312 research outputs found

    Analysis of carotid lumen surface morphology using three-dimensional ultrasound imaging

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    Carotid plaque surface irregularity and ulcerations play an important role in the risk of ischemic stroke. Ulcerated or fissured plaque, characterized by irregular surface morphology, exposes thrombogenic materials to the bloodstream, possibly leading to life- or brain-threatening thrombosis and embolization. Therefore, the quantification of plaque surface irregularity is important to identify high-risk plaques that would likely lead to vascular events. Although a number of studies have characterized plaque surface irregularity using subjective classification schemes with two or more categories, only a few have quantified surface irregularity using an objective and continuous quantity, such as Gaussian or mean curvature. In this work, our goal was to use both Gaussian and mean curvatures for identifying ulcers from 3D carotid ultrasound (US) images of human subjects. Before performing experiments using patient data, we verified the numerical accuracy of the surface curvature computation method using discrete spheres and tori with different sampling intervals. We also showed that three ulcers of the vascular phantom with 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm diameters were associated with high Gaussian and mean curvatures, and thus, were easily detected. Finally, we demonstrated the application of the proposed method for detecting ulcers on luminal surfaces, which were segmented from the 3D US images acquired for two human subjects

    Quantification of carotid vessel wall and plaque thickness change using 3D ultrasound images

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    Quantitative measurements of carotid plaque burden progression or regression are important in monitoring patients and in evaluation of new treatment options. 3D ultrasound (US) has been used to monitor the progression or regression of carotid artery plaques. This paper reports on the development and application of a method used to analyze changes in carotid plaque morphology from 3D US. The technique used is evaluated using manual segmentations of the arterial wall and lumen from 3D US images acquired in two imaging sessions. To reduce the effect of segmentation variability, segmentation was performed five times each for the wall and lumen. The mean wall and lumen surfaces, computed from this set of five segmentations, were matched on a point-by-point basis, and the distance between each pair of corresponding points served as an estimate of the combined thickness of the plaque, intima, and media (vessel-wall-plus-plaque thickness or VWT). The VWT maps associated with the first and the second US images were compared and the differences of VWT were obtained at each vertex. The 3D VWT and VWT-Change maps may provide important information for evaluating the location of plaque progression in relation to the localized disturbances of flow pattern, such as oscillatory shear, and regression in response to medical treatments

    Review of quantitative and functional lung imaging evidence of vaping-related lung injury

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    IntroductionThe pulmonary effects of e-cigarette use (or vaping) became a healthcare concern in 2019, following the rapid increase of e-cigarette-related or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) in young people, which resulted in the critical care admission of thousands of teenagers and young adults. Pulmonary functional imaging is well-positioned to provide information about the acute and chronic effects of vaping. We generated a systematic review to retrieve relevant imaging studies that describe the acute and chronic imaging findings that underly vaping-related lung structure-function abnormalities.MethodsA systematic review was undertaken on June 13th, 2023 using PubMed to search for published manuscripts using the following criteria: [(“Vaping” OR “e-cigarette” OR “EVALI”) AND (“MRI” OR “CT” OR “Imaging”)]. We included only studies involving human participants, vaping/e-cigarette use, and MRI, CT and/or PET.ResultsThe search identified 445 manuscripts, of which 110 (668 unique participants) specifically mentioned MRI, PET or CT imaging in cases or retrospective case series of patients who vaped. This included 105 manuscripts specific to CT (626 participants), three manuscripts which mainly used MRI (23 participants), and two manuscripts which described PET findings (20 participants). Most studies were conducted in North America (n = 90), with the remaining studies conducted in Europe (n = 15), Asia (n = 4) and South America (n = 1). The vast majority of publications described case studies (n = 93) and a few described larger retrospective or prospective studies (n = 17). In e-cigarette users and patients with EVALI, key CT findings included ground-glass opacities, consolidations and subpleural sparing, MRI revealed abnormal ventilation, perfusion and ventilation/perfusion matching, while PET showed evidence of pulmonary inflammation.Discussion and conclusionPulmonary structural and functional imaging abnormalities were common in patients with EVALI and in e-cigarette users with or without respiratory symptoms, which suggests that functional MRI may be helpful in the investigation of the pulmonary health effects associated with e-cigarette use

    Volume of carotid artery ulceration as a predictor of cardiovascular events

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Previous studies have shown the presence of ulceration in atherosclerotic plaque either by categorizing the plaque as complex (irregular morphology with ulcers) or smooth or by quantifying the number of ulcers observed in a specific region of interest. The aim of this study was to quantify carotid total ulcer volume by 3-dimensional ultrasound to investigate the relationship of total ulcer volume to vascular events (strokes, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, revascularization, or death because of cardiovascular reasons). METHODS: In total, 349 at-risk subjects provided written informed consent to carotid 3-dimensional ultrasound and were analyzed for ulcerations. Ulcer volume was defined as a distinct discontinuity in an atherosclerotic plaque, with a volume≥1.00 mm3 as measured using manual segmentation. The sum of the volumes of all ulcers seen in both carotids was the total ulcer volume. Participants were monitored for ≤5 years for outcomes, including cardiovascular events and death. RESULTS: Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that subjects with total ulcer volume≥5 mm3 experienced a significantly higher risk of developing stroke, transient ischemic attack, or death (P=0.009) and of developing stroke/transient ischemic attack/death/myocardial infarction/revascularization (P=0.017). Lower ulcer volumes did not predict events nor did ulcer depth. CONCLUSIONS: Volume of carotid ulceration on 3-dimensional ultrasound predicts cardiovascular events. In addition to improving risk stratification, ulceration is a potential therapeutic target

