1,288 research outputs found

    Excitation of stellar p-modes by turbulent convection: 1. Theoretical formulation

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    Stochatic excitation of stellar oscillations by turbulent convection is investigated and an expression for the power injected into the oscillations by the turbulent convection of the outer layers is derived which takes into account excitation through turbulent Reynolds stresses and turbulent entropy fluctuations. This formulation generalizes results from previous works and is built so as to enable investigations of various possible spatial and temporal spectra of stellar turbulent convection. For the Reynolds stress contribution and assuming the Kolmogorov spectrum we obtain a similar formulation than those derived by previous authors. The entropy contribution to excitation is found to originate from the advection of the Eulerian entropy fluctuations by the turbulent velocity field. Numerical computations in the solar case in a companion paper indicate that the entropy source term is dominant over Reynold stress contribution to mode excitation, except at high frequencies.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Excitation of solar-like oscillations across the HR diagram

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    We extend semi-analytical computations of excitation rates for solar oscillation modes to those of other solar-like oscillating stars to compare them with recent observations. Numerical 3D simulations of surface convective zones of several solar-type oscillating stars are used to characterize the turbulent spectra as well as to constrain the convective velocities and turbulent entropy fluctuations in the uppermost part of the convective zone of such stars. These constraints, coupled with a theoretical model for stochastic excitation, provide the rate 'P' at which energy is injected into the p-modes by turbulent convection. These energy rates are compared with those derived directly from the 3D simulations. The excitation rates obtained from the 3D simulations are systematically lower than those computed from the semi-analytical excitation model. We find that Pmax, the excitation rate maximum, scales as (L/M)^s where s is the slope of the power law and L and M are the mass and luminosity of the 1D stellar model built consistently with the associated 3D simulation. The slope is found to depend significantly on the adopted form of the eddy time-correlation ; using a Lorentzian form results in s=2.6, whereas a Gaussian one gives s=3.1. Finally, values of Vmax, the maximum in the mode velocity, are estimated from the computed power laws for Pmax and we find that Vmax increases as (L/M)^sv. Comparisons with the currently available ground-based observations show that the computations assuming a Lorentzian eddy time-correlation yield a slope, sv, closer to the observed one than the slope obtained when assuming a Gaussian. We show that the spatial resolution of the 3D simulations must be high enough to obtain accurate computed energy rates.Comment: 14 pages ; 7 figures ; accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Astronom

    Stochastic excitation of non-radial modes I. High-angular-degree p modes

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    Turbulent motions in stellar convection zones generate acoustic energy, part of which is then supplied to normal modes of the star. Their amplitudes result from a balance between the efficiencies of excitation and damping processes in the convection zones. We develop a formalism that provides the excitation rates of non-radial global modes excited by turbulent convection. As a first application, we estimate the impact of non-radial effects on excitation rates and amplitudes of high-angular-degree modes which are observed on the Sun. A model of stochastic excitation by turbulent convection has been developed to compute the excitation rates, and it has been successfully applied to solar radial modes (Samadi & Goupil 2001, Belkacem et al. 2006b). We generalize this approach to the case of non-radial global modes. This enables us to estimate the energy supplied to high-(\ell) acoustic modes. Qualitative arguments as well as numerical calculations are used to illustrate the results. We find that non-radial effects for pp modes are non-negligible: - for high-nn modes (i.e. typically n>3n > 3) and for high values of \ell; the power supplied to the oscillations depends on the mode inertia. - for low-nn modes, independent of the value of \ell, the excitation is dominated by the non-diagonal components of the Reynolds stress term. We carried out a numerical investigation of high-\ell pp modes and we find that the validity of the present formalism is limited to <500\ell < 500 due to the spatial separation of scale assumption. Thus, a model for very high-\ell pp-mode excitation rates calls for further theoretical developments, however the formalism is valid for solar gg modes, which will be investigated in a paper in preparation.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Solar-like oscillation amplitudes and line-widths as a probe for turbulent convection in stars

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    Excitation of solar-like oscillations is attributed to turbulent convection and takes place at the upper-most part of the outer convective zones. Amplitudes of these oscillations depend on the efficiency of the excitation processes as well as on the properties of turbulent convection. We present past and recent improvements on the modeling of those processes. We show how the mode amplitudes and mode line-widths can bring information about the turbulence in the specific cases of the Sun and Alpha Cen A.Comment: 9 pages ; 3 figures ; invited talk given during the Symposium no. 239 "Convection in Astrophysics", International Astronomical Union., held 21-25 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republi

    Numerical constraints on the model of stochastic excitation of solar-type oscillations

