196 research outputs found

    Preliminary study of contaminant particulates around Skylab

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    Techniques originally developed for the Skylab T025 contamination experiment were applied to S052 white-light coronagraph data in a preliminary study to investigate particulates around Skylab. Periods were selected which contained some contamination, even though there were no apparent dumps or vents during these periods. Velocity and size distributions were determined from optical data for particles within 200 meters of the spacecraft. Both photographic (61 particle tracks) and video (34 particles) observations yield an upper limit on particle radius of 100 micrometers. Selected photometric data from the S073 zodiacal light experiment during mission SL-2 were also examined for evidence of contamination

    Analysis of distortion data from TF30-P-3 mixed compression inlet test

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    A program was conducted to reduce and analyze inlet and engine data obtained during testing of a TF30-P-3 engine operating behind a mixed compression inlet. Previously developed distortion analysis techniques were applied to the data to assist in the development of a new distortion methodology. Instantaneous distortion techniques were refined as part of the distortion methodology development. A technique for estimating maximum levels of instantaneous distortion from steady state and average turbulence data was also developed as part of the program

    Mapping the speech code: Cortical responses linking the perception and production of vowels

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    The acoustic realization of speech is constrained by the physical mechanisms by which it is produced. Yet for speech perception, the degree to which listeners utilize experience derived from speech production has long been debated. In the present study, we examined how sensorimotor adaptation during production may affect perception, and how this relationship may be reflected in early vs. late electrophysiological responses. Participants first performed a baseline speech production task, followed by a vowel categorization task during which EEG responses were recorded. In a subsequent speech production task, half the participants received shifted auditory feedback, leading most to alter their articulations. This was followed by a second, post-training vowel categorization task. We compared changes in vowel production to both behavioral and electrophysiological changes in vowel perception. No differences in phonetic categorization were observed between groups receiving altered or unaltered feedback. However, exploratory analyses revealed correlations between vocal motor behavior and phonetic categorization. EEG analyses revealed correlations between vocal motor behavior and cortical responses in both early and late time windows. These results suggest that participants' recent production behavior influenced subsequent vowel perception. We suggest that the change in perception can be best characterized as a mapping of acoustics onto articulatio

    Sensorimotor adaptation affects perceptual compensation for coarticulation

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    A given speech sound will be realized differently depending on the context in which it is produced. Listeners have been found to compensate perceptually for these coarticulatory effects, yet it is unclear to what extent this effect depends on actual production experience. In this study, whether changes in motor-to-sound mappings induced by adaptation to altered auditory feedback can affect perceptual compensation for coarticulation is investigated. Specifically, whether altering how the vowel [i] is produced can affect the categorization of a stimulus continuum between an alveolar and a palatal fricative whose interpretation is dependent on vocalic context is tested. It was found that participants could be sorted into three groups based on whether they tended to oppose the direction of the shifted auditory feedback, to follow it, or a mixture of the two, and that these articulatory responses, not the shifted feedback the participants heard, correlated with changes in perception. These results indicate that sensorimotor adaptation to altered feedback can affect the perception of unaltered yet coarticulatorily-dependent speech sounds, suggesting a modulatory role of sensorimotor experience on speech perceptio

    Coronagraph particulate measurements. Skylab flight experiment T025

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    Major results of the Skylab T025 Coronagraph experiment designed to monitor the particulate contamination about the spacecraft and to study the earth's atmospheric aerosol distribution are presented. A model for comet outbursts based on the properties of amorphous ice and ground based narrow-band and white light photography of comet Kohoutek ten days to perihelion are included. The effect of atmospheric refraction on the analysis of the T025 atmospheric data was also investigated

    OSS-1/STS-3 Shuttle induced atmosphere experiment

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    Direct light form the Sun and the sunlit Earth, and indirect light from these same sources reflected off parts of the orbiter and its payload were the two major sources of light seen in the bay during spacecraft day. Brightness arising from sunlight reflected off particulates originating from the spacecraft (corona or induced atmosphere) were tentatively identified. Sources of light observed during spacecraft night include large scale diffuse glows associated with Vernier thruster firings, surface glows on the orbiter in the direction of orbiter n motion, and periodic sky brightness structures observed primarily at 4200 A and 6300 A. Some information was obtained on the size and trajectories of individual contaminant particulates. Astronomical data were obtained from large regions of the Milky Way and zodiacal light, including large regions to within 35 deg of the Sun and possibly closer. Coordinated and sometimes simultaneous observations were successfully made from Hawaii and from STS-3 to provide unique information on atmospheric sources and sinks of radiation

    Speaker statistical averageness modulates word recognition in adverse listening conditions

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    We tested whether statistical averageness (SA) at the level of the individual speaker could predict a speaker’s intelligibility. 28 female and 21 male speakers of Dutch were recorded producing 336 sentences, each containing two target nouns. Recordings were compared to those of all other same-sex speakers using dynamic time warping (DTW). For each sentence, the DTW distance constituted a metric of phonetic distance from one speaker to all other speakers. SA comprised the average of these distances. Later, the same participants performed a word recognition task on the target nouns in the same sentences, under three degraded listening conditions. In all three conditions, accuracy increased with SA. This held even when participants listened to their own utterances. These findings suggest that listeners process speech with respect to the statistical properties of the language spoken in their community, rather than using their own speech as a referenc

    Linear Stability of Triangular Equilibrium Points in the Generalized Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem with Poynting-Robertson Drag

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    In this paper we have examined the linear stability of triangular equilibrium points in the generalised photogravitational restricted three body problem with Poynting-Robertson drag. We have found the position of triangular equilibrium points of our problem. The problem is generalised in the sense that smaller primary is supposed to be an oblate spheroid. The bigger primary is considered as radiating. The equations of motion are affected by radiation pressure force, oblateness and P-R drag. All classical results involving photogravitational and oblateness in restricted three body problem may be verified from this result. With the help of characteristic equation, we discussed the stability. Finally we conclude that triangular equilibrium points are unstable.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Dynamical Systems & Geometric Theories Vol. 4, Number 1 (2006

    Nonlinear Stability in the Generalised Photogravitational Restricted Three Body Problem with Poynting-Robertson Drag

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    The Nonlinear stability of triangular equilibrium points has been discussed in the generalised photogravitational restricted three body problem with Poynting-Robertson drag. The problem is generalised in the sense that smaller primary is supposed to be an oblate spheroid. The bigger primary is considered as radiating. We have performed first and second order normalization of the Hamiltonian of the problem. We have applied KAM theorem to examine the condition of non-linear stability. We have found three critical mass ratios. Finally we conclude that triangular points are stable in the nonlinear sense except three critical mass ratios at which KAM theorem fails.Comment: Including Poynting-Robertson Drag the triangular equilibrium points are stable in the nonlinear sense except three critical mass ratios at which KAM theorem fail

    Mass Transfer by Stellar Wind

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    I review the process of mass transfer in a binary system through a stellar wind, with an emphasis on systems containing a red giant. I show how wind accretion in a binary system is different from the usually assumed Bondi-Hoyle approximation, first as far as the flow's structure is concerned, but most importantly, also for the mass accretion and specific angular momentum loss. This has important implications on the evolution of the orbital parameters. I also discuss the impact of wind accretion, on the chemical pollution and change in spin of the accreting star. The last section deals with observations and covers systems that most likely went through wind mass transfer: barium and related stars, symbiotic stars and central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The most recent observations of cool CSPN progenitors of barium stars, as well as of carbon-rich post-common envelope systems, are providing unique constraints on the mass transfer processes.Comment: Chapter 7, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe