1,298 research outputs found

    From photos to sketches-how humans and deep neural networks process objects across different levels of visual abstraction

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    Line drawings convey meaning with just a few strokes. Despite strong simplifications, humans can recognize objects depicted in such abstracted images without effort. To what degree do deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) mirror this human ability to generalize to abstracted object images? While CNNs trained on natural images have been shown to exhibit poor classification performance on drawings, other work has demonstrated highly similar latent representations in the networks for abstracted and natural images. Here, we address these seemingly conflicting findings by analyzing the activation patterns of a CNN trained on natural images across a set of photographs, drawings, and sketches of the same objects and comparing them to human behavior. We find a highly similar representational structure across levels of visual abstraction in early and intermediate layers of the network. This similarity, however, does not translate to later stages in the network, resulting in low classification performance for drawings and sketches. We identified that texture bias in CNNs contributes to the dissimilar representational structure in late layers and the poor performance on drawings. Finally, by fine-tuning late network layers with object drawings, we show that performance can be largely restored, demonstrating the general utility of features learned on natural images in early and intermediate layers for the recognition of drawings. In conclusion, generalization to abstracted images, such as drawings, seems to be an emergent property of CNNs trained on natural images, which is, however, suppressed by domain-related biases that arise during later processing stages in the network

    EFEMP1 binds the EGF receptor and activates MAPK and Akt pathways in pancreatic carcinoma cells

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    The EGF-related protein EFEMP1 (EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1) has been shown to promote tumor growth in human adenocarcinoma. To understand the mechanism of this action, the signal transduction activated upon treatment with this protein has been investigated. We show that EFEMP1 binds EGF receptor (EGFR) in a competitive manner relative to epidermal growth factor (EGF), implicating that EFEMP1 and EGF share the same or adjacent binding sites on the EGFR. Treatment of pancreatic carcinoma cells with purified EFEMP1 activates autophosphorylation of EGFR at the positions Tyr-992 and Tyr-1068, but not at the position Tyr-1048. This signal is further transduced to phosphorylation of Akt at position Thr-308 and p44/p42 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) at positions Thr-202 and Tyr-204. These downstream phosphorylation events can be inhibited by treatment with the EGFR kinase inhibitor PD 153035. The observed signal transduction upon treatment with EFEMP1 can contribute to the enhancement of tumor growth shown in pancreatic carcinoma cells overexpressing EFEMP1

    No variations in transit times for Qatar-1 b

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    The transiting hot Jupiter planet Qatar-1 b was presented to exhibit variations in transit times that could be of perturbative nature. A hot Jupiter with a planetary companion on a nearby orbit would constitute an unprecedented planetary configuration, important for theories of formation and evolution of planetary systems. We performed a photometric follow-up campaign to confirm or refute transit timing variations. We extend the baseline of transit observations by acquiring 18 new transit light curves acquired with 0.6-2.0 m telescopes. These photometric time series, together with data available in the literature, were analyzed in a homogenous way to derive reliable transit parameters and their uncertainties. We show that the dataset of transit times is consistent with a linear ephemeris leaving no hint for any periodic variations with a range of 1 min. We find no compelling evidence for the existence of a close-in planetary companion to Qatar-1 b. This finding is in line with a paradigm that hot Jupiters are not components of compact multi-planetary systems. Based on dynamical simulations, we place tighter constraints on a mass of any fictitious nearby planet in the system. Furthermore, new transit light curves allowed us to redetermine system parameters with the precision better than that reported in previous studies. Our values generally agree with previous determinations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Outbreak of encephalitic listeriosis in red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa)

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    An outbreak of neurological disease was investigated in red-legged partridges between 8 and 28 days of age. Clinical signs included torticollis, head tilt and incoordination and over an initial eight day period approximately 30–40 fatalities occurred per day. No significant gross post mortem findings were detected. Histopathological examination of the brain and bacterial cultures followed by partial sequencing confirmed a diagnosis of encephalitis due to Listeria monocytogenes. Further isolates were obtained from follow-up carcasses, environmental samples and pooled tissue samples of newly imported day-old chicks prior to placement on farm. These isolates had the same antibiotic resistance pattern as the isolate of the initial post mortem submission and belonged to the same fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) subtype. This suggested that the isolates were very closely related or identical and that the pathogen had entered the farm with the imported day-old chicks, resulting in disease manifestation in partridges between 8 and 28 days of age. Reports of outbreaks of encephalitic listeriosis in avian species are rare and this is to the best of our knowledge the first reported outbreak in red-legged partridges

    New transit observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b, WASP-36 b, and WASP-39 b

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    We present new transit light curves for planets in six extrasolar planetary systems. They were acquired with 0.4-2.2 m telescopes located in west Asia, Europe, and South America. When combined with literature data, they allowed us to redetermine system parameters in a homogeneous way. Our results for individual systems are in agreement with values reported in previous studies. We refined transit ephemerides and reduced uncertainties of orbital periods by a factor between 2 and 7. No sign of any variations in transit times was detected for the planets studied.Comment: Submitted to Acta Astronomic

