608 research outputs found

    Light Resonances and the Low-q2q^2 Bin of RKR_{K^*}

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    LHCb has reported hints of lepton-flavor universality violation in the rare decays BK()+B \to K^{(*)} \ell^+\ell^-, both in high- and low-q2q^2 bins. Although the high-q2q^2 hint may be explained by new short-ranged interactions, the low-q2q^2 one cannot. We thus explore the possibility that the latter is explained by a new light resonance. We find that LHCb's central value of RKR_{K^*} in the low-q2q^2 bin is achievable in a restricted parameter space of new-physics scenarios in which the new, light resonance decays preferentially to electrons and has a mass within approximately 1010 MeV of the di-muon threshold. Interestingly, such an explanation can have a kinematic origin and does not require a source of lepton-flavor universality violation. A model-independent prediction is a narrow peak in the differential BKe+eB \to K^* e^+e^- rate close to the di-muon threshold. If such a peak is observed, other observables, such as the differential BKe+eB \to K e^+e^- rate and RKR_K, may be employed to distinguish between models. However, if a low-mass resonance is not observed and the low-q2q^2 anomaly increases in significance, then the case for an experimental origin of the lepton-flavor universality violating anomalies would be strengthened. To further explore this, we also point out that, in analogy to J/ψJ/\psi decays, e+ee^+e^- and μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- decays of ϕ\phi mesons can be used as a cross check of lepton-flavor universality by LHCb with 55 fb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    The Role of Vector Boson Fusion in the Production of Heavy Vector Triplets at the LHC and HL-LHC

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    We clarify the role of vector boson fusion (VBF) in the production of heavy vector triplets at the LHC and the HL-LHC. We point out that the presence of VBF production leads to an unavoidable rate of Drell-Yan (DY) production and highlight the subtle interplay between the falling parton luminosities and the increasing importance of VBF production as the heavy vector mass increases. We discuss current LHC searches and HL-LHC projections in di-boson and di-lepton final states and demonstrate that VBF production outperforms DY production for resonance masses above 1 TeV in certain regions of the parameter space. We define two benchmark parameter points which provide competitive production rates in vector boson fusion.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Classification of three-family flavoured DFSZ axion models that have no domain wall problem

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    We provide an exhaustive classification of three-family DFSZ axion models that have no cosmological domain wall problem. This result is obtained by making the Peccei-Quinn symmetry flavour dependent in certain specific ways, thus reinforcing a possible connection between the strong CP problem and the flavour puzzle. Known DFSZ flavour variants such as the top-specific model emerge as special cases. Key features of the phenomenology of these models are briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 3 table

    Формирование предпринимательских умений студентов инженерного вуза

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    Представлена методика формирования предпринимательских умений студентов инженерного вуза на основе практико-ориентированной подготовки, способствующей внедренческой деятельности инженера в современных условиях. Проведен анализ состояния проблемы формирования предпринимательских умений в России. Определены педагогические условия, способствующие формированию готовности студентов технического университета к комплексной инженерной деятельности. Сформулировано понятие предпринимательской компетенции инженера. Обосновано эффективное применение метода проектов для формирования предпринимательских умений студентов инженерного вуза. Представлена модель формирования предпринимательских умений студентов инженерного вуза с учетом проектной деятельности инженера.The developing methods of entrepreneurial competences of engineering students, based on the practice-oriented training to encourage an implemental activity of an engineer in the modern context has been presented in the report. The analysis of the problem of entrepreneurial competencies development in Russia has been carried out. The pedagogical conditions encouraging the commitment of the technical university students for an integrated engineering activity has been defined. The concept of entrepreneurial competencies of an engineer has been stated. An effective appliance of project methods to develop entrepreneurial competences of the engineering university students has been proved. There has been presented the development model of entrepreneurial competences of engineering students

