54 research outputs found

    Coral calcification under daily oxygen saturation and pH dynamics reveals the important role of oxygen

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    Coral reefs are essential to many nations, and are currently in global decline. Although climate models predict decreases in seawater pH (~0.3 units) and oxygen saturation (~5 percentage points), these are exceeded by the current daily pH and oxygen fluctuations on many reefs (pH 7.8–8.7 and 27–241% O2 saturation). We investigated the effect of oxygen and pH fluctuations on coral calcification in the laboratory using the model species Acropora millepora. Light calcification rates were greatly enhanced (+178%) by increased seawater pH, but only at normoxia; hyperoxia completely negated this positive effect. Dark calcification rates were significantly inhibited (51–75%) at hypoxia, whereas pH had no effect. Our preliminary results suggest that within the current oxygen and pH range, oxygen has substantial control over coral growth, whereas the role of pH is limited. This has implications for reef formation in this era of rapid climate change, which is accompanied by a decrease in seawater oxygen saturation owing to higher water temperatures and coastal eutrophication

    Coral calcification under daily oxygen saturation and pH dynamics reveals the important role of oxygen

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    Coral reefs are essential to many nations, and are currently in global decline. Although climate models predict decreases in seawater pH (~0.3 units) and oxygen saturation (~5 percentage points), these are exceeded by the current daily pH and oxygen fluctuations on many reefs (pH 7.8-8.7 and 27-241% O2 saturation). We investigated the effect of oxygen and pH fluctuations on coral calcification in the laboratory using the model species Acropora millepora. Light calcification rates were greatly enhanced (+178%) by increased seawater pH, but only at normoxia; hyperoxia completely negated this positive effect. Dark calcification rates were significantly inhibited (51-75%) at hypoxia, whereas pH had no effect. Our preliminary results suggest that within the current oxygen and pH range, oxygen has substantial control over coral growth, whereas the role of pH is limited. This has implications for reef formation in this era of rapid climate change, which is accompanied by a decrease in seawater oxygen saturation owing to higher water temperatures and coastal eutrophication

    Diversity of Wadden Sea macrofauna and meiofauna communities highest in DNA from extractions preceded by cell lysis

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    Metabarcoding of genetic material in environmental samples has increasingly been employed as a means to assess biodiversity, also of marine benthic communities. Current protocols employed to extract DNA from benthic samples and subsequent bioinformatics pipelines differ considerably. The present study compares three commonly deployed metabarcoding approaches against a morphological approach to assess benthic biodiversity in an intertidal bay in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environmental DNA was extracted using three different approaches; extraction of extracellular DNA, extraction preceded by cell lysis of a sieved fraction of the sediment, and extraction of DNA directly from small amounts of sediment. DNA extractions after lysis of sieved sediment fractions best recovered the macrofauna diversity whereas direct DNA extraction of small amounts of sediment best recovered the meiofauna diversity. Extractions of extracellular DNA yielded the lowest number of OTUs per sample and hence an incomplete view of benthic biodiversity. An assessment of different bioinformatic pipelines and parameters was conducted using a mock sample with a known species composition. The RDP classifier performed better than BLAST for taxonomic assignment of the samples in this study. Novel metabarcodes obtained from local specimens were added to the SILVA 18S rRNA database to improve taxonomic assignment. This study provides recommendations for a general metabarcoding protocol for marine benthic surveys in the Wadden Sea

    Genomic Organization and Control of the Grb7 Gene Family

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    Grb7 and their related family members Grb10 and Grb14 are adaptor proteins, which participate in the functionality of multiple signal transduction pathways under the control of a variety of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. They are involved in the modulation of important cellular and organismal functions such as cell migration, cell proliferation, apoptosis, gene expression, protein degradation, protein phosphorylation, angiogenesis, embryonic development and metabolic control. In this short review we shall describe the organization of the genes encoding the Grb7 protein family, their transcriptional products and the regulatory mechanisms implicated in the control of their expression. Finally, the alterations found in these genes and the mechanisms affecting their expression under pathological conditions such as cancer, diabetes and some congenital disorders will be highlighted

    Sharing the slope: depth partitioning of agariciid corals and associated <i>Symbiodinium</i> across shallow and mesophotic habitats (2-60 m) on a Caribbean reef