    Carotid ultrasound phenotypes in vulnerable populations

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    BACKGROUND: Biomarkers of carotid atherosclerosis range from those that are widely available and relatively simple to measure such as serum cholesterol levels, and B-mode Ultrasound measurement of intima media thickness (IMT) to those that are more complex and technologically demanding but perhaps potentially more sensitive and specific to disease such as total plaque volume and total plaque area measured from 3-dimensional ultrasound images. In this study we measured and compared intima media thickness (IMT), total plaque volume (TPV) and total plaque area (TPA) in two separate populations, both vulnerable to carotid atherosclerosis. METHODS: In total, 88 subjects (mean age 72.8) with carotid stenosis of at least 60%, based on a peak Doppler flow, and 82 subjects (mean age 60.9) with diabetic nephropathy were assessed in a cross-sectional study. Conventional atherosclerotic risk factors were examined and the associations and correlations between these and carotid ultrasound phenotypes measured from B-mode and 3-dimensional ultrasound images were assessed. RESULTS: IMT and TPV were only modestly correlated in the two separate populations (r = .6, p < .01). ANOVA analyses indicated that both IMT and TPV were significantly associated with age (p < .001) and Framingham score (p < .05), but only TPV was associated with diabetes (p < .001) and presence of plaque ulcerations (p < .01) CONCLUSION: IMT and TPV were modestly correlated in a diabetic patient population and only TPV was associated with diabetes and the presence of plaque ulcerations in a diabetic population and carotid stenosis group. The 3-dimensional information provided by TPV can be critically important in unmasking association with risk factors not observed with less complex single-dimension assessments of carotid atherosclerosis such as those provided by IMT

    Oscillometry and pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging in asthma and COPD

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    Developed over six decades ago, pulmonary oscillometry has re-emerged as a noninvasive and effort-independent method for evaluating respiratory-system impedance in patients with obstructive lung disease. Here, we evaluated the relationships between hyperpolarize

    Three-dimensional segmentation of three-dimensional ultrasound carotid atherosclerosis using sparse field level sets.

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    PURPOSE: Three-dimensional ultrasound (3DUS) vessel wall volume (VWV) provides a 3D measurement of carotid artery wall remodeling and atherosclerotic plaque and is sensitive to temporal changes of carotid plaque burden. Unfortunately, although 3DUS VWV provides many advantages compared to measurements of arterial wall thickening or plaque alone, it is still not widely used in research or clinical practice because of the inordinate amount of time required to train observers and to generate 3DUS VWV measurements. In this regard, semiautomated methods for segmentation of the carotid media-adventitia boundary (MAB) and the lumen-intima boundary (LIB) would greatly improve the time to train observers and for them to generate 3DUS VWV measurements with high reproducibility. METHODS: The authors describe a 3D algorithm based on a modified sparse field level set method for segmenting the MAB and LIB of the common carotid artery (CCA) from 3DUS images. To the authors\u27 knowledge, the proposed algorithm is the first direct 3D segmentation method, which has been validated for segmenting both the carotid MAB and the LIB from 3DUS images for the purpose of computing VWV. Initialization of the algorithm requires the observer to choose anchor points on each boundary on a set of transverse slices with a user-specified interslice distance (ISD), in which larger ISD requires fewer user interactions than smaller ISD. To address the challenges of the MAB and LIB segmentations from 3DUS images, the authors integrated regional- and boundary-based image statistics, expert initializations, and anatomically motivated boundary separation into the segmentation. The MAB is segmented by incorporating local region-based image information, image gradients, and the anchor points provided by the observer. Moreover, a local smoothness term is utilized to maintain the smooth surface of the MAB. The LIB is segmented by constraining its evolution using the already segmented surface of the MAB, in addition to the global region-based information and the anchor points. The algorithm-generated surfaces were sliced and evaluated with respect to manual segmentations on a slice-by-slice basis using 21 3DUS images. RESULTS: The authors used ISD of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 mm for algorithm initialization to generate segmentation results. The algorithm-generated accuracy and intraobserver variability results are comparable to the previous methods, but with fewer user interactions. For example, for the ISD of 3 mm, the algorithm yielded an average Dice coefficient of 94.4% ± 2.2% and 90.6% ± 5.0% for the MAB and LIB and the coefficient of variation of 6.8% for computing the VWV of the CCA, while requiring only 1.72 min (vs 8.3 min for manual segmentation) for a 3DUS image. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed 3D semiautomated segmentation algorithm yielded high-accuracy and high-repeatability, while reducing the expert interaction required for initializing the algorithm than the previous 2D methods

    Scan-rescan and intra-observer variability of magnetic resonance imaging of carotid atherosclerosis at 1.5 T and 3.0 T

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    Carotid atherosclerosis measurements for eight subjects at baseline and 14 +/- 2 days later were examined using 1.5 T and 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A single observer blinded to field strength, subject and timepoint manually segmented carotid artery wall and lumen boundaries in randomized images in five measurement trials. Mean increases in the signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) for T1-weighted images acquired at 3.0 T compared to 1.5 T were 90% (scan) and 80% (rescan). Despite significantly improved SNR and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) for images acquired at 3.0 T, vessel wall volume (VWV) intra-observer variability was not significantly different using coefficients of variation (COV), and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). VWV interscan variability and consistency at both field strengths were not statistically different (1.5 T/3.0 T COV = 5.7%/7.8%, R(2) = 0.96 for 1.5 T and R(2) = 0.87 for 3.0 T). A two-way analysis of variance showed a VWV dependence on field strength but not scan timepoint. In addition, a paired t-test showed significant differences in VWV measured at 3.0 T as compared to 1.5 T. These results suggest that although images acquired at 1.5 T have lower SNR and CNR VWV, measurement variability was not significantly different from 3.0 T VWV and that VWV is field-strength dependent which may be an important consideration for longitudinal studies
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