1,814 research outputs found

    Effective one-component description of two-component Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics

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    We investigate dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in the context of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations and derive results for the evolution of the total density fluctuations. Using these results, we show how, in many cases of interest, the dynamics can be accurately described with an effective one-component Gross-Pitaevskii equation for one of the components, with the trap and interaction coefficients determined by the relative differences in the scattering lengths. We discuss the model in various regimes, where it predicts breathing excitations, and the formation of vector solitons. An effective nonlinear evolution is predicted for some cases of current experimental interest. We then apply the model to construct quasi-stationary states of two-component condensates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quantifying offshore fore-arc deformation and splay-fault slip using drowned Pleistocene shorelines, Arauco Bay, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Most of the deformation associated with the seismic cycle in subduction zones occurs offshore and has been therefore difficult to quantify with direct observations at millennial timescales. Here we study millennial deformation associated with an active splay-fault system in the Arauco Bay area off south central Chile. We describe hitherto unrecognized drowned shorelines using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, geomorphic, sedimentologic, and paleontologic observations and quantify uplift rates using a Landscape Evolution Model. Along a margin-normal profile, uplift rates are 1.3 m/ka near the edge of the continental shelf, 1.5 m/ka at the emerged Santa María Island, −0.1 m/ka at the center of the Arauco Bay, and 0.3 m/ka in the mainland. The bathymetry images a complex pattern of folds and faults representing the surface expression of the crustal-scale Santa María splay-fault system. We modeled surface deformation using two different structural scenarios: deep-reaching normal faults and deep-reaching reverse faults with shallow extensional structures. Our preferred model comprises a blind reverse fault extending from 3 km depth down to the plate interface at 16 km that slips at a rate between 3.0 and 3.7 m/ka. If all the splay-fault slip occurs during every great megathrust earthquake, with a recurrence of ~150–200 years, the fault would slip ~0.5 m per event, equivalent to a magnitude ~6.4 earthquake. However, if the splay-fault slips only with a megathrust earthquake every ~1000 years, the fault would slip ~3.7 m per event, equivalent to a magnitude ~7.5 earthquake. ©2017. American Geophysical Union.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016JB013339/epd

    Observation of a temperature dependent electrical resistance minimum above the magnetic ordering temperature in Gd2_2PdSi3_3

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    Results on electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, magnetic Results on electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and Gd Mossbauer measurements on a Gd-based intermetallic compound, Gd2_{2}PdSi3_{3} are reported. A finding of interest is that the resistivity unexpectedly shows a well-defined minimum at about 45 K, well above the long range magnetic ordering temperature (21 K), a feature which gets suppressed by the application of a magnetic field. This observation in a Gd alloy presents an interesting scenario. On the basis of our results, we propose electron localization induced by s-f (or d-f) exchange interaction prior to long range magnetic order as a mechanism for the electrical resistance minimum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Distinct Molecular Mechanisms of Host Immune Response Modulation by Arenavirus NP and Z Proteins

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    Endemic to West Africa and South America, mammalian arenaviruses can cross the species barrier from their natural rodent hosts to humans, resulting in illnesses ranging from mild flu-like syndromes to severe and fatal haemorrhagic zoonoses. The increased frequency of outbreaks and associated high fatality rates of the most prevalent arenavirus, Lassa, in West African countries, highlights the significant risk to public health and to the socio-economic development of affected countries. The devastating impact of these viruses is further exacerbated by the lack of approved vaccines and effective treatments. Differential immune responses to arenavirus infections that can lead to either clearance or rapid, widespread and uncontrolled viral dissemination are modulated by the arenavirus multifunctional proteins, NP and Z. These two proteins control the antiviral response to infection by targeting multiple cellular pathways; and thus, represent attractive targets for antiviral development to counteract infection. The interplay between the host immune responses and viral replication is a key determinant of virus pathogenicity and disease outcome. In this review, we examine the current understanding of host immune defenses against arenavirus infections and summarise the host protein interactions of NP and Z and the mechanisms that govern immune evasion strategies

