382 research outputs found

    Projective Schur Division Algebras Are Abelian Crossed Products

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    AbstractLet k be a field. A projective Schur Algebra over k is a finite-dimensional k-central simple algebra which is a homomorphic image of a twisted group algebra kαG with G a finite group and α ∈ H2(G, k*). The main result of this paper is that every projective Schur division algebra is an abelian crossed product (K/k, ƒ), where K is a radical extension of k

    Image quality assessment for machine learning tasks using meta-reinforcement learning

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    In this paper, we consider image quality assessment (IQA) as a measure of how images are amenable with respect to a given downstream task, or task amenability. When the task is performed using machine learning algorithms, such as a neural-network-based task predictor for image classification or segmentation, the performance of the task predictor provides an objective estimate of task amenability. In this work, we use an IQA controller to predict the task amenability which, itself being parameterised by neural networks, can be trained simultaneously with the task predictor. We further develop a meta-reinforcement learning framework to improve the adaptability for both IQA controllers and task predictors, such that they can be fine-tuned efficiently on new datasets or meta-tasks. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed task-specific, adaptable IQA approach, using two clinical applications for ultrasound-guided prostate intervention and pneumonia detection on X-ray images

    Validation study of a web-based assessment of functional recovery after radical prostatectomy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Good clinical care of prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy depends on careful assessment of post-operative morbidities, yet physicians do not always judge patient symptoms accurately. Logistical problems associated with using paper questionnaire limit their use in the clinic. We have implemented a web-interface ("STAR") for patient-reported outcomes after radical prostatectomy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed data on the first 9 months of clinical implementation to evaluate the validity of the STAR questionnaire to assess functional outcomes following radical prostatectomy. We assessed response rate, internal consistency within domains, and the association between survey responses and known predictors of sexual and urinary function, including age, time from surgery, nerve sparing status and co-morbidities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 1581 men sent an invitation to complete the instrument online, 1235 responded for a response rate of 78%. Cronbach's alpha was 0.84, 0.86 and 0.97 for bowel, urinary and sexual function respectively. All known predictors of sexual and urinary function were significantly associated with survey responses in the hypothesized direction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have found that web-based assessment of functional recovery after radical prostatectomy is practical and feasible. The instrument demonstrated excellent psychometric properties, suggested that validity is maintained when questions are transferred from paper to electronic format and when patients give responses that they know will be seen by their doctor and added to their clinic record. As such, our system allows ready implementation of patient-reported outcomes into routine clinical practice.</p

    Continued availability and sale of pangolins in a major urban bushmeat market in Cameroon despite national bans and the COVID-19 outbreak

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    First paragraph: Bushmeat (or ‘wild meat’, defined as the meat of wild animals) is a major source of protein for rural people across sub-Saharan Africa (Ingram et al., 2021), yet some species suffer unsustainable levels of exploitation often to meet the demands of increasing urban populations (Coad et al., 2019; Wilkie et al., 2016). As in the rest of Central Africa, Cameroon has a long history of bushmeat consumption and trade (Bahuchet & Ioveva, 1999; Randolph, 2016). Pangolins (Family: Manidae) have been one of the many groups of species exploited as they are highly valued for food and, in some countries, used as traditional remedies (Soewu et al., 2020). Pangolin meat is favoured for its taste and it remains commonly offered for sale in Cameroonian markets and restaurants (Ingram et al., 2018; Nguyen et al., 2021). Furthermore, Cameroon has become one of the major export countries for the illegal trade in pangolin scales from Africa to Asia (Ingram et al., 2019a), to supply the market for Asian traditional medicines, for example in traditional Chinese medicine (Wang et al., 2020). All African pangolin species are now considered to have declining population trends (Ingram et al., 2019b; Nixon et al., 2019; Pietersen et al., 2019a, 2019b)

    Diagnosis of prostate cancer by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometric imaging of small metabolites and lipids

