386 research outputs found

    First ice core records of NO3− stable isotopes from Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard

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    Samples from two ice cores drilled at Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, covering the period 1957–2009, and 1650–1995, respectively, were analyzed for NO3− concentrations, and NO3− stable isotopes (δ15N and δ18O). Post-1950 δ15N has an average of (−6.9 ± 1.9) ‰, which is lower than the isotopic signal known for Summit, Greenland, but agrees with values observed in recent Svalbard snow and aerosol. Pre-1900 δ15N has an average of (4.2 ± 1.6) ‰ suggesting that natural sources, enriched in the 15 N-isotope, dominated before industrialization. The post-1950 δ18O average of (75.1 ± 4.1) ‰ agrees with data from low and polar latitudes, suggesting similar atmospheric NOy (NOy = NO + NO2 + HNO3) processing pathways. The combination of anthropogenic source δ15N and transport isotope effect was estimated as −29.1 ‰ for the last 60 years. This value is below the usual range of NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) anthropogenic sources which is likely the result of a transport isotope effect of –32 ‰. We suggest that the δ15N recorded at Lomonosovfonna is influenced mainly by fossil fuel combustion, soil emissions and forest fires; the first and second being responsible for the marked decrease in δ15N observed in the post-1950s record with soil emissions being associated to the decreasing trend in δ15N observed up to present time, and the third being responsible for the sharp increase of δ15N around 2000

    Evaluation of a coupled dispersion and aerosol process model against measurements near a major road

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    International audienceA field measurement campaign was conducted near a major road "Itäväylä" in an urban area in Helsinki in 17?20 February 2003. Aerosol measurements were conducted using a mobile laboratory "Sniffer" at various distances from the road, and at an urban background location. Measurements included particle size distribution in the size range of 7 nm?10 ?m (aerodynamic diameter) by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) and in the size range of 3?50 nm (mobility diameter) by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), total number concentration of particles larger than 3 nm detected by an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC), temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, driving route of the mobile laboratory, and traffic density on the studied road. In this study, we have compared measured concentration data with the predictions of the road network dispersion model CAR-FMI used in combination with an aerosol process model MONO32. The vehicular exhaust emissions, and atmospheric dispersion and transformation of fine and ultrafine particles was evaluated within the distance scale of 200 m (corresponding to a time scale of a couple of minutes). We computed the temporal evolution of the number concentrations, size distributions and chemical compositions of various particle size classes. The atmospheric dilution rate of particles is obtained from the roadside dispersion model CAR-FMI. Considering the evolution of total number concentration, dilution was shown to be the most important process. The influence of coagulation and condensation on the number concentrations of particle size modes was found to be negligible at this distance scale. Condensation was found to affect the evolution of particle diameter in the two smallest particle modes. The assumed value of the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 1012 molecules cm?3 was shown to be in a disagreement with the measured particle size evolution, while the modelling runs with the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 109?1010 molecules cm?3 resulted in particle sizes that were closest to the measured values

    Tensile-strained GaAsN quantum dots on InP

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    Self-assembled quantum dots are typically fabricated from compressive-strained material systems, e.g., InAs on GaAs. In this letter, self-assembled quantum dots from tensile-strained GaAsN on InP are demonstrated. GaAsN on InP has type-I band alignment. Stranski-Krastanov growth mode is not observed, but in situannealing of the uncapped samples results in the formation of islands. Photoluminescence spectra from the buried GaAsN show separate peaks due to a wetting layer and islands around the energies of 1.3 and 1.1eV, respectively.Peer reviewe

    Interference through quantum dots

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    We discuss the effect of quantum interference on transport through a quantum dot system. We introduce an indirect coherent coupling parameter alpha, which provides constructive/destructive interference in the transport current depending on its phase and the magnetic flux. We estimate the current through the quantum dot system using the non-equilibrium Green's function method as well as the master equation method in the sequential tunneling regime. The visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillation is evaluated. For a large inter-dot Coulomb interaction, the current is strongly suppressed by the quantum interference effect, while the current is restored by applying an oscillating resonance field with the frequency of twice the inter-dot tunneling energy.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant Tunneling through Multi-Level and Double Quantum Dots