    WASP-14 b: Transit Timing analysis of 19 light curves

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    Although WASP-14 b is one of the most massive and densest exoplanets on a tight and eccentric orbit, it has never been a target of photometric follow-up monitoring or dedicated observing campaigns. We report on new photometric transit observations of WASP-14 b obtained within the framework of "Transit Timing Variations @ Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative" (TTV@YETI). We collected 19 light-curves of 13 individual transit events using six telescopes located in five observatories distributed in Europe and Asia. From light curve modelling, we determined the planetary, stellar, and geometrical properties of the system and found them in agreement with the values from the discovery paper. A test of the robustness of the transit times revealed that in case of a non-reproducible transit shape the uncertainties may be underestimated even with a wavelet-based error estimation methods. For the timing analysis we included two publicly available transit times from 2007 and 2009. The long observation period of seven years (2007-2013) allowed us to refine the transit ephemeris. We derived an orbital period 1.2 s longer and 10 times more precise than the one given in the discovery paper. We found no significant periodic signal in the timing-residuals and, hence, no evidence for TTV in the system.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    Radial velocities for the Hipparcos-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project

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    (abridged) The Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion (HTPM) project will determine the proper motions of ~113500 stars using a 23-year baseline. The proper motions will use the Hipparcos data, with epoch 1991.25, as first epoch and the first intermediate-release Gaia astrometry, with epoch ~2014.5, as second epoch. The expected HTPM proper-motion standard errors are 30-190 muas/yr, depending on stellar magnitude. Depending on the characteristics of an object, in particular its distance and velocity, its radial velocity can have a significant impact on the determination of its proper motion. The impact of this perspective acceleration is largest for fast-moving, nearby stars. Our goal is to determine, for each star in the Hipparcos catalogue, the radial-velocity standard error that is required to guarantee a negligible contribution of perspective acceleration to the HTPM proper-motion precision. We employ two evaluation criteria, both based on Monte-Carlo simulations, with which we determine which stars need to be spectroscopically (re-)measured. Both criteria take the Hipparcos measurement errors into account. For each star in the Hipparcos catalogue, we determine the confidence level with which the available radial velocity and its standard error, taken from the XHIP compilation catalogue, are acceptable. We find that for 97 stars, the radial velocities available in the literature are insufficiently precise for a 68.27% confidence level. We also identify 109 stars for which radial velocities are currently unknown yet need to be acquired to meet the 68.27% confidence level. To satisfy the radial-velocity requirements coming from our study will be a daunting task consuming a significant amount of spectroscopic telescope time. Fortunately, the follow-up spectroscopy is not time-critical since the HTPM proper motions can be corrected a posteriori once (improved) radial velocities become available.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Detailing the relation between renal T(2)* and renal tissue pO2 using an integrated approach of parametric magnetic resonance imaging and invasive physiological measurements

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    OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to detail the relation between renal T2* and renal tissue pO2 using an integrated approach that combines parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and quantitative physiological measurements (MR-PHYSIOL. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments were performed in 21 male Wistar rats. In vivo modulation of renal hemodynamics and oxygenation was achieved by brief periods of aortic occlusion, hypoxia, and hyperoxia. Renal perfusion pressure (RPP), renal blood flow (RBF), local cortical and medullary tissue pO2, and blood flux were simultaneously recorded together with T2*, T2 mapping, and magnetic resonance-based kidney size measurements (MR-PHYSIOL). Magnetic resonance imaging was carried out on a 9.4-T small-animal magnetic resonance system. Relative changes in the invasive quantitative parameters were correlated with relative changes in the parameters derived from MRI using Spearman analysis and Pearson analysis. RESULTS: Changes in T2* qualitatively reflected tissue pO2 changes induced by the interventions. T2* versus pO2 Spearman rank correlations were significant for all interventions, yet quantitative translation of T2*/pO2 correlations obtained for one intervention to another intervention proved not appropriate. The closest T2*/pO2 correlation was found for hypoxia and recovery. The interlayer comparison revealed closest T2*/pO2 correlations for the outer medulla and showed that extrapolation of results obtained for one renal layer to other renal layers must be made with due caution. For T2* to RBF relation, significant Spearman correlations were deduced for all renal layers and for all interventions. T2*/RBF correlations for the cortex and outer medulla were even superior to those between T2* and tissue pO2. The closest T2*/RBF correlation occurred during hypoxia and recovery. Close correlations were observed between T2* and kidney size during hypoxia and recovery and for occlusion and recovery. In both cases, kidney size correlated well with renal vascular conductance, as did renal vascular conductance with T2*. Our findings indicate that changes in T2* qualitatively mirror changes in renal tissue pO2 but are also associated with confounding factors including vascular volume fraction and tubular volume fraction. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that MR-PHYSIOL is instrumental to detail the link between renal tissue pO2 and T2* in vivo. Unravelling the link between regional renal T2* and tissue pO2, including the role of the T2* confounding parameters vascular and tubular volume fraction and oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve, requires further research. These explorations are essential before the quantitative capabilities of parametric MRI can be translated from experimental research to improved clinical understanding of hemodynamics/oxygenation in kidney disorders
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