259 research outputs found

    The Strongyloides stercoralis-hookworms association as a path to the estimation of the global burden of strongyloidiasis: A systematic review

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    Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) represent a significant public health problem. However, Strongyloides stercoralis is not yet integrated into the control strategy against STH, given limi- tations to accurately assess its burden. Considering that S. stercoralis shares biological and epidemiological characteristics with hookworms, we describe a new approach for an improved estimation of the burden of infections by S. stercoralis based on the prevalence and burden of hookworms and the relationship between these species. A systematic review of publications reporting prevalence rates for S. stercoralis and hookworms was carried out. The data was classified into two categories: 1) “Community”, with surveys including all age groups, and 2) “SAC”, with surveys limited to school-aged children. The relationship between S. stercoralis and hookworms was characterized in order to estimate the global burden of S. stercoralis infections. The study is registered in PROSPERO (CRD42019131127). Spearman correlation coefficient between S. stercoralis and hookworms was estimated and the global burden of S. stercoralis infections was estimated using a regression model. A total of 119 articles were included, and a significant positive correlation between the burden of S. stercoralis and hook- worms was identified. Spearman’s coefficient for Community surveys was 0.94 and for SAC surveys it was 0.63. Based on the linear model, the global burden of S. stercoralis infections was estimated at 386 million (95%CI 324–449 million) people, including 22 million (95%CI 20–24 million) SAC. The significant relationship between S. stercoralis and hookworms allows an estimation of the global burden of S. stercoralis infections in most epidemiologic settings using hookworm burden and justifies the search of integrated control activities

    Leading nucleon and inelasticity in hadron-nucleus interactions

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    We present in this paper a calculation of the average proton-nucleus ine- lasticity. Using an Iterative Leading Particle Model and the Glauber model, we relate the leading particle distribution in nucleon-nucleus interactions with the respective one in nucleon-proton collisions. To describe the leading particle distribution in nucleon-proton collisions, we use the Regge-Mueller formalism. To appear in Journal of Physics G.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Dinâmica populacional de grama-tio-pedro submetida a diferentes doses de adubação foliar e sombreamento.

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    Conhecer os fatores nutricionais limitantes ao crescimento das forrageiras é de grande importância para o manejo das pastagens. Objetivou-se estudar o efeito de doses de adubação foliar e o sombreamento na dinâmica populacional de perfilhos da grama-tio-pedro (Paspalum oteroi)

    Adaptive responses of Paspalum oteroi native grass to fertilization and shading.

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    Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the Paspalum oteroinative grass and its adaptive responses to shadingand foliarfertilization in two pasture systems in the Cerrado-Pantanal transition region. A completely randomized block design with factorial arrangement was adopted to this study: three types of fertilizers [no fertilization ?control (C); Foliar fertilizer for pasture (FF) and Soil fertilizer + Foliar fertilizer (SF)]xtwo pasture systems (WS -with shading, wooded P. oteroipasture; NS -no shading, exclusive P. oteroipasture)with four repetitions. P. oteroiseedlings were transplanted in November 2015. Data collection was from May 2016 to September 2016, during dry season. There were differences (p<0.05) in the sward height variables (H), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) content, dry matter production (DMP) and shoot: root ratio (S:R).In the WS system increasedof 8,61% of the CP content and fertilizer SF increasedof 8.81% of the CP content. However, in the WS system was observed reduced DM, DMP and S:R and in the FF and SF fertilizers increased leaf area index (LAI), inthe latter months of the application. Probably, P. oteroigrass developed adaptation strategies to deal with the environmental conditions to which it was submitted during this study, such as variations in its morphophysiological traits: low shoot / root ratio, height, chemical composition, leaf area index e light interception. In conclusion, P. oteroishowed adaptation to wooded pasture systems, during dry period, however, the use of fertilization depends on economic viability studies