1,211 research outputs found

    Autumn-winter diet of three carnivores, European mink (Mustela lutreola), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and small-spotted genet (Genetta genetta), in northern Spain

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    This study describes the autumn-winter diet of three carnivores (Mustela lutreola, Lutra lutra and Genetta genetta) in northern Spain. Diet composition was analysed from 85 European mink, 156 otter and 564 spotted genet fecal samples The European mink diet was based on small mammals (relative frequency of occurrences 38.1%), fish (30.9%) and birds (16.7%). Spotted genet consumed mainly small mammals, birds and fruits, whilst otter predated practically only fish (95%). Using Levins’ index, trophic-niche widths in European mink, small-spotted genet and Eurasian otter were 3.76, 3.77 and 1.10, respectively. The trophic niche overlap by Pianka index for autumn-winter was 0.77 for European mink vs. Small-spotted genet, and 0.60 for European mink vs. otter. The average size of brown trout taken by otter was larger than those consumed by European mink

    Dieta otoño-invernal de tres carnívoros, visón europeo (Mustela lutreola), nutria euroasiática (Lutra lutra)

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    This study describes the autumn-winter diet of three carnivores (Mustela lutreola, Lutra lutra and Genetta genetta) in northern Spain. Diet composition was analysed from 85 European mink, 156 otter and 564 spotted genet fecal samples The European mink diet was based on small mammals (relative frequency of occurrences 38.1%), fish (30.9%) and birds (16.7%). Spotted genet consumed mainly small mammals, birds and fruits, whilst otter predated practically only fish (95%). Using Levins’ index, trophic-niche widths in European mink, small–spotted genet and Eurasian otter were 3.76, 3.77 and 1.10, respectively. The trophic niche overlap by Pianka index for autumn-winter was 0.77 for European mink vs. Small-spotted genet, and 0.60 for European mink vs. otter. The average size of brown trout taken by otter was larger than those consumed by European mink. Key words: European mink (Mustela lutreola), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), Small–spotted genet (Genetta genetta), Diet, Spain.This study describes the autumn-winter diet of three carnivores (Mustela lutreola, Lutra lutra and Genetta genetta) in northern Spain. Diet composition was analysed from 85 European mink, 156 otter and 564 spotted genet fecal samples The European mink diet was based on small mammals (relative frequency of occurrences 38.1%), fish (30.9%) and birds (16.7%). Spotted genet consumed mainly small mammals, birds and fruits, whilst otter predated practically only fish (95%). Using Levins’ index, trophic-niche widths in European mink, small–spotted genet and Eurasian otter were 3.76, 3.77 and 1.10, respectively. The trophic niche overlap by Pianka index for autumn-winter was 0.77 for European mink vs. Small-spotted genet, and 0.60 for European mink vs. otter. The average size of brown trout taken by otter was larger than those consumed by European mink. Key words: European mink (Mustela lutreola), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), Small–spotted genet (Genetta genetta), Diet, Spain.Se describe la dieta otoño-invernal de tres carnívoros (Mustela lutreola, Lutra lutra y Genetta genetta) en el norte de España. La dieta fue analizada a partir de 85 muestras de visón europeo, 156 de nutria euroasiática y 564 de gineta común. El visón europeo basó su dieta en micromamíferos (38,1% de frecuencia relativa), peces (30,9%) y aves (16,7%). La gineta común consumió principalmente micromamíferos, aves y frutos, mientras la nutria predó casi exclusivamente peces (95%). Los índices de Levins de la anchura del nicho trófico del visón europeo, la gineta común y la nutria fueron 3,76, 3,77 y 1,10 respectivamente. Los solapamientos del nicho trófico durante otoño-invierno del visón europeo (índice de Pianka) respecto a la gineta común y la nutria euroasiática fueron 0,77 y 0,60, respectivamente. El tamaño medio de las truchas consumidas por las nutrias fue mayor que el de las consumidas por el visón europeo. Palabras clave: Visón europeo (Mustela lutreola), Nutria euroasiática (Lutra lutra), Gineta común (Genetta genetta), Dieta, España

    Predator arrival elicits differential dispersal, change in age structure and reproductive performance in a prey population

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    Acknowledgements We thank everyone monitoring colonies over the years, in particular Carles Domingo from the Ebro Delta NP Staff, Ràpita, Castelló and the Tarragona Port Authorities and José Manuel Igual from the Group of Ecology and Animal Demography. We also thank the editorial board and the reviewers for their constructive comments. RESET (ref.CGL2017-85210-P), FPU (ref. FPU2012-000869), IBISES (ref. CGL2013-42203-R) and MINOW (ref. H2020- 634495). ASA and MG are supported by a postdoctoral contract co-funded by the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund (ref. PD/003/2016 and PD/023/2015).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Induced representations of quantum kinematical algebras

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    We construct the induced representations of the null-plane quantum Poincar\'e and quantum kappa Galilei algebras in (1+1) dimensions. The induction procedure makes use of the concept of module and is based on the existence of a pair of Hopf algebras with a nondegenerate pairing and dual bases.Comment: 8 pages,LaTeX2e, to be published in the Proceedings of XXIII International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, Dubna (Russia), 31.07--05.08, 200

    Aislamiento y cultivo de células osteoblásticas: Interés para la investigación en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología

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    Describimos un método de aislamiento y caracterización de células osteoblásticas procedentes de la superficie de trabéculas óseas de explantes obtenidos de metafisis de fémures y tibias de conejo y de cabezas femorales humanas de pacientes sometidos a cirugía protésica de cadera. Después de eliminar las células de la médula ósea de los explantes, estos se despositaron sobre dos tipos de mallas, de 80 y 100 µm., obteniéndose un cultivo en monocarpa que se mostró confluente a partir de los 20 días. La población celular aislada presentó un fenotipo osteoblástico utilizando métodos colorimétricos para determinación de la actividad de fosfatasa alcalina (FA) y morfológicos por medio de la observación con microscopía electrónica de barrido. Las células cultivadas exhibieron una morfología diferente según el grado de confluencia de cultivo, siendo en todo momento positivas las sucesivas determinaciones colorimétricas de FA realizadas a lo largo de la experiencia. Consideramos el método de gran interés en investigación en ortopédica, pues permite el estudio de comportamiento de estas células cuando están sometidas a cualquier tipo de estímulo externo, así como cuando se enfrentan a nuevas generaciones de biomateriales, etc.We describe a method of isolation and characterization of osteoblastic cells taken from the surface of bone trabeculae of explants obtained from femur and tibia metaphysis in rabbits and human femoral head in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery. Afther removing the cells from the bone marrow of explants, they were placed over two mesh, 80 and 100 µmn, obtaining then a culture in monolayer which showed to be confluent after 20 days. The isolated cell population showed an osteoblastic phenotype using colourmetric methods to determinate the alkaline phosphatase (AF) activity and morphologic methods by means of scanning. The cultivated cell showed a different morphology according to the degree of confluence of the culture, being always positive the sucesive colourmetric determinations of AF along the experiment. We consider the method of a great interest for orthopaedic investigations, since it allows the study of the behaviour of these cells when they are subjet to different types of external stimulus as well as meet they the new generations of biomaterials