1,074 research outputs found

    A Dual Function for Prickle in Regulating Frizzled Stability during Feedback-Dependent Amplification of Planar Polarity

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    The core planar polarity pathway coordinates epithelial cell polarity during animal development, and loss of its activity gives rise to a range of defects, from aberrant morphogenetic cell movements to failure to correctly orient structures, such as hairs and cilia. The core pathway functions via a mechanism involving segregation of its protein components to opposite cells ends, where they form asymmetric intracellular complexes that couple cell-cell polarity. This segregation is a self-organizing process driven by feedback interactions between the core proteins themselves. Despite intense efforts, the molecular pathways underlying feedback have proven difficult to elucidate using conventional genetic approaches. Here we investigate core protein function during planar polarization of the Drosophila wing by combining quantitative measurements of protein dynamics with loss-of-function genetics, mosaic analysis, and temporal control of gene expression. Focusing on the key core protein Frizzled, we show that its stable junctional localization is promoted by the core proteins Strabismus, Dishevelled, Prickle, and Diego. In particular, we show that the stabilizing function of Prickle on Frizzled requires Prickle activity in neighboring cells. Conversely, Prickle in the same cell has a destabilizing effect on Frizzled. This destabilizing activity is dependent on the presence of Dishevelled and blocked in the absence of Dynamin and Rab5 activity, suggesting an endocytic mechanism. Overall, our approach reveals for the first time essential in vivo stabilizing and destabilizing interactions of the core proteins required for self-organization of planar polarity

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    Substrate effects on surface magetetism of Fe/W(110) from first principles

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    Surface magnetic properties of the pseudomorphic Fe(110) monolayer on a W(110) substrate are investigated from first principles as a function of the substrate thickness (up to eight layers). Analyzing the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energies, we find stable (with respect to the number of substrate layers) in-plane easy and hard axes of magnetization along the [1[overline 1]0] and [001] directions, respectively, reaching a value in good agreement with experiment for thick substrates. Additionally, the changes to the magnetic spin moments and the density of the Fe d states are analyzed with respect to the number of substrate layers as well as with respect to the direction of magnetization. With respect to the number of W(110) substrate layers beneath the Fe(110) surface, we find that the first four substrate layers have a large influence on the electronic and magnetic properties of the surface. Beyond the fourth layer, the substrate has only marginal influence on the surface properties.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figures, 3 Table

    New Perspective on the Optical Theorem of Classical Electrodynamics

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    A general proof of the optical theorem (also known as the optical cross-section theorem) is presented that reveals the intimate connection between the forward scattering amplitude and the absorption-plus-scattering of the incident wave within the scatterer. The oscillating electric charges and currents as well as the electric and magnetic dipoles of the scatterer, driven by an incident plane-wave, extract energy from the incident beam at a certain rate. The same oscillators radiate electro-magnetic energy into the far field, thus giving rise to well-defined scattering amplitudes along various directions. The essence of the proof presented here is that the extinction cross-section of an object can be related to its forward scattering amplitude using the induced oscillations within the object but without an actual knowledge of the mathematical form assumed by these oscillations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 12 reference

    Reciprocal action of casein kinase Iε on core planar polarity proteins regulates clustering and asymmetric localisation

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    The conserved core planar polarity pathway is essential for coordinating polarised cell behaviours and the formation of polarised structures such as cilia and hairs. Core planar polarity proteins localise asymmetrically to opposite cell ends and form intercellular complexes that link the polarity of neighbouring cells. This asymmetric segregation is regulated by phosphorylation through poorly understood mechanisms. We show that loss of phosphorylation of the core protein Strabismus in the Drosophila pupal wing increases its stability and promotes its clustering at intercellular junctions, and that Prickle negatively regulates Strabismus phosphorylation. Additionally, loss of phosphorylation of Dishevelled – which normally localises to opposite cell edges to Strabismus – reduces its stability at junctions. Moreover, both phosphorylation events are independently mediated by Casein Kinase Iε. We conclude that Casein Kinase Iε phosphorylation acts as a switch, promoting Strabismus mobility and Dishevelled immobility, thus enhancing sorting of these proteins to opposite cell edges

    Whispering Gallery States of Antihydrogen

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    We study theoretically interference of the long-living quasistationary quantum states of antihydrogen atoms, localized near a concave material surface. Such states are an antimatter analog of the whispering gallery states of neutrons and matter atoms, and similar to the whispering gallery modes of sound and electro-magnetic waves. Quantum states of antihydrogen are formed by the combined effect of quantum reflection from van der Waals/Casimir-Polder (vdW/CP) potential of the surface and the centrifugal potential. We point out a method for precision studies of quantum reflection of antiatoms from vdW/CP potential; this method uses interference of the whispering gallery states of antihydrogen.Comment: 13 pages 7 figure

    The distribution of polycomb-group proteins during cell division and development in Drosophila embryos: Impact on models for silencing

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    The subcellular three-dimensional distribution of three polycomb-group (PcG) proteins—polycomb, polyhomeotic and posterior sex combs—in fixed whole-mount Drosophila embryos was analyzed by multicolor confocal fluorescence microscopy. All three proteins are localized in complex patterns of 100 or more loci throughout most of the interphase nuclear volume. The rather narrow distribution of the protein intensities in the vast majority of loci argues against a PcG-mediated sequestration of repressed target genes by aggregation into subnuclear domains. In contrast to the case for PEV repression (Csink, A.K., and S. Henikoff. 1996. Nature. 381:529–531), there is a lack of correlation between the occurrence of PcG proteins and high concentrations of DNA, demonstrating that the silenced genes are not targeted to heterochromatic regions within the nucleus. There is a clear distinction between sites of transcription in the nucleus and sites of PcG binding, supporting the assumption that most PcG binding loci are sites of repressive complexes. Although the PcG proteins maintain tissue-specific repression for up to 14 cell generations, the proteins studied here visibly dissociate from the chromatin during mitosis, and disperse into the cytoplasm in a differential manner. Quantitation of the fluorescence intensities in the whole mount embryos demonstrate that the dissociated proteins are present in the cytoplasm. We determined that <2% of PH remains attached to late metaphase and anaphase chromosomes. Each of the three proteins that were studied has a different rate and extent of dissociation at prophase and reassociation at telophase. These observations have important implications for models of the mechanism and maintenance of PcG- mediated gene repression

