1,765 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of Streptococcus mutans bacteriophage M102

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    Bacteriophage M102 is a lytic phage specific for serotype c strains of Streptococcus mutans, a causative agent of dental caries. In this study, the complete genome sequence of M102 was determined. The genome is 31,147 bp in size and contains 41 ORFs. Most of the ORFs encoding putative phage structural proteins show similarity to those from bacteriophages from Streptococcus thermophilus. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that the M102 genome contains an unusual lysis cassette, which encodes a holin and two lytic enzyme

    Characterization of Streptococcus gordonii prophage PH15: complete genome sequence and functional analysis of phage-encoded integrase and endolysin

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    Streptococcus gordonii OMZ1039, isolated from supragingival dental plaque, was found to harbour a prophage, PH15, whose excision could be induced by mitomycin treatment. Phage PH15 belongs to the Siphoviridae. The complete genome sequence of PH15 was determined. The genome was 39 136 bp in size and contained 61 ORFs. The genome of PH15 was most similar in the structural module to the temperate bacteriophages MM1 and phiNIH1.1 from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes, respectively. In strain OMZ1039, PH15 was found to reside as a prophage in the cysteinyl-tRNA gene. A plasmid, harbouring the attP site and the integrase gene downstream of a constitutive promoter, was capable of site-specific integration into the genomes of different oral streptococcal species. The phage endolysin was purified after expression in Escherichia coli and found to inhibit growth of all S. gordonii strains tested and several different streptococcal species, including the pathogens Streptococcus mutans, S. pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae

    Temperature Dependence of Water Retention Curves for Wettable and Water-Repellent Soils

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    The capillary pressure (ψ) in unsaturated porous media is known to be a function of temperature (T). Temperature affects the surface tension (σ) of the pore water, but possibly also the angle of contact (γ). Because information on the temperature dependence of γ in porous media is rare, we conducted experiments with three wettable soils and their hydrophobic counterparts. The objectives were (i) to determine the temperature dependence of the water retention curve (WRC) for wettable and water-repellent soils, (ii) to assess temperature effects on the apparent contact angle γA derived from those WRCs, and (iii) to evaluate two models (Philip-de Vries and Grant-Salehzadeh) that describe temperature effects on ψ. Columns packed with natural or hydrophobized soil materials were first water saturated, then drained at 5, 20, and 38°C, and rewetted again to saturation. Capillary pressure and water content, θ, at five depths in the columns were measured continuously. The observations were used to determine the change in γA with T, as well as a parameter β0 that describes the change in ψ with T It was found that the Philip-de Vries model did not adequately describe the observed relation between ψ and T A mean value for β0 of −457 K was measured, whereas the Philip-de Vries model predicts a value of −766 K. Our results seem to confirm the Grant-Salezahdeh model that predicts a temperature effect on γA For the sand and the silt we studied, we found a decrease in γA between 1.0 to 8.5°, when the temperature was increased from 5 to 38°C. Both β0 and γA were only weak functions of θ. Furthermore, it seemed that for the humic soil under study, surfactants, i.e., the dissolution of soil organic matter, may compound the contact angle effect of the soil solids

    Use and Misuse of Nitrogen in Agriculture: The German Story

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    Nitrogen (N) fertilization in agriculture has been discussed controversially in Germany for almost two centuries. The agronomist Carl Sprengel, who published his theory on the mineral nutrition of plants in 1828, advocated the use of mineral N fertilizers. Chemist Justus von Liebig, on the other hand, vehemently denied around 1850 the need for N fertilization. Although it soon became evident that Sprengel was right and Liebig was wrong, not much synthetic N fertilizer was used in German agriculture until around 1915, when the Haber-Bosch technique enabled the commercial production of NH3. The use of N fertilizers since then has grown, especially since 1950. To increase agricultural productivity, German governments have promoted, directly and indirectly, the use of N in crop and in animal production. Unfortunately, it was overlooked that N surpluses in agriculture increased rapidly; around 1980 they amounted yearly to more than 100 kg ha-1. The extensive use of N in agriculture is causing environmental damage and is contributing substantially to the external costs of present agriculture. The main N compounds that affect the environment are N2O, NH3, and NO3. These compounds are considered to contribute one third to the external costs of agriculture. Additionally, the high rate of human intake of animal proteins and lipids has adversely affected the health of the country’s population. Fundamental corrections in German farm policy appear inevitable