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    Background: Scleractinian corals and their algal endosymbionts (genus Symbiodinium) exhibit distinct bathymetric distributions on coral reefs. Yet, few studies have assessed the evolutionary context of these ecological distributions by exploring the genetic diversity of closely related coral species and their associated Symbiodinium over large depth ranges. Here we assess the distribution and genetic diversity of five agariciid coral species (Agaricia humilis, A. agaricites, A. lamarcki, A. grahamae, and Helioseris cucullata) and their algal endosymbionts (Symbiodinium) across a large depth gradient (2-60 m) covering shallow to mesophotic depths on a Caribbean reef.<br>Results: The five agariciid species exhibited distinct depth distributions, and dominant Symbiodinium associations were found to be species-specific, with each of the agariciid species harbouring a distinct ITS2-DGGE profile (except for a shared profile between A. lamarcki and A. grahamae). Only A. lamarcki harboured different Symbiodinium types across its depth distribution (i.e. exhibited symbiont zonation). Phylogenetic analysis (atp6) of the coral hosts demonstrated a division of the Agaricia genus into two major lineages that correspond to their bathymetric distribution ("shallow": A. humilis / A. agaricites and "deep": A. lamarcki / A. grahamae), highlighting the role of depth-related factors in the diversification of these congeneric agariciid species. The divergence between "shallow" and "deep" host species was reflected in the relatedness of the associated Symbiodinium (with A. lamarcki and A. grahamae sharing an identical Symbiodinium profile, and A. humilis and A. agaricites harbouring a related ITS2 sequence in their Symbiodinium profiles), corroborating the notion that brooding corals and their Symbiodinium are engaged in coevolutionary processes.<br>Conclusions: Our findings support the hypothesis that the depth-related environmental gradient on reefs has played an important role in the diversification of the genus Agaricia and their associated Symbiodinium, resulting in a genetic segregation between coral host-symbiont communities at shallow and mesophotic depths

    Detection of grey seal <i>Halichoerus grypus</i> DNA in attack wounds on stranded harbour porpoises <i>Phocoena phocoena</i>

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    DNA was analysed from external wounds on 3 dead harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena that were stranded in the Netherlands. Puncture wounds as well as the edges of large open wounds were sampled with sterile cotton swabs. With specific primers that target the mtDNA control region of grey seal Halichoerus grypus, a 196 bp DNA fragment was amplified from 4 puncture wounds. Sequencing of the fragments confirmed the presence of grey seal DNA in the puncture wounds. DNA sequences differed between the cases, implying that 3 individual grey seals were involved. As 8 control swabs from intact skin and the transport bag as well as 6 swabs from open wounds on the same harbour porpoises were all negative, contamination with environmental DNA is considered unlikely. The results provide a link between strandings of mutilated harbour porpoises and recent observations of grey seals attacking harbour porpoises. Ours is the first study to use forensic techniques to identify DNA in bite marks from carcasses recovered from the marine environment. This approach can be extended to identify other marine aggressors, including cases involving persons mutilated at sea

    A quest for the biological sources of long chain alkyl diols in the western tropical North Atlantic Ocean

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    Long chain alkyl diols (LCDs) are widespread in the marine water column and sediments, but their biological sources are mostly unknown. Here we combine lipid analyses with 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing on suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected in the photic zone of the western tropical North Atlantic Ocean at 24 stations to infer relationships between LCDs and potential LCD producers. The C30 1,15-diol was detected in all SPM samples and accounted for  &gt; 95&thinsp;% of the total LCDs, while minor proportions of C28 and C30 1,13-diols, C28 and C30 1,14-diols, as well as C32 1,15-diol were found. The concentration of the C30 and C32 diols was higher in the mixed layer of the water column compared to the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), whereas concentrations of C28 diols were comparable. Sequencing analyses revealed extremely low contributions ( ≈ 0.1&thinsp;% of the 18S rRNA gene reads) of known LCD producers, but the contributions from two taxonomic classes with which known producers are affiliated, i.e. Dictyochophyceae and Chrysophyceae, followed a trend similar to that of the concentrations of C30 and C32 diols. Statistical analyses indicated that the abundance of 4 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of the Chrysophyceae and Dictyochophyceae, along with 23 OTUs falling into other phylogenetic groups, were weakly (r ≤ 0.6) but significantly (p value&thinsp; &lt; 0.01) correlated with C30 diol concentrations. It is not clear whether some of these OTUs might indeed correspond to C28−32 diol producers or whether these correlations are just indirect and the occurrence of C30 diols and specific OTUs in the same samples might be driven by other environmental conditions. Moreover, primer mismatches were unlikely, but cannot be excluded, and the variable number of rRNA gene copies within eukaryotes might have affected the analyses leading to LCD producers being undetected or undersampled. Furthermore, based on the average LCD content measured in cultivated LCD-producing algae, the detected concentrations of LCDs in SPM are too high to be explained by the abundances of the suspected LCD-producing OTUs. This is likely explained by the slower degradation of LCDs compared to DNA in the oxic water column and suggests that some of the LCDs found here were likely to be associated with suspended debris, while the DNA from the related LCD producers had been already fully degraded. This suggests that care should be taken in constraining biological sources of relatively stable biomarker lipids by quantitative comparisons of DNA and lipid abundances.</p

    Phototrophic biofilms and their potential applications

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    Phototrophic biofilms occur on surfaces exposed to light in a range of terrestrial and aquatic environments. Oxygenic phototrophs like diatoms, green algae, and cyanobacteria are the major primary producers that generate energy and reduce carbon dioxide, providing the system with organic substrates and oxygen. Photosynthesis fuels processes and conversions in the total biofilm community, including the metabolism of heterotrophic organisms. A matrix of polymeric substances secreted by phototrophs and heterotrophs enhances the attachment of the biofilm community. This review discusses the actual and potential applications of phototrophic biofilms in wastewater treatment, bioremediation, fish-feed production, biohydrogen production, and soil improvement