31 research outputs found

    Estimation of the burden of varicella in Europe before the introduction of universal childhood immunization

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    Influence of chlorpyrifos on the profile of subpopulations of immunoactive cells and their phagocytic activity in an experimental in vivo model

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    Many environmental factors, including pesticides, cause immunological system disorders by inducing changes in humoral and cellular response. They may stimulate or trigger immunological autoaggression, hypersensitivity and allergy, as well as lead to immunosuppression, thus increasing the incidence of infectious diseases and cancers. Such activity is also attributed to organophosphorus compounds used in agriculture as insecticides, and commonly in households as biocides. The aim of the study was to define possible mechanisms of the immunotoxic activity of the chlorpyrifos (an organophosphorus compound) on experimental animals following their exposure to the compound via the oral route. The present study attempts to define the influence of chlorpyrifos on the profile of subpopulations of immunoactive cells: B, T, CD4+, CD8+, and NK, and on their phagocytic activity in an experimental in vivo model. For this purpose, the Wistar rats, were exposed orally to increasing doses of chlorpyrifos: 0.1 LD50, 0.15 LD50, 0.2 LD50, 0.3 LD50 and 0.4 LD50 for 28 days. In the study animals, we failed to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the phagocytic activity of the granulocyte

    Wpływ ekstraktu z imbiru i imbiru z tymiankiem w żywieniu kur nieśnych na wyniki produkcyjne i jakość jaj

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    Effects of ginger or ginger and thyme extract in laying hens feeding on productive results and eggs quality. This experiment was aimed at determining the potential of extracts from ginger and from ginger and thyme for enhancing the production performance of laying hens and eggs quality. A total of 216 laying hens were divided into 3 feeding groups: standard diet, diet with a 0.0032% addition of a ginger extract, and diet with the addition of ginger (0.0016%) and thyme (0.0016%). Fresh eggs were analyzed for: egg weight, yolk weight and yolk weight ratio to egg weight, yolk color, albumen quality, strength and thickness of the eggshell. Boiled eggs were analyzed for: yolk color, consistency, aroma, and taste. The results demonstrated that hen diet supplementation had a beneficial effect on egg weight, but did not affect egg production rate nor feed conversion ratio. Fresh and hard-boiled eggs of the hens administered diet with a ginger extract addition were characterized by a darker color of the yolk. Both the ginger extract and the ginger + thyme extract contributed to albumen quality improvement. Considering results obtained in this study, it seems advisable to investigate the feasibility of extending storage time of eggs of the hens fed a diet with various doses of a ginger and thyme extract.Wpływ ekstraktu z imbiru i imbiru z tymiankiem w żywieniu kur nieśnych na wyniki produkcyjne i jakość jaj. Badania te zostały przeprowadzone w celu zbadania potencjału ekstraktu z imbiru i imbiru z tymiankiem w zwiększaniu wyników produkcyjnych kur nieśnych oraz morfologicznej i sensorycznej jakości jaj. W sumie 216 kur niosek ISA Brown utrzymywanych intensywnie w klatach przydzielono do 3 grup żywieniowych: dieta standardowa bez suplementacji (C), z dodatkiem 0.0032% ekstraktu z imbiru i imbiru (0.0016%) z tymiankiem (0.0016%). Analiza surowych jaj obejmowała: masę jaja, masę i udział żółtka w masie jaja, barwę żółtka, jakość białka oraz wytrzymałość i grubość skorupy. Analiza gotowanych jaj obejmowała: kolor żółtka, konsystencję, zapach i smak jaj gotowanych. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że suplementacja diety kur miała korzystny wpływ na masę jaja, ale nie wpłynęła na wielkość produkcji i wykorzystanie paszy. Surowe i gotowane jaja kur żywionych dietą z dodatkiem ekstraktu z imbiru cechowała ciemniejsza barwa żółtka, która dla jaj gotowanych uzyskała najwyższe noty panelistów. Zarówno ekstrakt z imbiru jak i imbiru z tymiankiem wpłynęły na poprawę jakości białka jaja. Zasadne są dalsze badania dotyczące możliwości wydłużania okresu przechowywania jaj pochodzących od kur żywionych paszą o różnym poziomie ekstraktów imbiru i tymianku

    Type specific seroprevalence of HSV‐1 and HSV‐2 in four geographical regions of Poland

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    To examine the type specific seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 infections, stratified by age and gender, and associated risk factors for HSV‐2 seropositivity in Poland