algunas problemáticas centrales vinculadas con el proceso de implementación de la propuesta.<br>The educational reform that took place in Argentina during the '90s was an answer to the crisis of the state-centered model that fostered the expansion of the school system in the XXth. Century. This reform assumed that the solution to improve the quality of education should focus on such issues as: reducing the role of the state in the system assessment; profoundly reforming the school organization; considering new forms of demand-side financing; introducing incentives; giving autonomy to individual schools; involving non-state institutions in policy management; producing information in order to guarantee the freedom of choice; offering new career for teachers based on merit and derogation of the labor statute. Nevertheless, the educational reform should be analyzed in the context of a broader reform process implemented in the whole Latin America in the '90s, aimed at legitimating a new economic, social, political and cultural model. Inspired in the "charter schools" model, the Experimental Schools Project in the Province of San Luis is a leading case in the region of what is characterized as the "necessary and imperative reform of the educational systems". In this context, the aim of this article is both to analyze the logic behind this model and to discuss the main issues of its implementation process