157 research outputs found

    Evolutionary and ecological role of extracellular contractile injection systems: from threat to weapon.

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    Contractile injection systems (CISs) are phage tail-related structures that are encoded in many bacterial genomes. These devices encompass the cell-based type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) as well as extracellular CISs (eCISs). The eCISs comprise the R-tailocins produced by various bacterial species as well as related phage tail-like structures such as the antifeeding prophages (Afps) of Serratia entomophila, the Photorhabdus virulence cassettes (PVCs), and the metamorphosis-associated contractile structures (MACs) of Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea. These contractile structures are released into the extracellular environment upon suicidal lysis of the producer cell and play important roles in bacterial ecology and evolution. In this review, we specifically portray the eCISs with a focus on the R-tailocins, sketch the history of their discovery and provide insights into their evolution within the bacterial host, their structures and how they are assembled and released. We then highlight ecological and evolutionary roles of eCISs and conceptualize how they can influence and shape bacterial communities. Finally, we point to their potential for biotechnological applications in medicine and agriculture


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    INTRODUCTION While the physiological responses of individuals to load carrying have been studied (Bloom et al. 1987; Evans et al. 1983), there is still a lack of information in biomecanics research focused on the forces applied to the trunk and the shoulders. The aim of this work is to present a way of measuring forces applied by a backpack to the shoulders when the subject walks for 30 min on a treadmill. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twelve subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment, four were hikers (>20 trekking/year: expert), four were occasional hikers

    Genome Sequence of the Pseudomonas protegens Phage ΦGP100.

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    We report here the complete annotated genome sequence of ΦGP100, a lytic bacteriophage of the Podoviridae family. ΦGP100 was isolated from rhizosphere soil in Switzerland and infects specifically strains of Pseudomonas protegens that are known for their plant-beneficial activities. Phage ΦGP100 has a 50,547-bp genome with 76 predicted open reading frames

    Molecular and evolutionary basis of O-antigenic polysaccharide-driven phage sensitivity in environmental pseudomonads.

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    Pseudomonas protegens CHA0, a bacterial strain able to suppress plant pathogens as well as efficiently kill lepidopteran pest insects, has been studied as a biocontrol agent to prevent ensuing agricultural damage. However, the success of this method is dependent on efficient plant colonization by the bacterial inoculant, while it faces competition from the resident microbiota as well as predators such as bacteriophages. One of these naturally occurring phages, ΦGP100, was found to drastically reduce the abundance of CHA0 once inoculated into plant microcosms, resulting in the loss of plant protection effect against a phytopathogen. Here, we investigated the molecular determinants implicated in the interaction between CHA0 and the phage ΦGP100 using a high-density transposon-sequencing approach. We show that lipopolysaccharide cell surface decorations, specifically the longer OBC3-type O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the two dominant O-PS of CHA0, are essential for the attachment and infection of ΦGP100. Moreover, when exploring the distribution of the OBC3 cluster in bacterial genomes, we identified several parts of this gene cluster that are conserved in phylogenetically distant bacteria. Through heterologous complementation, we integrated an OBC3-type gene copy from a phylogenetically distant bacterium and were able to restore the phage sensitivity of a CHA0 mutant which lacked the ability to form long O-PS. Finally, we evidence that the OBC3 gene cluster of CHA0 displays a high genomic plasticity and likely underwent several horizontal acquisitions and genomic rearrangements. Collectively, this study underlines the complexity of phage-bacteria interactions and the multifunctional aspect of bacterial cell surface decorations. IMPORTANCE The application of plant-beneficial microorganisms to protect crop plants is a promising alternative to the usage of chemicals. However, biocontrol research often faces difficulties in implementing this approach due to the inconsistency of the bacterial inoculant to establish itself within the root microbiome. Beneficial bacterial inoculants can be decimated by the presence of their natural predators, notably bacteriophages (also called phages). Thus, it is important to gain knowledge regarding the mechanisms behind phage-bacteria interactions to overcome this challenge. Here, we evidence that the major long O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the widely used model plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 is the receptor of its natural predator, the phage ΦGP100. We examined the distribution of the gene cluster directing the synthesis of this O-PS and identified signatures of horizontal gene acquisitions. Altogether, our study highlights the importance of bacterial cell surface structure variation in the complex interplay between phages and their Pseudomonas hosts

    T6SS contributes to gut microbiome invasion and killing of an herbivorous pest insect by plant-beneficial Pseudomonas protegens.

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    Pseudomonas protegens are multi-talented plant-colonizing bacteria that suppress plant pathogens and stimulate plant defenses. In addition, they are capable of invading and killing agriculturally important plant pest insects that makes them promising candidates for biocontrol applications. Here we assessed the role of type VI secretion system (T6SS) components of type strain CHA0 during interaction with larvae of the cabbage pest Pieris brassicae. We show that the T6SS core apparatus and two VgrG modules, encompassing the respective T6SS spikes (VgrG1a and VgrG1b) and associated effectors (RhsA and Ghh1), contribute significantly to insect pathogenicity of P. protegens in oral infection assays but not when bacteria are injected directly into the hemolymph. Monitoring of the colonization levels of P. protegens in the gut, hemolymph, and excrements of the insect larvae revealed that the invader relies on T6SS and VgrG1a module function to promote hemocoel invasion. A 16S metagenomic analysis demonstrated that T6SS-supported invasion by P. protegens induces significant changes in the insect gut microbiome affecting notably Enterobacteriaceae, a dominant group of the commensal gut bacteria. Our study supports the concept that pathogens deploy T6SS-based strategies to disrupt the commensal microbiota in order to promote host colonization and pathogenesis

    Updated Genome Sequence and Annotation for the Full Genome of Pseudomonas protegens CHA0.

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    Minor differences in the previously obtained genome of Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 were detected after resequencing the strain. Based on this, the genome size slightly increased. Additionally, we performed a manual annotation of genes involved in biocontrol and insect pathogenicity. This annotation version will be the basis for upcoming genome studies

    The interactive effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria synergistically enhance host plant defences against pathogens

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    Belowground interactions between plant roots, mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can improve plant health via enhanced nutrient acquisition and priming of the plant immune system. Two wheat cultivars differing in their ability to form mycorrhiza were (co)inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and the rhizobacterial strain Pseudomonas putida KT2440. The cultivar with high mycorrhizal compatibility supported higher levels of rhizobacterial colonization than the low compatibility cultivar. Those levels were augmented by mycorrhizal infection. Conversely, rhizobacterial colonization of the low compatibility cultivar was reduced by mycorrhizal arbuscule formation. Single inoculations with R. irregularis or P. putida had differential growth effects on both cultivars. Furthermore, while both cultivars developed systemic priming of chitosan-induced callose after single inoculations with R. irregularis or P. putida, only the cultivar with high mycorrhizal compatibility showed a synergistic increase in callose responsiveness following co-inoculation with both microbes. Our results show that multilateral interactions between roots, mycorrhizal fungi and PGPR can have synergistic effects on growth and systemic priming of wheat

    The role of neutrophils in the upper and lower respiratory tract during influenza virus infection of mice

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils have been shown to play a role in host defence against highly virulent and mouse-adapted strains of influenza virus, however it is not clear if an effective neutrophil response is an important factor moderating disease severity during infection with other virus strains. In this study, we have examined the role of neutrophils during infection of mice with influenza virus strain HKx31, a virus strain of the H3N2 subtype and of moderate virulence for mice, to determine the role of neutrophils in the early phase of infection and in clearance of influenza virus from the respiratory tract during the later phase of infection. METHODS: The anti-Gr-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) RB6-8C5 was used to (i) identify neutrophils in the upper (nasal tissues) and lower (lung) respiratory tract of uninfected and influenza virus-infected mice, and (ii) deplete neutrophils prior to and during influenza virus infection of mice. RESULTS: Neutrophils were rapidly recruited to the upper and lower airways following influenza virus infection. We demonstrated that use of mAb RB6-8C5 to deplete C57BL/6 (B6) mice of neutrophils is complicated by the ability of this mAb to bind directly to virus-specific CD8+ T cells. Thus, we investigated the role of neutrophils in both the early and later phases of infection using CD8+ T cell-deficient B6.TAP-/- mice. Infection of B6.TAP-/- mice with a low dose of influenza virus did not induce clinical disease in control animals, however RB6-8C5 treatment led to profound weight loss, severe clinical disease and enhanced virus replication throughout the respiratory tract. CONCLUSION: Neutrophils play a critical role in limiting influenza virus replication during the early and later phases of infection. Furthermore, a virus strain of moderate virulence can induce severe clinical disease in the absence of an effective neutrophil response

    Live cell dynamics of production, explosive release and killing activity of phage tail-like weapons for Pseudomonas kin exclusion.

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    Interference competition among bacteria requires a highly specialized, narrow-spectrum weaponry when targeting closely-related competitors while sparing individuals from the same clonal population. Here we investigated mechanisms by which environmentally important Pseudomonas bacteria with plant-beneficial activity perform kin interference competition. We show that killing between phylogenetically closely-related strains involves contractile phage tail-like devices called R-tailocins that puncture target cell membranes. Using live-cell imaging, we evidence that R-tailocins are produced at the cell center, transported to the cell poles and ejected by explosive cell lysis. This enables their dispersal over several tens of micrometers to reach targeted cells. We visualize R-tailocin-mediated competition dynamics between closely-related Pseudomonas strains at the single-cell level, both in non-induced condition and upon artificial induction. We document the fatal impact of cellular self-sacrifice coupled to deployment of phage tail-like weaponry in the microenvironment of kin bacterial competitors, emphasizing the necessity for microscale assessment of microbial competitions