    Strengthening Alexander's subbase theorem

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    Design of Semi-active Magnetorheological Valve with Non-magnetic Bypass

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    The paper presents a methodology of designof a semi-active magnetorheological (MR) valve. Themethodology was composed of the non-Newtonian fluid flowanalysis and FEM analysis of a magnetic circuit. Based onthe present methodology a MR valve was designed. The MRvalve achieves damping force 1600 N at a velocity of 0.15m/s. The time response was determined to 6 ms

    Transmission electron microscopy investigation of segregation and critical floating-layer content of indium for island formation in InGaAs

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    We have investigated InGaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence spectroscopy. InGaAs layers with In-concentrations of 16, 25 and 28 % and respective thicknesses of 20, 22 and 23 monolayers were deposited at 535 C. The parameters were chosen to grow layers slightly above and below the transition between the two- and three-dimensional growth mode. In-concentration profiles were obtained from high-resolution TEM images by composition evaluation by lattice fringe analysis. The measured profiles can be well described applying the segregation model of Muraki et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (1992) 557]. Calculated photoluminescence peak positions on the basis of the measured concentration profiles are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Evaluating experimental In-concentration profiles it is found that the transition from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional growth mode occurs if the indium content in the In-floating layer exceeds 1.1+/-0.2 monolayers. The measured exponential decrease of the In-concentration within the cap layer on top of the islands reveals that the In-floating layer is not consumed during island formation. The segregation efficiency above the islands is increased compared to the quantum wells which is explained tentatively by strain-dependent lattice-site selection of In. In addition, In0.25Ga0.75As quantum wells were grown at different temperatures between 500 oC and 550 oC. The evaluation of concentration profiles shows that the segregation efficiency increases from R=0.65 to R=0.83.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, sbmitted in Phys. Rev.

    Molekulare Mechanismen der Aktivierungs- und Migrationskontrolle identifizierter Mikrogliazellen und Makrophagen nach experimenteller zerebraler Ischämie

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    Infolge eines Schlaganfalles resultiert u.a. eine inflammatorische Reaktion, die das endgültige Infarktausmaß mitbestimmt. Das Monocyte-chemoattractant-protein-1 (MCP-1) ist an der ischämischen Schadenentwicklung beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit konnte an GFP-knochenmarkchimären MCP-1-/- Mäusen eine verbesserte postischämische neurologische Erholung, kleinere Infarkte sowie eine reduzierte Leukozytenimmigration gegenüber Kontrolltieren nachgewiesen werden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass MCP-1 keinen Einfluss auf die Mikrogliaaktivierung, den Turn-over perivaskulärer- und meningealer Makrophagen sowie die Neuroblastenmigration hat. Auf molekularer Ebene konnte in MCP-1-/- Mäusen eine verminderte Expression pro-inflammatorischer Gene nachgewiesen werden. Untersuchungen der postischämischen Bluthirnschrankenintegritätentwicklung zeigten in MCP-1-/- Tieren eine verminderte Proteindurchlässigkeit. Somit könnte eine selektive temporäre MCP-1-Hemmung nach einem Schlaganfall therapeutisch geeignet sein

    Symbiotic modeling: Linguistic Anthropology and the promise of chiasmus

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    Reflexive observations and observations of reflexivity: such agendas are by now standard practice in anthropology. Dynamic feedback loops between self and other, cause and effect, represented and representamen may no longer seem surprising; but, in spite of our enhanced awareness, little deliberate attention is devoted to modeling or grounding such phenomena. Attending to both linguistic and extra-linguistic modalities of chiasmus (the X figure), a group of anthropologists has recently embraced this challenge. Applied to contemporary problems in linguistic anthropology, chiasmus functions to highlight and enhance relationships of interdependence or symbiosis between contraries, including anthropology’s four fields, the nature of human being and facets of being human