85 research outputs found
Approximation of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor—Abel—Poisson operators in the integral metric
We obtain direct and inverse approximation theorems of 2π-periodic functions by Taylor — Abel — Poisson operators
in the integral metric.Отримано прямі та обернені теореми наближення 2π-періодичних функцій операторами Тейлора — Абеля — Пуассона в інтегральній метриці.Получены прямые и обратные теоремы приближения 2π-периодических функций операторами Тейлора —
Абеля — Пуассона в интегральной метрике
ERTS-1 applications to Minnesota land use mapping
Land use class definitions that can be operationally employed with ERTS-1 imagery are being developed with the cooperation of personnel from several state, regional, and federal agencies with land management responsibilities within the state and the University of Minnesota. Investigations of urban, extractive, forest, and wetlands areas indicate that it is feasible to subdivide each of these classes into several sub-classes with the use of ERTS-1 images from one or more time periods
A new estimate for Hölder approximation by Bernstein operators
Abstract In this work we discuss the rate of simultaneous approximation of Hölder continuous functions by Bernstein operators, measured by Hölder norms with different exponents. We extend the known results on this topic
Two ideals connected with strong right upper porosity at a point
Let be the set of upper strongly porous at subsets of and let be the intersection of maximal ideals . Some characteristic properties of sets are obtained. It
is shown that the ideal generated by the so-called completely strongly porous
at subsets of is a proper subideal of Comment: 18 page
Design and development of a complex narrative intervention delivered by text messages to reduce binge drinking among socially disadvantaged men
Socially disadvantaged men are at high risk of suffering from alcohol-related harm. Disadvantaged groups are less likely to engage with health promotion. There is a need for interventions that reach large numbers at low cost and which promote high levels of engagement with the behaviour change process. The aim of this study was to design a theoretically and empirically based text message intervention to reduce binge drinking by socially disadvantaged men.
Following MRC guidance, the intervention was developed in four stages. Stage 1 developed a detailed behaviour change strategy based on existing literature and theory from several areas. These included the psychological theory that would underpin the intervention, alcohol brief interventions, text message interventions, effective behaviour change techniques, narratives in behaviour change interventions and communication theory. In addition, formative research was carried out. A logic model was developed to depict the pathways between intervention inputs, processes and outcomes for behaviour change. Stage 2 created a narrative which illustrated and modelled key steps in the strategy. Stage 3 rendered the intervention into a series of text messages and ensured that appropriate behavioural change techniques were incorporated. Stage 4 revised the messages to ensure comprehensive coverage of the behaviour change strategy and coherence of the narrative. It also piloted the intervention and made final revisions to it.
The structured, systematic approach to design created a narrative intervention which had a strong theoretical and empirical basis. The use of a narrative helped make the intervention realistic and allowed key behaviour change techniques to be modelled by characters. The narrative was intended to promote engagement with the intervention. The intervention was rendered into a series of short text messages, and subsequent piloting showed they were acceptable in the target group. Delivery of an intervention by text message offers a low-cost, low-demand method that can reach large numbers of people. This approach provides a framework for the design of behaviour change interventions which could be used for interventions to tackle other health behaviours
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