6,167 research outputs found

    Gynaecological emergencies seen in a referral hospital in Northwest Nigeria: A 3‑year retrospective study

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    Background: Gynaecological emergencies are common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and patients’ characteristics are important determinants of gynaecological emergencies.Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the pattern and management outcome of gynaecological emergencies in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), Kano.Materials and Methods: A 3‑year retrospective review of all gynaecological  emergencies seen in AKTH between January 2012 and December 2014 was done.Results: A total of 3050 gynaecological consultations were done within the period under review, 1337 of which were  gynaecological emergencies giving an institutional prevalence of 43.8%. The highest (44.5%) frequency was seen in the 21–30‑year age group. Ten different types of gynaecological emergencies were seen with  abortion being the leading (59.3%) gynaecological emergency. Incomplete abortion is the most common form of miscarriage in age’s ≄ 20 years; in the Parous; and amongst married women. Sexual assault occurred in 5% of the patients, with 47.8% occurring in individuals aged below 10 years. The least common gynaecological emergency was coital laceration which accounted for 0.5%. The prevalence of  mortality from gynaecological emergencies was 3.7%. The most common cause of mortality from a gynaecological emergency was bleeding gynaecological  malignancy and carcinoma of the cervix accounting for 41.2%.Conclusion: Gynaecological emergencies are common and abortions are the most common emergency at AKTH. Patient   characteristics play a significant role in their pattern of presentation, while outcomes of these emergencies are related to their cause and manner of presentation. Increased surveillance and advocacy of policies that strongly punish individuals convicted of sexual assault should be encouraged, and increased awareness and utilization of Pap smear should be encouraged for early detection of premalignant and early stage carcinoma of the cervix. Further research is required to identify the possible risk factors/causes of abortion in this environment.Key words: Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital; gynaecological emergency; pattern; review

    Observation of Magnetic Edge State and Dangling Bond State on Nanographene in Activated Carbon Fibers

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    The electronic structure of nanographene in pristine and fluorinated activated carbon fibers (ACFs) have been investigated with near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and compared with magnetic properties we reported on previously. In pristine ACFs in which magnetic properties are governed by non-bonding edge states of the \pi-electron, a pre-peak assigned to the edge state was observed below the conduction electron {\pi}* peak close to the Fermi level in NEXAFS. Via the fluorination of the ACFs, an extra peak, which was assigned to the \sigma-dangling bond state, was observed between the pre-peak of the edge state and the {\pi}* peak in the NEXAFS profile. The intensities of the extra peak correlate closely with the spin concentration created upon fluorination. The combination of the NEXAFS and magnetic measurement results confirms the coexistence of the magnetic edge states of \pi-electrons and dangling bond states of \sigma-electrons on fluorinated nanographene sheets.Comment: 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Nuclear Physics Program at the ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    The ATLAS collaboration has significant interest in the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. We submitted a Letter of Intent to the United States Department of Energy in March 2002. The following document is a slightly modified version of that LOI. More details are available at: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/SM/ionsComment: Letter of Intent submitted to the United States Department of Energy Nuclear Physics Division in March 2002 (revised version

    On the Lipschitz continuity of spectral bands of Harper-like and magnetic Schroedinger operators

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    We show for a large class of discrete Harper-like and continuous magnetic Schrodinger operators that their band edges are Lipschitz continuous with respect to the intensity of the external constant magnetic field. We generalize a result obtained by J. Bellissard in 1994, and give examples in favor of a recent conjecture of G. Nenciu.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar

    Verifying Temporal Regular Properties of Abstractions of Term Rewriting Systems

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    The tree automaton completion is an algorithm used for proving safety properties of systems that can be modeled by a term rewriting system. This representation and verification technique works well for proving properties of infinite systems like cryptographic protocols or more recently on Java Bytecode programs. This algorithm computes a tree automaton which represents a (regular) over approximation of the set of reachable terms by rewriting initial terms. This approach is limited by the lack of information about rewriting relation between terms. Actually, terms in relation by rewriting are in the same equivalence class: there are recognized by the same state in the tree automaton. Our objective is to produce an automaton embedding an abstraction of the rewriting relation sufficient to prove temporal properties of the term rewriting system. We propose to extend the algorithm to produce an automaton having more equivalence classes to distinguish a term or a subterm from its successors w.r.t. rewriting. While ground transitions are used to recognize equivalence classes of terms, epsilon-transitions represent the rewriting relation between terms. From the completed automaton, it is possible to automatically build a Kripke structure abstracting the rewriting sequence. States of the Kripke structure are states of the tree automaton and the transition relation is given by the set of epsilon-transitions. States of the Kripke structure are labelled by the set of terms recognized using ground transitions. On this Kripke structure, we define the Regular Linear Temporal Logic (R-LTL) for expressing properties. Such properties can then be checked using standard model checking algorithms. The only difference between LTL and R-LTL is that predicates are replaced by regular sets of acceptable terms

    Novel electronic wave interference patterns in nanographene sheets

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    Superperiodic patterns with a long distance in a nanographene sheet observed by STM are discussed in terms of the interference of electronic wave functions. The period and the amplitude of the oscillations decrease spatially in one direction. We explain the superperiodic patterns with a static linear potential theoretically. In the k-p model, the oscillation period decreases, and agrees with experiments. The spatial difference of the static potential is estimated as 1.3 eV for 200 nm in distance, and this value seems to be reasonable in order that the potential difference remains against perturbations, for example, by phonon fluctuations and impurity scatterings. It turns out that the long-distance oscillations come from the band structure of the two-dimensional graphene sheet.Comment: Published as a LETTER in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter; 8 pages; 6 figures; Online version at http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/3/1256/0hJAmc5sCL6d.7sOO.BtLw/abstract/0953-8984/14/3 6/10
