4,322 research outputs found

    Ultralow noise performance of an 8.4-GHz maser-feedhorn system

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    A total system noise temperature of 6.6 K was demonstrated with an 8.4-GHz traveling wave maser and feedhorn operating in a cryogenic environment. Both the maser and feedhorn were inserted in the helium cryostat, with the maser operating in the 1.6-K liquid bath and the feedhorn cooled in the helium gas, with a temperature gradient along the horn ranging from the liquid bath temperature at its lower end to room temperature at its top. The ruby maser exhibited 43 dB of gain with a bandwidth of 76 MHz(-3 dB) centered at 8400 MHz. Discussions of the maser, cooled feedhorn, and cryostat designs are presented along with a discussion of the noise temperature measurements

    Selective self-categorization: Meaningful categorization and the in-group persuasion effect

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    Research stemming from self-categorization theory (Turner et al., 1987) has demonstrated that individuals are typically more persuaded by messages from their in-group than by messages from the out-group. The present research investigated the role of issue relevance in moderating these effects. In particular, it was predicted that in-groups would only be more persuasive when the dimension on which group membership was defined was meaningful or relevant to the attitude issue. In two studies, participants were presented with persuasive arguments from either an in-group source or an out-group source, where the basis of the in-group/out-group distinction was either relevant or irrelevant to the attitude issue. Participants' attitudes toward the issue were then measured. The results supported the predictions: Participants were more persuaded by in-group sources than out-group sources when the basis for defining the group was relevant to the attitude issue. However, when the defining characteristic of the group was irrelevant to the attitude issue, participants were equally persuaded by in-group and out-group sources. These results support the hypothesis that the fit between group membership and domain is an important moderator of self-categorization effects

    Subthreshold characteristics of pentacene field-effect transistors influenced by grain boundaries.

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    Grain boundaries in polycrystalline pentacene films significantly affect the electrical characteristics of pentacene field-effect transistors (FETs). Upon reversal of the gate voltage sweep direction, pentacene FETs exhibited hysteretic behaviours in the subthreshold region, which was more pronounced for the FET having smaller pentacene grains. No shift in the flat-band voltage of the metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor elucidates that the observed hysteresis was mainly caused by the influence of localized trap states existing at pentacene grain boundaries. From the results of continuous on/off switching operation of the pentacene FETs, hole depletion during the off period is found to be limited by pentacene grain boundaries. It is suggested that the polycrystalline nature of a pentacene film plays an important role on the dynamic characteristics of pentacene FETs

    Superconducting niobium thin film slow-wave structures

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    A superconducting comb structure as a slow-wave element in a traveling-wave maser will significantly improve maser noise temperature and gain by reducing the insertion loss. The results of the insertion loss measurements of superconducting niobium slow-wave structures subjected to maser operating conditions at X-Band frequencies are presented

    Optical Spectroscopic Survey of High-latitude WISE-selected Sources

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    We report on the results of an optical spectroscopic survey at high Galactic latitude (|b| ≥ 30°) of a sample of WISE-selected targets, grouped by WISE W1 (λ_eff = 3.4 μm) flux, which we use to characterize the sources WISE detected. We observed 762 targets in 10 disjoint fields centered on ultraluminous infrared galaxy candidates using DEIMOS on Keck II. We find 0.30 ± 0.02 galaxies arcmin–2 with a median redshift of z = 0.33 ± 0.01 for the sample with W1 ≥ 120 μJy. The foreground stellar densities in our survey range from 0.23 ± 0.07 arcmin–2 to 1.1 ± 0.1 arcmin–2 for the same sample. We obtained spectra that produced science grade redshifts for ≥90% of our targets for sources with W1 flux ≥120 μJy that also had an i-band flux gsim 18 μJy. We used this for targeting very preliminary data reductions available to the team in 2010 August. Our results therefore present a conservative estimate of what is possible to achieve using WISE's Preliminary Data Release for the study of field galaxies

    Morphological Classification of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of the morphological classification of 89 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS) sample using non-parametric coefficients and compare their morphology as a function of wavelength. We rely on images obtained in the optical (B- and I-band) as well as in the infrared (H-band and 5.8μ\mum). Our classification is based on the calculation of GiniGini and the second order of light (M20M_{20}) non-parametric coefficients which we explore as a function of stellar mass (MM_\star), infrared luminosity (LIRL_{IR}) and star formation rate (SFR). We investigate the relation between M20M_{20}, the specific SFR (sSFR) and the dust temperature (TdustT_{dust}) in our galaxy sample. We find that M20M_{20} is a better morphological tracer than GiniGini, as it allows to distinguish systems formed by double systems from isolated and post-merger LIRGs. The multi-wavelength analysis allows us to identify a region in the GiniGini-M20M_{20} parameter space where ongoing mergers reside, regardless of the band used to calculate the coefficients. In particular when measured in the H-band, this region can be used to identify ongoing mergers, with a minimal contamination from LIRGs in other stages. We also find that while the sSFR is positively correlated with M20M_{20} when measured in the mid-infrared, i.e. star-bursting galaxies show more compact emission, it is anti-correlated with the B-band based M20M_{20}. We interpret this as the spatial decoupling between obscured and un-obscured star formation, whereby the ultraviolet/optical size of a LIRGs experience an intense dust enshrouded central starburst is larger than in the one in the mid-infrared since the contrast between the nuclear to the extended disk emission is smaller in the mid-infrared. This has important implications for high redshift surveys of dusty sources. [abridged]Comment: ( 18 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

    "In Pursuit of the Real Deal": A Longitudinal Study of VC Decision Making

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    This paper investigates actual Venture Capital (VC) decision making as it occurs over time in its natural decision environment. Our qualitative analysis is based on a comprehensive, longitudinal data set comprising 11 years of archival data from a European-based VC firm. During this time, the VC managed two funds, reviewed a total of 3631 deals, and made 35 investments. By adopting this research methodology, we can overcome several limitations of post-hoc methods and experiments commonly used in this research stream, and also have the opportunity to tackle some fundamental, yet hitherto elusive research topics. For example, our findings reveal how the importance of decision-making criteria varies between different stages of the evaluation process. They also show how VC portfolio composition and VC management time serve as important, yet to-date largely neglected decision-making criteria. Implications for research and practice are outlined