143 research outputs found


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    A política doméstica e as relações internacionais com freqüência são inextricavelmente vinculadas; todavia,as teorias existentes (particularmente as estatocêntricas) não levam adequadamente em consideraçõestais vínculos. Quando os líderes nacionais devem obter as ratificações (formais ou informais) dos membrosde seus parlamentos para um acordo internacional, seus comportamentos em negociações refletem os imperativossimultâneos tanto de um jogo de política doméstica quanto de um jogo de política internacional.Usando exemplos de cúpulas econômicas ocidentais, das negociações do Canal do Panamá e do Tratado deVersalhes, dos programas de estabilização do Fundo Monetário Internacional, da Comunidade Européia ede muitos outros contextos diplomáticos, o artigo oferece uma teoria da ratificação. Ele enfatiza o papel daspreferências, coalizões, instituições e práticas domésticas, das estratégias e táticas dos negociadores, daincerteza, das reverberações domésticas das pressões externas e o papel dos interesses do negociador-chefe.Essa teoria de “jogos de dois níveis” também pode ser aplicável a muitos outros fenômenos políticos, taiscomo a dependência, os comitês legislativos e as coalizões multipartidárias

    The Other Person’s Choices

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    New logics of Integration in European Security and Defence Policy: Change in Conflict-Resolution Mechanisms in the Intergovernmental Decision-Making Process.

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    The EU is undertaking important developments in the area of European security without asserting new fundamental goals. This paper proposes a conceptualisation of new logics of integration in the ESDP, by focusing on the transformation of conflict-resolution mechanisms in the adoption and implementation of policy provisions in the area. I argue that since 1998, pressing external events have led to an integrative policy change in the area of European security, manifest in an increasing use of expert incrementalist methods within the intergovernmental framework of the EU. The urgency of collective decisions adopted in substantive negotiations at a high political level combines with the incrementalist “filling-in” in the operational phase. While bargaining is highly determinant in the adoption of key compromises, the operational phase has become infused with administrative management and expert consultation, corresponding with the proliferation of newly created specialized agencies and think tanks, thus creating dynamics for the introduction of novel program specifications. Integrative outcomes are manifest in the progress in military operational capacity, the actual accomplishment of EU-based “Petersberg” operations, the focus on a more pragmatic understanding of the relationship with NATO and the proposals for coordination and flexibility envisaged in the draft of the Constitutional Treaty. The focus on conflict-resolution mechanisms provides theoretical determinants to explain integration logics in the ESDP, as a process of development of practical goals

    GMCR in Negotiations

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