4,240 research outputs found

    Automated Network Service Scaling in NFV: Concepts, Mechanisms and Scaling Workflow

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    Next-generation systems are anticipated to be digital platforms supporting innovative services with rapidly changing traffic patterns. To cope with this dynamicity in a cost-efficient manner, operators need advanced service management capabilities such as those provided by NFV. NFV enables operators to scale network services with higher granularity and agility than today. For this end, automation is key. In search of this automation, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has defined a reference NFV framework that make use of model-driven templates called Network Service Descriptors (NSDs) to operate network services through their lifecycle. For the scaling operation, an NSD defines a discrete set of instantiation levels among which a network service instance can be resized throughout its lifecycle. Thus, the design of these levels is key for ensuring an effective scaling. In this article, we provide an overview of the automation of the network service scaling operation in NFV, addressing the options and boundaries introduced by ETSI normative specifications. We start by providing a description of the NSD structure, focusing on how instantiation levels are constructed. For illustrative purposes, we propose an NSD for a representative NS. This NSD includes different instantiation levels that enable different ways to automatically scale this NS. Then, we show the different scaling procedures the NFV framework has available, and how it may automate their triggering. Finally, we propose an ETSI-compliant workflow to describe in detail a representative scaling procedure. This workflow clarifies the interactions and information exchanges between the functional blocks in the NFV framework when performing the scaling operation.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Magazin

    Optimized LTE Data Transmission Procedures for IoT: Device Side Energy Consumption Analysis

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    The efficient deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) over cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) or the next generation 5G, entails several challenges. For massive IoT, reducing the energy consumption on the device side becomes essential. One of the main characteristics of massive IoT is small data transmissions. To improve the support of them, the 3GPP has included two novel optimizations in LTE: one of them based on the Control Plane (CP), and the other on the User Plane (UP). In this paper, we analyze the average energy consumption per data packet using these two optimizations compared to conventional LTE Service Request procedure. We propose an analytical model to calculate the energy consumption for each procedure based on a Markov chain. In the considered scenario, for large and small Inter-Arrival Times (IATs), the results of the three procedures are similar. While for medium IATs CP reduces the energy consumption per packet up to 87% due to its connection release optimization

    Analytic Analysis of Narrowband IoT Coverage Enhancement Approaches

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    The introduction of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) as a cellular IoT technology aims to support massive Machine-Type Communications applications. These applications are characterized by massive connections from a large number of low-complexity and low-power devices. One of the goals of NB-IoT is to improve coverage extension beyond existing cellular technologies. In order to do that, NB-IoT introduces transmission repetitions and different bandwidth allocation configurations in uplink. These new transmission approaches yield many transmission options in uplink. In this paper, we propose analytical expressions that describe the influence of these new approaches in the transmission. Our analysis is based on the Shannon theorem. The transmission is studied in terms of the required Signal to Noise Ratio, bandwidth utilization, and energy per transmitted bit. Additionally, we propose an uplink link adaptation algorithm that contemplates these new transmission approaches. The conducted evaluation summarizes the influence of these approaches. Furthermore, we present the resulting uplink link adaptation from our proposed algorithm sweeping the device's coverage.Comment: Accepted in the 2018 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) conferenc

    Implementación de mecanismos de mitigación de tormentas de broadcast en redes de área local mediante Redes Definidas por Software

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    [ES] El uso de Ethernet como tecnologı́a de red pararedes corporativas se justifica por su bajo coste y facilidadde configuración y mantenimiento. Sin embargo, estas redesno son muy escalables, debido en parte a las inundacioneso tormentas de broadcasts, que afectan al rendimiento tantode los dispositivos de red como finales. Para mitigar elimpacto de las inundaciones por broadcast, se ha previstoutilizar técnicas de filtrado y caché en distintos nodos dela red. Sin embargo, el paradigma de Redes Definidas porSoftware permite definir nuevas aproximaciones, gracias ala capacidad de reprogramar la red de forma centralizaday flexible que proporciona. En este trabajo se aborda laimplementación de una red de área local con soporte parafiltrar algunos paquetes broadcast mediante la utilizaciónde Redes Definidas por Software. Esta solución permitirı́adesplegar redes de área local más amplias, adecuadas paralos requisitos de redes corporativas. Para ello, se describe eldesarrollo de filtros para varios protocolos de red, su imple-mentación en el controlador OpendayLight, y la evaluacióndel rendimiento obtenido.Este trabajo esta parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (proyectos TEC2016-76795-C6-4-R y TIN2013-46223-P).Valera Muros, B.; Prados Garzón, J.; Ramos-Munoz, JJ.; Navarro-Ortiz, J. (2017). Implementación de mecanismos de mitigación de tormentas de broadcast en redes de área local mediante Redes Definidas por Software. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 216-223. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6585OCS21622

    Alterations in Lipid Levels of Mitochondrial Membranes Induced by Amyloid-β: A Protective Role of Melatonin

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    Alzheimer pathogenesis involves mitochondrial dysfunction, which is closely related to amyloid-β (Aβ) generation, abnormal tau phosphorylation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. Alterations in membranal components, including cholesterol and fatty acids, their characteristics, disposition, and distribution along the membranes, have been studied as evidence of cell membrane alterations in AD brain. The majority of these studies have been focused on the cytoplasmic membrane; meanwhile the mitochondrial membranes have been less explored. In this work, we studied lipids and mitochondrial membranes in vivo, following intracerebral injection of fibrillar amyloid-β (Aβ). The purpose was to determine how Aβ may be responsible for beginning of a vicious cycle where oxidative stress and alterations in cholesterol, lipids and fatty acids, feed back on each other to cause mitochondrial dysfunction. We observed changes in mitochondrial membrane lipids, and fatty acids, following intracerebral injection of fibrillar Aβ in aged Wistar rats. Melatonin, a well-known antioxidant and neuroimmunomodulator indoleamine, reversed some of these alterations and protected mitochondrial membranes from obvious damage. Additionally, melatonin increased the levels of linolenic and n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid, in the same site where amyloid β was injected, favoring an endogenous anti-inflammatory pathway