2,125 research outputs found

    The Random Walk in Generalized Quantum Theory

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    One can view quantum mechanics as a generalization of classical probability theory that provides for pairwise interference among alternatives. Adopting this perspective, we ``quantize'' the classical random walk by finding, subject to a certain condition of ``strong positivity'', the most general Markovian, translationally invariant ``decoherence functional'' with nearest neighbor transitions.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    A Spin-Statistics Theorem for Certain Topological Geons

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    We review the mechanism in quantum gravity whereby topological geons, particles made from non-trivial spatial topology, are endowed with nontrivial spin and statistics. In a theory without topology change there is no obstruction to ``anomalous'' spin-statistics pairings for geons. However, in a sum-over-histories formulation including topology change, we show that non-chiral abelian geons do satisfy a spin-statistics correlation if they are described by a wave function which is given by a functional integral over metrics on a particular four-manifold. This manifold describes a topology changing process which creates a pair of geons from R3R^3.Comment: 21 pages, Plain TeX with harvmac, 3 figures included via eps

    Discreteness and the transmission of light from distant sources

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    We model the classical transmission of a massless scalar field from a source to a detector on a background causal set. The predictions do not differ significantly from those of the continuum. Thus, introducing an intrinsic inexactitude to lengths and durations - or more specifically, replacing the Lorentzian manifold with an underlying discrete structure - need not disrupt the usual dynamics of propagation.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Version 2: reference adde

    Large Fluctuations in the Horizon Area and what they can tell us about Entropy and Quantum Gravity

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    We evoke situations where large fluctuations in the entropy are induced, our main example being a spacetime containing a potential black hole whose formation depends on the outcome of a quantum mechanical event. We argue that the teleological character of the event horizon implies that the consequent entropy fluctuations must be taken seriously in any interpretation of the quantal formalism. We then indicate how the entropy can be well defined despite the teleological character of the horizon, and we argue that this is possible only in the context of a spacetime or ``histories'' formulation of quantum gravity, as opposed to a canonical one, concluding that only a spacetime formulation has the potential to compute --- from first principles and in the general case --- the entropy of a black hole. From the entropy fluctuations in a related example, we also derive a condition governing the form taken by the entropy, when it is expressed as a function of the quantal density-operator.Comment: 35 pages, plain Tex, needs mathmacros.tex and msmacros.te

    Energy extremality in the presence of a black hole

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    We derive the so-called first law of black hole mechanics for variations about stationary black hole solutions to the Einstein--Maxwell equations in the absence of sources. That is, we prove that δM=κδA+ωδJ+VdQ\delta M=\kappa\delta A+\omega\delta J+VdQ where the black hole parameters M,κ,A,ω,J,VM, \kappa, A, \omega, J, V and QQ denote mass, surface gravity, horizon area, angular velocity of the horizon, angular momentum, electric potential of the horizon and charge respectively. The unvaried fields are those of a stationary, charged, rotating black hole and the variation is to an arbitrary `nearby' black hole which is not necessarily stationary. Our approach is 4-dimensional in spirit and uses techniques involving Action variations and Noether operators. We show that the above formula holds on any asymptotically flat spatial 3-slice which extends from an arbitrary cross-section of the (future) horizon to spatial infinity.(Thus, the existence of a bifurcation surface is irrelevant to our demonstration. On the other hand, the derivation assumes without proof that the horizon possesses at least one of the following two (related)properties: (ii) it cannot be destroyed by arbitrarily small perturbations of the metric and other fields which may be present, (iiii) the expansion of the null geodesic generators of the perturbed horizon goes to zero in the distant future.)Comment: 30 pages, latex fil

    Energy-momentum diffusion from spacetime discreteness

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    We study potentially observable consequences of spatiotemporal discreteness for the motion of massive and massless particles. First we describe some simple intrinsic models for the motion of a massive point particle in a fixed causal set background. At large scales, the microscopic swerves induced by the underlying atomicity manifest themselves as a Lorentz invariant diffusion in energy-momentum governed by a single phenomenological parameter, and we derive in full the corresponding diffusion equation. Inspired by the simplicity of the result, we then derive the most general Lorentz invariant diffusion equation for a massless particle, which turns out to contain two phenomenological parameters describing, respectively, diffusion and drift in the particle's energy. The particles do not leave the light cone however: their worldlines continue to be null geodesics. Finally, we deduce bounds on the drift and diffusion constants for photons from the blackbody nature of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, corrected minor typos and updated to match published versio

    On the "renormalization" transformations induced by cycles of expansion and contraction in causal set cosmology

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    We study the ``renormalization group action'' induced by cycles of cosmic expansion and contraction, within the context of a family of stochastic dynamical laws for causal sets derived earlier. We find a line of fixed points corresponding to the dynamics of transitive percolation, and we prove that there exist no other fixed points and no cycles of length two or more. We also identify an extensive ``basin of attraction'' of the fixed points but find that it does not exhaust the full parameter space. Nevertheless, we conjecture that every trajectory is drawn toward the fixed point set in a suitably weakened sense.Comment: 22 pages, 1 firgure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Causal Sets: Quantum gravity from a fundamentally discrete spacetime

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    In order to construct a quantum theory of gravity, we may have to abandon certain assumptions we were making. In particular, the concept of spacetime as a continuum substratum is questioned. Causal Sets is an attempt to construct a quantum theory of gravity starting with a fundamentally discrete spacetime. In this contribution we review the whole approach, focusing on some recent developments in the kinematics and dynamics of the approach.Comment: 10 pages, review of causal sets based on talk given at the 1st MCCQG conferenc

    An axisymmetric generalized harmonic evolution code

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    We describe the first axisymmetric numerical code based on the generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations which is regular at the axis. We test the code by investigating gravitational collapse of distributions of complex scalar field in a Kaluza-Klein spacetime. One of the key issues of the harmonic formulation is the choice of the gauge source functions, and we conclude that a damped wave gauge is remarkably robust in this case. Our preliminary study indicates that evolution of regular initial data leads to formation both of black holes with spherical and cylindrical horizon topologies. Intriguingly, we find evidence that near threshold for black hole formation the number of outcomes proliferates. Specifically, the collapsing matter splits into individual pulses, two of which travel in the opposite directions along the compact dimension and one which is ejected radially from the axis. Depending on the initial conditions, a curvature singularity develops inside the pulses.Comment: 21 page, 18 figures. v2: minor corrections, added references, new Fig. 9; journal version

    Occam's razor meets WMAP

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    Using a variety of quantitative implementations of Occam's razor we examine the low quadrupole, the ``axis of evil'' effect and other detections recently made appealing to the excellent WMAP data. We find that some razors {\it fully} demolish the much lauded claims for departures from scale-invariance. They all reduce to pathetic levels the evidence for a low quadrupole (or any other low \ell cut-off), both in the first and third year WMAP releases. The ``axis of evil'' effect is the only anomaly examined here that survives the humiliations of Occam's razor, and even then in the category of ``strong'' rather than ``decisive'' evidence. Statistical considerations aside, differences between the various renditions of the datasets remain worrying