56,240 research outputs found

    Space shuttle contamination due to backflow from control motor exhaust

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    Spacecraft contamination of the space shuttle orbiter and accompanying Spacelab payloads is studied. The scattering of molecules from the vernier engines and flash evaporator nozzle after impingement on the orbiter wing surfaces, and the backflow of molecules out of the flash evaporator nozzle plume flow field due to intermolecular collisions in the plume are the problems discussed. A method was formulated for dealing with these problems, and detailed results are given

    Anomalous Rashba spin-orbit interaction in InAs/GaSb quantum wells

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    We investigate theoretically the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in InAs/GaSb quantum wells(QWs). We find that the Rashba spin-splitting (RSS) depends sensitively on the thickness of the InAs layer. The RSS exhibits nonlinear behavior for narrow InAs/GaSb QWs and the oscillating feature for wide InAs/GaSb QWs. The nonlinear and oscillating behaviors arise from the weakened and enhanced interband coupling. The RSS also show asymmetric features respect to the direction of the external electric field.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Appl. Phys. Lett. (in press

    Habitat conversion and global avian biodiversity loss

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    The magnitude of the impacts of human activities on global biodiversity has been documented at several organizational levels. However, although there have been numerous studies of the effects of local-scale changes in land use (e.g. logging) on the abundance of groups of organisms, broader continental or global-scale analyses addressing the same basic issues remain largely wanting. None the less, changing patterns of land use, associated with the appropriation of increasing proportions of net primary productivity by the human population, seem likely not simply to have reduced the diversity of life, but also to have reduced the carrying capacity of the environment in terms of the numbers of other organisms that it can sustain. Here, we estimate the size of the existing global breeding bird population, and then make a first approximation as to how much this has been modified as a consequence of land-use changes wrought by human activities. Summing numbers across different land-use classes gives a best current estimate of a global population of less than 100 billion breeding bird individuals. Applying the same methodology to estimates of original land-use distributions suggests that conservatively this may represent a loss of between a fifth and a quarter of pre-agricultural bird numbers. This loss is shared across a range of temperate and tropical land-use types

    Topological dilaton black holes

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    In four-dimensional spacetime, when the two-sphere of black hole event horizons is replaced by a two-dimensional hypersurface with zero or negative constant curvature, the black hole is referred to as a topological black hole. In this paper we present some exact topological black hole solutions in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory with a Liouville-type dilaton potential.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Calculation of composition distribution of ultrafine ion-H2O-H2SO4 clusters using a modified binary ion nucleation theory

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    Thomson's ion nucleation theory was modified to include the effects of curvature dependence of the microscopic surface tension of field dependent, nonlinear, dielectric properties of the liquid; and of sulfuric acid hydrate formation in binary mixtures of water and sulfuric acid vapors. The modified theory leads to a broadening of the ion cluster spectrum, and shifts it towards larger numbers of H2O and H2SO4 molecules. Whether there is more shifting towards larger numbers of H2O or H2SO4 molecules depends on the relative humidity and relative acidity of the mixture. Usually, a broadening of the spectrum is accompanied by a lowering of the mean cluster intensity. For fixed values of relative humidity and relative acidity, a similar broadening pattern is observed when the temperature is lowered. These features of the modified theory illustrate that a trace of sulfuric acid can facilitate the formation of ultrafine, stable, prenucleation ion clusters as well as the growth of the prenucleation ion clusters towards the critical saddle point conditions, even with low values of relative humidity and relative acidity

    Energetic Components of Cooperative Protein Folding

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    A new lattice protein model with a four-helix bundle ground state is analyzed by a parameter-space Monte Carlo histogram technique to evaluate the effects of an extensive variety of model potentials on folding thermodynamics. Cooperative helical formation and contact energies based on a 5-letter alphabet are found to be insufficient to satisfy calorimetric and other experimental criteria for two-state folding. Such proteinlike behaviors are predicted, however, by models with polypeptide-like local conformational restrictions and environment-dependent hydrogen bonding-like interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 4 postscripts figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Rotating Dilaton Solutions in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We report a three parameter family of solutions for dilaton gravity in 2+1 dimensions with finite mass and finite angular momentum. These solutions are obtained by a compactification of vacuum solutions in 3+1 dimensions with cylindrical symmetry. One class of solutions corresponds to conical singularities and the other leads to curvature singularities.Comment: Accepted to be published in Gen. Rel. Grav., added reference

    Modifications of the BTZ black hole by a dilaton/scalar

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    We investigate some modifications of the static BTZ black hole solution due to a chosen asymptotically constant dilaton/scalar. New classes of static black hole solutions are obtained. One of the solutions contains the Martinez-Zanelli conformal black hole solution as a special case. Using quasilocal formalism, we calculate their mass for a finite spatial region that contains the black hole. Their temperatures are also computed. Finally, using some of the curvature singularities as examples, we investigate whether a quantum particle behaves singularly or not.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, in press in Phys. Rev.