    Increased alpha and beta cell mass during mouse pregnancy is not dependent on transdifferentiation

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    Maternal pancreatic beta-cell mass (BCM) increases during pregnancy to compensate for relative insulin resistance. If BCM expansion is suboptimal, gestational diabetes mellitus can develop. Alpha-cell mass (ACM) also changes during pregnancy, but there is a lack of information about α-cell plasticity in pregnancy and whether α- to β-cell transdifferentiation can occur. To investigate this, we used a mouse model of gestational glucose intolerance induced by feeding low-protein (LP) diet from conception until weaning and compared pregnant female offspring to control diet-fed animals. Control and LP pancreata were collected for immunohistochemical analysis and serum glucagon levels were measured. In order to lineage trace α- to β-cell conversion, we utilized transgenic mice expressing yellow fluorescent protein behind the proglucagon gene promoter (Gcg-Cre/YFP) and collected pancreata for histology at various gestational timepoints. Alpha-cell proliferation increased significantly at gestational day (GD) 9.5 in control pregnancies resulting in an increased ACM at GD18.5, and this was significantly reduced in LP animals. Despite these changes, serum glucagon was higher in LP mice at GD18.5. Pregnant Gcg-Cre/YFP mice showed no increase in the abundance of insulin+YFP+glucagon– cells (phenotypic β-cells). A second population of insulin+YFP+glucagon+ cells was identified which also did not alter during pregnancy. However, there was an altered anatomical distribution within islets with fewer insulin+YFP+glucagon– cells but more insulin+YFP+glucagon+ cells being present in the islet mantle at GD18.5. These findings demonstrate that dynamic changes in ACM occur during normal pregnancy and were altered in glucose-intolerant pregnancies

    The distribution of Polycomb-group proteins during cell division and development in Drosophila embryos: impact on models for silencing

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    The subcellular three-dimensional distribution of three polycomb-group (PcG) proteins-polycomb, polyhomeotic and posterior sex combs-in fixed whole-mount Drosophila embryos was analyzed by multicolor confocal fluorescence microscopy. All three proteins are localized in complex patterns of 100 or more loci throughout most of the interphase nuclear volume. The rather narrow distribution of the protein intensities in the vast majority of loci argues against a PcG-mediated sequestration of repressed target genes by aggregation into subnuclear domains. In contrast to the case for PEV repression (Csink, A.K., and S. Henikoff. 1996. Nature. 381:529-531), there is a lack of correlation between the occurrence of PcG proteins and high concentrations of DNA, demonstrating that the silenced genes are not targeted to heterochromatic regions within the nucleus. There is a clear distinction between sites of transcription in the nucleus and sites of PcG binding, supporting the assumption that most PcG binding loci are sites of repressive complexes. Although the PcG proteins maintain tissue-specific repression for up to 14 cell generations, the proteins studied here visibly dissociate from the chromatin during mitosis, and disperse into the cytoplasm in a differential manner. Quantitation of the fluorescence intensities in the whole mount embryos demonstrate that the dissociated proteins are present in the cytoplasm. We determined that <2% of PH remains attached to late metaphase and anaphase chromosomes. Each of the three proteins that were studied has a different rate and extent of dissociation at prophase and reassociation at telophase. These observations have important implications for models of the mechanism and maintenance of PcG-mediated gene repression

    Insulin-positive, Glut2-low cells present within mouse pancreas exhibit lineage plasticity and are enriched within extra-islet endocrine cell clusters

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    ABSTRACT: Regeneration of insulin-producing β-cells from resident pancreas progenitors requires an understanding of both progenitor identity and lineage plasticity. One model suggested that a rare β-cell sub-population within islets demonstrated multi-lineage plasticity. We hypothesized that β-cells from young mice (postnatal day 7, P7) exhibit such plasticity and used a model of islet dedifferentiation toward a ductal epithelial-cell phenotype to test this theory. RIPCre;Z/AP+/+ mice were used to lineage trace the fate of β-cells during dedifferentiation culture by a human placental alkaline phosphatase (HPAP) reporter. There was a significant loss of HPAP-expressing β-cells in culture, but remaining HPAP+ cells lost insulin expression while gaining expression of the epithelial duct cell marker cytokeratin-19 (Ck19). Flow cytometry and recovery of β-cell subpopulations from whole pancreas vs. islets suggest that the HPAP+Ck19+ cells had derived from insulin-positive, glucose-transporter-2-low (Ins+Glut2LO) cells, representing 3.5% of all insulin-expressing cells. The majority of these cells were found outside of islets within clusters of \u3c5 β-cells. These insulin+Glut2LO cells demonstrated a greater proliferation rate in vivo and in vitro as compared to insulin+Glut2+ cells at P7, were retained into adulthood, and a subset differentiated into endocrine, ductal, and neural lineages, illustrating substantial plasticity. Results were confirmed using RIPCre;ROSA- eYFP mice. Quantitative PCR data indicated these cells possess an immature β-cell phenotype. These Ins+Glut2LO cells may represent a resident population of cells capable of forming new, functional β-cells, and which may be potentially exploited for regenerative therapies in the future
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