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    We study resonant tunneling through quantum-dot systems in the presence of strong Coulomb repulsion and coupling to the metallic leads. Motivated by recent experiments we concentrate on (i) a single dot with two energy levels and (ii) a double dot with one level in each dot. Each level is twofold spin-degenerate. Depending on the level spacing these systems are physical realizations of different Kondo-type models. Using a real-time diagrammatic formulation we evaluate the spectral density and the non-linear conductance. The latter shows a novel triple-peak resonant structure.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTeX, 4 Postscript figure

    Interference in interacting quantum dots with spin

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    We study spectral and transport properties of interacting quantum dots with spin. Two particular model systems are investigated: Lateral multilevel and two parallel quantum dots. In both cases different paths through the system can give rise to interference. We demonstrate that this strengthens the multilevel Kondo effect for which a simple two-stage mechanism is proposed. In parallel dots we show under which conditions the peak of an interference-induced orbital Kondo effect can be split.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Evaluation and modelling of the size fractionated aerosol particle number concentration measurements nearby a major road in Helsinki ? Part I: Modelling results within the LIPIKA project

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    International audienceA field measurement campaign was conducted near a major road "Itäväylä" in an urban area in Helsinki in 17?20 February 2003. Aerosol measurements were conducted using a mobile laboratory "Sniffer" at various distances from the road, and at an urban background location. Measurements included particle size distribution in the size range of 7 nm?10 ?m (aerodynamic diameter) by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) and in the size range of 3?50 nm (mobility diameter) by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), total number concentration of particles larger than 3 nm detected by an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC), temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, driving route of the mobile laboratory, and traffic density on the studied road. In this study, we have compared measured concentration data with the predictions of the road network dispersion model CAR-FMI used in combination with an aerosol process model MONO32. For model comparison purposes, one of the cases was additionally computed using the aerosol process model UHMA, combined with the CAR-FMI model. The vehicular exhaust emissions, and atmospheric dispersion and transformation of fine and ultrafine particles was evaluated within the distance scale of 200 m (corresponding to a time scale of a couple of minutes). We computed the temporal evolution of the number concentrations, size distributions and chemical compositions of various particle size classes. The atmospheric dilution rate of particles is obtained from the roadside dispersion model CAR-FMI. Considering the evolution of total number concentration, dilution was shown to be the most important process. The influence of coagulation and condensation on the number concentrations of particle size modes was found to be negligible on this distance scale. Condensation was found to affect the evolution of particle diameter in the two smallest particle modes. The assumed value of the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 1012 molecules cm?3 was shown to be in a disagreement with the measured particle size evolution, while the modelling runs with the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 109?1010 molecules cm?3 resulted in particle sizes that were closest to the measured values

    SU(4) Fermi Liquid State and Spin Filtering in a Double Quantum Dot System

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    We study a symmetrical double quantum dot (DD) system with strong capacitive inter-dot coupling using renormalization group methods. The dots are attached to separate leads, and there can be a weak tunneling between them. In the regime where there is a single electron on the DD the low-energy behavior is characterized by an SU(4)-symmetric Fermi liquid theory with entangled spin and charge Kondo correlations and a phase shift π/4\pi/4. Application of an external magnetic field gives rise to a large magneto-conductance and a crossover to a purely charge Kondo state in the charge sector with SU(2) symmetry. In a four lead setup we find perfectly spin polarized transmission.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ReVTe

    Strong Tunneling in Double-Island Structures

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    We study the electron transport through a system of two low-capacitance metal islands connected in series between two electrodes. The work is motivated in part by experiments on semiconducting double-dots, which show intriguing effects arising from coherent tunneling of electrons and mixing of the single-electron states across tunneling barriers. In this article, we show how coherent tunneling affects metallic systems and leads to a mixing of the macroscopic charge states across the barriers. We apply a recently formulated RG approach to examine the linear response of the system with high tunnel conductances (up to 8e^2/h). In addition we calculate the (second order) cotunneling contributions to the non-linear conductance. Our main results are that the peaks in the linear and nonlinear conductance as a function of the gate voltage are reduced and broadened in an asymmetric way, as well as shifted in their positions. In the limit where the two islands are coupled weakly to the electrodes, we compare to theoretical results obtained by Golden and Halperin and Matveev et al. In the opposite case when the two islands are coupled more strongly to the leads than to each other, the peaks are found to shift, in qualitative agreement with the recent prediction of Andrei et al. for a similar double-dot system which exhibits a phase transition.Comment: 12 page
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