1,807 research outputs found

    Application of Model-driven engineering to multi-agent systems: a language to model behaviors of reactive agents

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    Many users of multi-agent systems (MAS) are very commonly disinclined to model and simulate using current MAS platforms. More specifically, modeling the dynamics of a system (in particular the agents' behaviors) is very often a challenge to MAS users. This issue is more often observed in the domain of socio-ecological systems (SES), because SES domain experts are rarely programmers. Indeed, the majority of MAS platforms were not conceived taking into consideration domain-experts who are non-programmers. Most current MAS tools are not dedicated to SES, or nor do they possess an easily understandable formalism to represent the behaviors of agents. Moreover, because it is platform-dependent, a model realized in a given MAS platform cannot be properly used on another platform due to incompatibility between MAS platforms. To overcome these limitations, we propose a domain-specific language (DSL) to describe the behaviors of reactive agents, regardless of the MAS platform used for simulation. To achieve this result, we used model-driven engineering (MDE), an approach that provides tools to develop DSLs from a meta-model (abstract syntax), textual editors with syntax highlighting (for the concrete syntax) and code generation capabilities (for source-code generation of a model). As a result, we implemented a language and a textual editor that allow SES domain experts to describe behaviors in three different ways that are close to their natural expression: as equations when they are familiar with these, as a sequence of activities close to natural language or as an activity diagram to represent decisions and a sequence of behaviors using a graphic formalism. To demonstrate interoperability, we also developed code generators targeting two different MAS platforms (Cormas and Netlogo). We tested the code generators by implementing two SES models with the developed DSL. The generated code was targeted to both MAS platforms (Cormas and Netlogo), and successfully simulated in one of them. We conclude that the MDE approach provides adequate tools to develop DSL and code generators to facilitate MAS modeling and simulation by non-programmers. Concerning the DSL developed, although the behavioral aspect of MAS simulation is part of the complexity of modeling in MAS, there are still other essential aspects of model and simulation of MAS that are yet to be explored, such as model initialization and points of view on the model simulated worl

    Propiedades mecánicas y acústicas de hormigones con áridos reciclados y neumáticos fuera de uso

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    Industrial progress used to be linked to the produce of large waste volumes. These industrial by-products are deposited in landfills despite these ones could be used to manufacture others. In fact, the construction industry could incorporate these materials to contributing to greater environmental balance. This paper studies the manufactured of concrete using as aggregates two kind of different wastes: construction and demolition wastes as well as recycled tires rubber (NFU). Natural fine fraction is replaced by a 10% by volume of industrial products analyzed. The mechanical behaviour and the acoustic properties of concrete made with recycled aggregates are studied. Results show a reduction in mechanical properties by using recycled aggregates and NFU. Nevertheless, it is observed that concrete made with fine recycled aggregate fraction of NFU could be employed with all the guarantees to produce concrete for non-structural applications.El progreso industrial lleva asociado la generación de grandes volúmenes de residuos que, en la mayoría de los casos, acaban en los vertederos, desperdiciando su potencial como materias primas para otros sectores industriales, como es el sector de la construcción, por lo que debe considerarse su reutilización en nuevas aplicaciones e incorporación como subproducto en el campo de los materiales de construcción, dando lugar a materiales más ecoeficientes y respetuosos con el medioambiente. Este trabajo estudia el empleo de áridos reciclados procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición, y caucho procedente de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFU) en la fabricación de hormigones. La fracción fina natural ha sido sustituida por un 10% en volumen de los subproductos industriales analizados. El comportamiento físico, mecánico y las propiedades acústicas de los hormigones ha sido comparado con los hormigones de referencia. En los resultados se observa una reducción de las resistencias mecánicas y del modulo de elasticidad por el empleo de áridos reciclados y NFU. Se muestra que los hormigones fabricados con la fracción fina de áridos reciclados y NFU podrían ser empleados con todas las garantías en hormigones para aplicaciones no estructurales

