25 research outputs found

    Estimation of the burden of varicella in Europe before the introduction of universal childhood immunization

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    Type specific seroprevalence of HSV‐1 and HSV‐2 in four geographical regions of Poland

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    To examine the type specific seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 infections, stratified by age and gender, and associated risk factors for HSV‐2 seropositivity in Poland

    Effect of chlorpyrifos on the profile of subpopulations immunocompetent cells B, T and NK in in vivo model

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    Background. Current studies have indicated many environmental factors, such as pesticides, that cause immune system disorders through inducing changes in humoral and cellular responses thereby increasing the risk of contracting infectious diseases and cancer. The literature suggests that low exposures to certain organophosphorus pesticides stimulate the immune system, whilst high exposures result in decreased function. Precise mechanisms for the fall in immunocompetence are often unclear, however it can be predicted that the intimate interaction between the nervous and immune systems can potentially lead to toxicity. Objectives. To determine the effects of organophosphorus pesticide, chlorpyrifos that is often used in Poland, on selected immunological responses, such as immune-competent cell proportions formed experimentally in-vivo by cells of Wistar rats during subchronic exposures after 45 and 90 days. Materials and Methods. The test was carried out on ten male and ten female Wistar rats in each of three test groups, who received 3 chlorpyrifos doses for 90 days intragastrically, according to OECD guidelines (No. 401). Two control groups were given olive oil. After completion, the animals were deeply anaesthetised by a mixture of ketamine (Vetaketam) and xylazine (Vetaxym). Immuno-competent cells were profiled by a commercial monoclonal antibody method. In order to measure the dynamics of any changes, the aforementioned immunological responses were investigated after 45 days using the same procedures for obtaining the relevant biological test material. Results. Test animals exposed to chlorpyrifos had altered number of white bood cells which were either increased or decreased relative to controls after 45 and 90 days for all exposure levels used. Conclusions. The study demonstrated changes in white-blood cell (lymphocyte) response profiles, reflecting an immunomodulation although such changes were equivocal, where both suppression and stimulation were observed.Wprowadzenie. Współczesne badania naukowe wskazują, iż wiele czynników środowiskowych, wliczając w to pestycydy, powoduje zaburzenia układu odpornościowego poprzez indukowanie zmian w odpowiedzi humoralnej i komórkowej, co w efekcie może prowadzić do zwiększonej zapadalności na choroby zakaźne i nowotworowe. Doniesienia literaturowe sugerują, że niskie poziomy narażenia na niektóre pestycydy fosforoorganiczne powodują stymulację układu odpornościowego, zaś wyższe, obniżenie funkcji immunologicznych. W wielu przypadkach nie jest poznany dokładny mechanizm spadku odporności, jednak poprzez związek funkcji neurologicznych i immunologicznych można przewidzieć potencjalne skutki działania toksycznego. Cel. Celem badań było określenie wpływu chloropiryfosu na wybrane parametry odpowiedzi immunologicznej, takie jak skład odsetkowy komórek immunokompetentnych w modelu doświadczalnym in vivo szczurów laboratoryjnych szczepu Wistar, w trakcie ekspozycji subchronicznej 45 i 90 dniowej. Materiał i metody. Badanie wykonano na samcach (10 szt.) i samicach (10 szt.) szczurów rasy Wistar. Zwierzętom z grupy badanej podawano dożołądkowo chloropiryfos przez 90 dni, zgodnie z zaleceniami OECD (Guideline No 401). Grupa kontrolna otrzymywała oliwę z oliwek. Po zakończeniu eksperymentu zwierzęta poddawano głębokiej narkozie przy użyciu mieszaniny: ketaminy (Vetaketam) i ksylazyny (Vetaxym). W celu określenia dynamiki ewentualnych zmian zbadano wyżej wymienione parametry immunologiczne po 45 dniach doświadczenia przy zachowaniu tych samych procedur uzyskania materiału badawczego. Wyniki. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że narażanie zwierząt doświadczalnych na chloropiryfos zmieniało skład odsetkowy komórek immunokompetentnych w modelu doświadczalnym in vivo zwiększając albo zmniejszając ich wartość w stosunku do poziomów oznaczonych u grupy zwierząt kontrolnych po 45 i 90 dniowej ekspozycji i na wszystkich poziomach narażania. Wnioski. Odnotowane w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań zmiany w profilu białokrwinkowym świadczące o działaniu immunomodulującym były niejednoznaczne przyjmując formę zarówno immunosupresji jak i immunostymulacji

    Effects of genotype on hematological and serum biochemical responses of turkey hens to stress

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    Stress accompanying animal production is both an indicator of welfare and a factor that affects economic parameters. Dynamic development of alternative poultry production systems such as outdoor, free range or ecological, strives to achieve best-quality products and to improve the living conditions of birds. Apart from the type and intensity of the external stimuli, the response to stress is determined genetically. Poultry rearing in the aforementioned systems requires selecting the appropriate genotype of birds, often including crosses of fast-growing and slow-growing lines. The objective of this study was to demonstrate differences in the physiological response to stress of fast-growing (FG) and slow-growing (SG) turkeys and their crosses: SF (SG  ×  FG) and FS (FG  ×  SG), based on hematological and biochemical blood analyses. Blood was sampled from 30 turkey hens from each of four genotypes, aged 14 weeks, subjected to standard pre-slaughter handling procedures. Compared to FG and FS turkeys, the SG and SF birds had a high total protein concentration, a higher heterophil (H) ∕ lymphocyte (L) ratio and a higher concentration of cortisol. In turn, the FG turkeys had the highest activity of enzymes: alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase. Conversely, the FS turkeys had the highest concentrations of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDLC) and the lowest concentration of cortisol. Significant positive effects of crossing were reported for total protein, cholinesterase and cortisol. Effects of crossbreeding on the percentage of H, concentrations of total cholesterol, and LDLC and activity of aspartate transaminase in blood of the crosses were significant but negative and more dependent on the sire line. Except for albumins, whose concentration in blood of crosses was higher compared to birds of pure lines, there were no advantages of heterosis. Negative heterosis was estimated for creatinine, the enzymes alanine transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase, and for cortisol. The most similar regarding creatinine, bilirubin, albumins, total protein, H, L and H ∕ L were the FS and SF groups. The greatest differences were in the following parameters: triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDLC), LDLC, glucose and lactate, which occurred between the pure lines of turkeys. Study results demonstrate various responses to stress in the analyzed groups of turkeys, with the level of stress measured with hematological and biological blood markers being mostly determined by additive genetic variation, and to a lesser extent by the maternal and sire effects