174 research outputs found

    Regulation of growth-hormone-receptor gene expression by growth hormone and pegvisomant in human mesangial cells

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    Regulation of growth-hormone-receptor gene expression by growth hormone and pegvisomant in human mesangial cells.BackgroundMice transgenic for growth hormone develop mesangial proliferation, glomerular hypertrophy, and progressive glomerular sclerosis suggesting that the growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) pathway plays an important role. Therefore, we studied the impact of variable concentrations of 22 kD, 20 kD growth hormone, as well as of the growth hormone receptor antagonist pegvisomant (B2036-PEG), on both the growth hormone receptor (GHR/GHBP) gene expression and growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) formation in a human glomerular mesangial cell line. Further, the impact on collagen, IGF-I and IGF binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) formation was studied.MethodsIn order to assess transcription, quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used.ResultsPhysiologic doses of 22 kD or 20 kD growth hormone caused a dose-dependent and significant (P < 0.01) up-regulation of GHR/GHBP gene transcription, whereas supraphysiologic doses (50 and 500ng/mL) resulted in down-regulation (P < 0.001). Whenever pegvisomant was used, there was no increase in GHR/GHBP expression. These data were confirmed using run-on experiments. Further, the assessment of GHBP presented a constant, dose-dependent increase, which was completely abolished in the experiments where pegvisomant was used.ConclusionWe present data showing that growth hormone has a direct impact on GHR/GHPB gene transcription and that pegvisomant is a potent growth hormone receptor antagonist in human mesangial cells. In addition, although the GHR/GHBP gene transcription is down-regulated by supraphysiologic growth hormone concentrations, this effect was not found when GHBP levels were measured. This finding may reflect a self-inhibitory effect of growth hormone on the level of GHR/GHBP gene transcription, which does not involve the regulation of the shedding of GHBP and may, therefore, be of physiologic interest

    Family Business Restructuring:A Review and Research Agenda

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    Although business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both research streams. We address this by examining the intersection between research on business restructuring and family firms to improve our knowledge of each area and inform future research. To achieve this goal, we review and organize research across different dimensions to create an integrative framework. Building on current research, we focus on 88 studies at the intersection of family firm and business restructuring research to develop a model that identifies research needs and suggests directions for future research

    Evidence for glomerular receptors for parathyroid hormone

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