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    Analyses of a 3D simulation of the upper layers of a solar convective envelope provide constraints on the physical quantities which enter the theoretical formulation of a stochastic excitation model of solar p modes, for instance the convective velocities and the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum. These constraints are then used to compute the acoustic excitation rate for solar p modes, P. The resulting values are found ~5 times larger than the values resulting from a computation in which convective velocities and entropy fluctuations are obtained with a 1D solar envelope model built with the time-dependent, nonlocal Gough (1977) extension of the mixing length formulation for convection (GMLT). This difference is mainly due to the assumed mean anisotropy properties of the velocity field in the excitation region. The 3D simulation suggests much larger horizontal velocities compared to vertical ones than in the 1D GMLT solar model. The values of P obtained with the 3D simulation constraints however are still too small compared with the values inferred from solar observations. Improvements in the description of the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum and its depth dependence yield further increased theoretical values of P which bring them closer to the observations. It is also found that the source of excitation arising from the advection of the turbulent fluctuations of entropy by the turbulent movements contributes ~ 65-75 % to the excitation and therefore remains dominant over the Reynolds stress contribution. The derived theoretical values of P obtained with the 3D simulation constraints remain smaller by a factor ~3 compared with the solar observations. This shows that the stochastic excitation model still needs to be improved.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Effect of local treatments of convection upon the solar p-mode excitation rates

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    We compute, for several solar models, the rates P at which the solar radial p modes are expected to be excited. The solar models are computed with two different local treatments of convection : the classical mixing-length theory (MLT hereafter) and Canuto, Goldmann and Mazzitelli(1996, CGM hereafter)'s formulation. For one set of solar models (EMLT and ECGM models), the atmosphere is gray and assumes Eddington's approximation. For a second set of models (KMLT and KCGM models), the atmosphere is built using a T(tau) law which has been obtained from a Kurucz's model atmosphere computed with the same local treatment of convection. The mixing-length parameter in the model atmosphere is chosen so as to provide a good agreement between synthetic and observed Balmer line profiles, while the mixing-length parameter in the interior model is calibrated so that the model reproduces the solar radius at solar age. For the MLT treatment, the rates P do depend significantly on the properties of the atmosphere. On the other hand, for the CGM treatment, differences in P between the ECGM and the KCGM models are very small compared to the error bars attached to the seismic measurements. The excitation rates P for modes from the EMLT model are significantly under-estimated compared with the solar seismic constraints. The KMLT model results in intermediate values for P and shows also an important discontinuity in the temperature gradient and the convective velocity. On the other hand, the KCGM model and the ECGM model yield values for P closer to the seismic data than the EMLT and KMLT models. We conclude that the solar p-mode excitation rates provide valuable constraints and according to the present investigation cleary favor the CGM treatment with respect to the MLT.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the SOHO14/GONG 2004 workshop "Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future" from July 12-16 2004 at New Haven CT (USA

    Seismic evolution of low/intermediate mass PMS stars

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    This article presents a study of the evolution of the internal structure and seismic properties expected for low/intermediate mass Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) stars. Seismic and non-seismic properties of PMS stars were analysed. This was done using 0.8 to 4.4M_\odot stellar models at stages ranging from the end of the Hayashi track up to the Zero-Age Main-Sequence (ZAMS). This research concludes that, for intermediate-mass stars (M>>1.3M_\odot), diagrams comparing the effective temperature (TeffT_{eff}) against the small separation can provide an alternative to Christensen-Dalsgaard (C-D) diagrams. The impact of the metal abundance of intermediate mass stars (2.5-4.4M_\odot) has over their seismic properties is also evaluated.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Theoretical power spectra of mixed modes in low mass red giant stars

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    CoRoT and Kepler observations of red giant stars revealed very rich spectra of non-radial solar-like oscillations. Of particular interest was the detection of mixed modes that exhibit significant amplitude, both in the core and at the surface of the stars. It opens the possibility of probing the internal structure from their inner-most layers up to their surface along their evolution on the red giant branch as well as on the red-clump. Our objective is primarily to provide physical insight into the physical mechanism responsible for mixed-modes amplitudes and lifetimes. Subsequently, we aim at understanding the evolution and structure of red giants spectra along with their evolution. The study of energetic aspects of these oscillations is also of great importance to predict the mode parameters in the power spectrum. Non-adiabatic computations, including a time-dependent treatment of convection, are performed and provide the lifetimes of radial and non-radial mixed modes. We then combine these mode lifetimes and inertias with a stochastic excitation model that gives us their heights in the power spectra. For stars representative of CoRoT and Kepler observations, we show under which circumstances mixed modes have heights comparable to radial ones. We stress the importance of the radiative damping in the determination of the height of mixed modes. Finally, we derive an estimate for the height ratio between a g-type and a p-type mode. This can thus be used as a first estimate of the detectability of mixed-modes