    Direct evidence of dust growth in L183 from MIR light scattering

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    Theoretical arguments suggest that dust grains should grow in the dense cold parts of molecular clouds. Evidence of larger grains has so far been gathered in near/mid infrared extinction and millimeter observations. Interpreting the data is, however, aggravated by the complex interplay of density and dust properties (as well as temperature for thermal emission). We present new Spitzer data of L183 in bands that are sensitive and insensitive to PAHs. The visual extinction AV map derived in a former paper was fitted by a series of 3D Gaussian distributions. For different dust models, we calculate the scattered MIR radiation images of structures that agree agree with the AV map and compare them to the Spitzer data. The Spitzer data of L183 show emission in the 3.6 and 4.5 micron bands, while the 5.8 micron band shows slight absorption. The emission layer of stochastically heated particles should coincide with the layer of strongest scattering of optical interstellar radiation, which is seen as an outer surface on I band images different from the emission region seen in the Spitzer images. Moreover, PAH emission is expected to strongly increase from 4.5 to 5.8 micron, which is not seen. Hence, we interpret this emission to be MIR cloudshine. Scattered light modeling when assuming interstellar medium dust grains without growth does not reproduce flux measurable by Spitzer. In contrast, models with grains growing with density yield images with a flux and pattern comparable to the Spitzer images in the bands 3.6, 4.5, and 8.0 micron.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Incidence, prevalence and care of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Germany: Time trends and regional socioeconomic situation

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    Background: Trends over time and possible socio-spatial inequalities in the incidence and care of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) in children and adolescents are important parameters for the planning of target-specific treatment structures. Methodology: The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia as well as the HbA1c value are presented for under 18-year-olds based on data from the nationwide Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV) and the diabetes registry of North Rhine-Westphalia. Indicators were mapped by sex over time between 2014 and 2020, and stratified by sex, age and regional socioeconomic deprivation for 2020. Results: In 2020, the incidence was 29.2 per 100,000 person-years and the prevalence was 235.5 per 100,000 persons, with the figures being higher in boys than in girls in either case. The median HbA1c value was 7.5%. Ketoacidosis manifested in 3.4% of treated children and adolescents, significantly more often in regions with very high (4.5%) deprivation than in regions with very low deprivation (2.4%). The proportion of severe hypoglycaemia cases was 3.0%. Between 2014 and 2020, the incidence, prevalence and HbA1c levels changed little, while the proportions of ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia decreased. Conclusions: The decrease in acute complications indicates that type 1 diabetes care has improved. Similar to previous studies, the results suggest an inequality in care by regional socioeconomic situation

    Generation, Annotation, Evolutionary Analysis, and Database Integration of 20,000 Unique Sea Urchin EST Clusters

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    Together with the hemichordates, sea urchins represent basal groups of nonchordate invertebrate deuterostomes that occupy a key position in bilaterian evolution. Because sea urchin embryos are also amenable to functional studies, the sea urchin system has emerged as one of the leading models for the analysis of the function of genomic regulatory networks that control development. We have analyzed a total of 107,283 cDNA clones of libraries that span the development of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Normalization by oligonucleotide fingerprinting, EST sequencing and sequence clustering resulted in an EST catalog comprised of 20,000 unique genes or gene fragments. Around 7000 of the unique EST consensus sequences were associated with molecular and developmental functions. Phylogenetic comparison of the identified genes to the genome of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis indicate that at least one quarter of the genes thought to be chordate specific were already present at the base of deuterostome evolution. Comparison of the number of gene copies in sea urchins to those in chordates and vertebrates indicates that the sea urchin genome has not undergone extensive gene or complete genome duplications. The established unique gene set represents an essential tool for the annotation and assembly of the forthcoming sea urchin genome sequence. All cDNA clones and filters of all analyzed libraries are available from the resource center of the German genome project at http://www.rzpd.de

    Incidence, prevalence and care of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Germany: Time trends and regional socioeconomic situation

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    Background: Trends over time and possible socio-spatial inequalities in the incidence and care of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) in children and adolescents are important parameters for the planning of target-specific treatment structures. Methodology: The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia as well as the HbA1c value are presented for under 18-year-olds based on data from the nationwide Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV) and the diabetes registry of North Rhine-Westphalia. Indicators were mapped by sex over time between 2014 and 2020, and stratified by sex, age and regional socioeconomic deprivation for 2020. Results: In 2020, the incidence was 29.2 per 100,000 person-years and the prevalence was 235.5 per 100,000 persons, with the figures being higher in boys than in girls in either case. The median HbA1c value was 7.5%. Ketoacidosis manifested in 3.4% of treated children and adolescents, significantly more often in regions with very high (4.5%) deprivation than in regions with very low deprivation (2.4%). The proportion of severe hypoglycaemia cases was 3.0%. Between 2014 and 2020, the incidence, prevalence and HbA1c levels changed little, while the proportions of ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia decreased. Conclusions: The decrease in acute complications indicates that type 1 diabetes care has improved. Similar to previous studies, the results suggest an inequality in care by regional socioeconomic situation