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    Accurate identification of prostate cancer in frozen sections at the time of surgery can be challenging, limiting the surgeon&apos;s ability to best determine resection margins during prostatectomy. We performed desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging (DESI-MSI) on 54 banked human cancerous and normal prostate tissue specimens to investigate the spatial distribution of a wide variety of small metabolites, carbohydrates, and lipids. In contrast to several previous studies, our method included Krebs cycle intermediates (m/z &lt;200), which we found to be highly informative in distinguishing cancer from benign tissue. Malignant prostate cells showed marked metabolic derangements compared with their benign counterparts. Using the &quot;Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator&quot; (Lasso), we analyzed all metabolites from the DESI-MS data and identified parsimonious sets of metabolic profiles for distinguishing between cancer and normal tissue. In an independent set of samples, we could use these models to classify prostate cancer from benign specimens with nearly 90% accuracy per patient. Based on previous work in prostate cancer showing that glucose levels are high while citrate is low, we found that measurement of the glucose/citrate ion signal ratio accurately predicted cancer when this ratio exceeds 1.0 and normal prostate when the ratio is less than 0.5. After brief tissue preparation, the glucose/citrate ratio can be recorded on a tissue sample in 1 min or less, which is in sharp contrast to the 20 min or more required by histopathological examination of frozen tissue specimens. prostate cancer | Krebs cycle | metabolism | desorption electrospray ionization | mass spectrometry P rostate cancer (PCa) is the most commonly diagnosed solidorgan cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the United States (1). Because of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening in the United States, most PCas are discovered when they are confined to the prostate (2). Many of these localized PCas are treated by surgical removal of the entire prostate (radical prostatectomy). The presence of cancer cells at the edge of the surgical resection, or positive surgical margins, is associated with higher rates of recurrence and death from PCa (3, 4). Therefore, an important clinical challenge in PCa management is to devise a rapid and highly accurate method to detect cancerous cells in real time to allow resection of additional periprostatic tissues and reduce cancer recurrence after surgery. Over the last decade, several innovative analytical techniques (5-12) have been developed to distinguish cancer from benign tissue in various organs. However, none has achieved wide clinical adoption for various reasons including inconvenience, narrow information content, unavailability, poor sensitivity, slowness of adoption, and operating room workflow incompatibility. In PCa, intraoperative frozen sections have been used to attempt to identify PCa at the margin based on analysis of histology. However, frozen sections have been shown to have poor sensitivity and specificity for the detection of PCa and currently are not recommended Recently, a label-free molecular imaging method called desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometric imaging (DESI-MSI) has been developed (15-17). DESI-MSI can rapidly evaluate the tissue metabolome in situ by simultaneously characterizing hundreds of lipids and metabolites. In the last 5 y, reports from our group Given the known alterations in metabolic pathways in PCa, we tested whether DESI-MSI of metabolites and lipids could have utility in discriminating cancer from normal tissue obtained from radical prostatectomy. Using tandem and high-resolution mass spectrometry we have characterized the distinct metabolite and lipid profiles of normal and malignant prostate. Although many earlier DESI-MSI studies considered only lipid profiles in identification of cancer, here we report imaging small metabolite Significance Desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging (DESI-MSI) is a label-free molecular imaging technique that provides a window into the biochemical processes present in benign and malignant prostate tissue. This is important both in improving the understanding of tissue biology and in achieving rapid cancer diagnosis. We applied DESI-MSI to record lipid, carbohydrate, and most importantly, small metabolite images from 54 normal and malignant prostate tissue specimens. Several Krebs cycle intermediates were present at different concentrations in prostate cancer compared with normal tissue. Statistical calculations identified panels of metabolites that could readily distinguish prostate cancer from normal tissue with nearly 90% accuracy in a validation set. The results also indicated that the ratio of glucose to citrate ion signals could be used to accurately identify prostate cancer

    Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras

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    We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners.Comment: v2 has some small revisions to the text. Some items are re-numbered, compared to v