    Extended preservation and effect of nitric oxide production in liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (Ltx) has become a routine procedure for patients with end-stage liver disease. Despite ongoing progress on short- and long-term graft survival, primary dysfunction (PDF) remains a major problem. PDF is significantly associated with the duration of cold ischemia- and, possibly, with reperfusion-related injury. Nitric oxide (NO) has many physiological functions and plays an important role in modulating tissue injury. However, the mechanism of NO action in ischemia/reperfusion injury after Ltx is thus far unknown. In this study we investigated the role of inducable NO synthase (iNOS) in the liver after preservation with UW solution using the orthotopic Ltx model in the rat. Male Brown Norway rats were used for the Ltx procedure. After donor hepatectomy, livers were stored on ice-cold UW solution for 24 or 40 h and subsequently transplanted. A control group consisted of rats with Ltx after less than 1 h storage. Posttransplant blood samples were taken at 48 h to determine standard parameters for liver injury (aspartate transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase). Liver biopsies were obtained for detection of expression of iNOS (western blot) 24 and 48 h posttransplant. We observed that a preservation time of 24 h in UW solution presents no problem for graft survival after Ltx in rats with some brain function and in healthy animals. After 40 h preservation, liver damage is obvious and graft survival reduced, indicating the limits of cold storage may be within reach. With longer preservation times, more NOs was detected in liver tissue. This finding suggests that NO has a role in ischemia/reperfusion-related injury. Current intervention with NOS inhibitors will reveal whether NO has a negative or a positive effect on graft survival after Ltx.</p

    Effects of Streptococcus mutans gtfC deficiency on mixed oral biofilms in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of glucosyltransferase-gene-negative (gtf-) Streptococcus mutans strains unable to synthesize water-insoluble or soluble glucan on the structure and macromolecular diffusion properties of in vitro grown mixed oral biofilms. Biofilms modeling supragingival plaque consisted of Actinomyces naeslundii OMZ 745, Candida albicans OMZ 110, Fusobacterium nucleatum KP-F2, Streptococcus oralis SK 248, Veillonella dispar ATCC 17748T and one of the S. mutans strains UA159, OMZ 966, OMZ 937 or OMZ 977. Biofilms were grown anaerobically on sintered hydroxyapatite disks for 64.5 h at 37 degrees C. To perform confocal laser scanning microscopy analyses, microorganisms were stained with Syto 13 and extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) with Calcofluor. Macromolecular diffusion properties were measured following timed biofilm exposure to Texas-Red-labeled 70-kDa dextran. Results showed that replacing wild-type S. mutans by a gtfC- mutant led to an increase in the volume fraction occupied by cells from 29 to 48% and a decrease of the EPS volume fraction from 51 to 33%. No such changes were observed when the S. mutans wild-type strain was replaced by a gtfB- or gtfD- mutant. The diffusion coefficient of 70-kDa dextran in biofilms containing the gtfC- S. mutans was 16-fold higher than in biofilms with the wild-type strain indicating a strong macromolecular sieving effect of GTF C-generated glucans. Our data demonstrate the influence of EPS on the structure and macromolecular diffusion properties of an oral biofilm model and uncover our still limited knowledge of the function of EPS in biofilms and plaque

    Минералогические исследования в пещерной системе Снежная-Меженного-Иллюзия (Западный Кавказ, Бзыбский хребет): предварительные результаты и направления дальнейших работ

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    В статье приводятся сведения о минеральном составе водных хемогенных и водных механических отложений в пещерной системе Снежная-Меженного-Иллюзия. В состав водных хемогенных отложений входят Mg- и Sr-содержащий кальцит, арагонит, гипс, гидромагнезит, целестин, стронцианит, доломит, гетит, рутил и циркон. Водные механические отложения сложены преимущественно доломитом, кварцем и кальцитом. В схожих по морфологии и микроклимату частях пещерной системы наблюдаются одинаковые вторичные минералы.У статті наводяться відомості про мінеральний склад водних хемогенних і водних механічних відкладень в печерній системі Сніжна-Меженого-Ілюзія. До складу водних хемогенних відкладень входять кальцит, який містить Mg і Sr, арагоніт, гіпс, гідромагнезіт, целестин, стронціаніт, доломіт, гетит, рутил і циркон. Водні механічні відкладення складені переважно доломітом, кварцом і кальцитом. У схожих за морфологєю та мікрокліматом частинах печерної системи спостерігаються однакові вторинні мінерали.The article presents the preliminary characteristic of the mineral composition of chemogenic formations and clastic deposits of Snezhnaya-Mezhennogo-Illusia cave system. Chemogenic formations are composed by Mg- and Sr-calcite, aragonite, gypsum and hydromagnesite, celestite, strontianite, dolomite, goethite, rutile and zircon. Clastic sediments are composed mainly by dolomite, quartz and calcite. Same secondary minerals are observed in those parts of the cave system that have similar morphology and microclimate