895 research outputs found

    WorldFinder: A tool for finding Virtual Worlds

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    Vibration isolation for line of sight performance improvement

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    Diagrams of the Reaction Wheel Assembly (RWA) are presented along with charts and graphs illustrating jitter error model, induced vibration tests, radial displacement transfer function, and axial displacement power spectra density. The RWA isolator specification requirements are listed

    Supporting the active learning of collaborative database browsing techniques

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    We describe the implications of a study of database browsing behaviour for the development of a system to support more effective browsing. In particular we consider the importance of collaborative working, both in learning browsing skills and in co‐operating on a shared information‐retrieval task. From our study, we believe that an interface to support collaboration should promote the awareness of the activities of others, better visualization of the information data structures being browsed, and effective communication of the browsing process

    A Consumer-Centric Open Innovation Framework for Food and Packaging Manufacturing

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    This article has been archived following written permission from IGI Global.Closed innovation approaches have been employed for many years in the food industry. But, this sector recently perceives its end-user to be wary of radically new products and changes in consumption patterns. However, new product development involves not only the product itself but also the entire manufacturing and distribution network. In this paper, we present a new ICT based framework that embraces open innovation to place customers in the product development loop but at the same time assesses and eventually coordinates the entire manufacturing and supply chain. The aim is to design new food products that consumers will buy and at the same time ensure that these products will reach the consumer in time and at adequate quantity. On the product development side, our framework enables new food products that offer an integrated sensory experience of food and packaging, which encompass customization, healthy eating, and sustainability

    Adaptive mass expulsion attitude control system

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    An attitude control system and method operative with a thruster controls the attitude of a vehicle carrying the thruster, wherein the thruster has a valve enabling the formation of pulses of expelled gas from a source of compressed gas. Data of the attitude of the vehicle is gathered, wherein the vehicle is located within a force field tending to orient the vehicle in a first attitude different from a desired attitude. The attitude data is evaluated to determine a pattern of values of attitude of the vehicle in response to the gas pulses of the thruster and in response to the force field. The system and the method maintain the attitude within a predetermined band of values of attitude which includes the desired attitude. Computation circuitry establishes an optimal duration of each of the gas pulses based on the pattern of values of attitude, the optimal duration providing for a minimal number of opening and closure operations of the valve. The thruster is operated to provide gas pulses having the optimal duration

    Supporting novel home network management interfaces with Openflow and NOX

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    The Homework project has examined redesign of existing home network infrastructures to better support the needs and requirements of actual home users. Integrating results from several ethnographic studies, we have designed and built a home networking platform providing detailed per-flow measurement and management capabilities supporting several novel management interfaces. This demo specifically shows these new visualization and control interfaces, and describes the broader benefits of taking an integrated view of the networking infrastructure, realised through our router's augmented measurement and control APIs. Aspects of this work have been published: the Homework Database in Internet Management (IM) 2011 and implications of the ethnographic results are to appear at the SIGCOMM W-MUST workshop 2011. Separate, more detailed expositions of the interface elements and system performance and implications are currently under submission at other venues. A partial code release is already available and we anticipate fuller public beta release by Q4 2011

    Noise screen for attitude control system

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    An attitude control system comprising a controller and a noise screen device coupled to the controller. The controller is adapted to control an attitude of a vehicle carrying an actuator system that is adapted to pulse in metered bursts in order to generate a control torque to control the attitude of the vehicle in response to a control pulse. The noise screen device is adapted to generate a noise screen signal in response to the control pulse that is generated when an input attitude error signal exceeds a predetermined deadband attitude level. The noise screen signal comprises a decaying offset signal that when combined with the attitude error input signal results in a net attitude error input signal away from the predetermined deadband level to reduce further control pulse generation

    Correction factory techniques for improving aerodynamic prediction methods

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    A method for correcting discrete element lifting surface theory to reflect given experimental data is presented. Theoretical pressures are modified such that imposed constraints are satisfied while minimizing the changes to the pressures. Several types of correction procedures are presented and correlated; (1) scaling of pressures; (2) scaling of downwash values; and (3) addition of an increment to the downwash that is proportioned to pressure. Some special features are included in these methods and they include: (1) consideration of experimental data from multiple deflection modes, (2) limitation of the amplitudes of the correction factors, and (3) the use of correction factor mode shapes. These methods are correlated for cases involving all three Mach Number ranges using a FORTRAN IV computer program. Subsonically, a wing with an oscillating partial span control surface and a wing with a leading edge droop are presented. Transonically a two-dimensional airfoil with an oscillating flap is considered. Supersonically an arrow wing with and without camber is analyzed. In addition to correction factor methods an investigation is presented dealing with a new simplified transonic modification of the two-dimensional subsonic lifting surface theory. Correlations are presented for an airfoil with an oscillating flap

    Managing energy tariffs with agents: a field study of a future smart energy system at home

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    © 2015 ACM.Interactive autonomous systems are likely to be more involved in future energy systems to assist human users. Given this, we prototyped a future scenario in which householders are assisted in switching electricity tariffs by an agent-based interactive system. The system uses real-time electricity monitoring to instantiate a scenario where participants may have to make, or delegate to their agent (in a variety ways), tariff switching decisions given uncertainty about their own consumption. We carried out a field trial with 12 households for 6 weeks in order to study the notion of autonomy. The results show nuanced ways in which monitoring system performance and taking control is balanced in everyday practice. Our field study provides promising directions for future use of smart systems that help householders manage their energy