    Tectonic evolution of Variscan Iberia: Gondwana–Laurussia

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    An integrated interpretation of the late Paleozoic structural and geochronological record of the Iberian Massif is presented and discussed under the perspective of a Gondwana-Laurussia collision giving way to the Variscan orogen. Compressional and extensional structures developed during the building of the Variscan orogenic crust of Iberia are linked together into major tectonic events operating at lithosphere scale. A review of the tectonometamorphic and magmatic evolution of the IberianMassif reveals backs and forths in the overall conver- gence between Gondwana and Laurussia during theamalgamation of Pangea in late Paleozoic times. Stages dom- inated by lithosphere compression are characterized by subduction, both oceanic and continental, development of magmatic arcs, (over- and under-) thrusting of continental lithosphere, and folding. Variscan convergence re- sulted in the eventual transference of a large allochthonous set of peri-Gondwanan terranes, the Iberian Allochthon, onto the Gondwana mainland. The Iberian Allochthon bears the imprint of previous interaction be- tween Gondwana and Laurussia, including their juxtaposition after the closure of the Rheic Ocean in Lower De- vonian times. Stages governed by lithosphere extension are featured by the opening of two short-lived oceanic basins that dissected previous Variscan orogenic crust, first in the Lower-Middle Devonian, following the closure of the Rheic Ocean, and then in the early Carboniferous, following the emplacement of the peri-Gondwanan allochthon. An additional, major intra-orogenic extensional event in the early-middle Carboniferous dismem- bered the Iberian Allochthon into individual thrust stacks separated by extensional faults and domes. Lateral tec- tonics played an important role through the Variscan orogenesis, especially during the creation of new tectonic blocks separated by intracontinental strike-slip shear zones in the late stages of continental convergence

    Interlaboratory exercise for the analysis of carotenoids and related compounds in dried mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.)

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    An interlaboratory comparison was done for the analysis of carotenoids in freeze-dried mango. The study was performed from July to September 2018. Mango fruit was freeze-dried, homogenized, and packaged under vacuum conditions in portions of 6 g (test sample). Two test samples were sent to the participating laboratories for analysis. Laboratory results were rated using Z-scores in accordance with ISO 13528 and ISO 17043. The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (also called target standard deviation) was determined using a modified Horwitz function and varied between 10% and 25%, depending on the analyte. Out of 14 laboratories from 10 different countries, 9 laboratories (64%) obtained a satisfactory performance (Z ≤ 2) for the analysis of β-carotene. While for 7 laboratories that analyzed α-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin, 4 laboratories (57%) obtained a satisfactory performance. However, only 2 laboratories out of 7 (29%) obtained a satisfactory performance for lutein. Based on the comparability of the analytical results, this study concludes that freeze-dried mango pulp can be used as a reference material for the analysis of α and β-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin by applying different analytical procedures for their extraction and quantification

    HPV-negative Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PeIN) With Basaloid Features.

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    Most human papillomavirus (HPV)-independent penile squamous cell carcinomas (PSCCs) originate from an intraepithelial precursor called differentiated penile intraepithelial neoplasia, characterized by atypia limited to the basal layer with marked superficial maturation. Previous studies in vulvar cancer, which has a similar dual etiopathogenesis, have shown that about one fifth of HPV-independent precursors are morphologically indistinguishable from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs), the precursor of HPV-asssociated carcinomas. However, such lesions have not been described in PSCC. From 2000 to 2021, 55 surgical specimens of PSCC were identified. In all cases, thorough morphologic evaluation, HPV DNA detection, and p16, p53, and Ki-67 immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was performed. HPV-independent status was assigned based on both negative results for p16 IHC and HPV DNA. Thirty-six of the 55 PSCC (65%) were HPV-independent. An intraepithelial precursor was identified in 26/36 cases (72%). Five of them (19%) had basaloid features, morphologically indistinguishable from HPV-associated HSIL. The median age of the 5 patients was 74 years (range: 67 to 83 y). All 5 cases were p16 and DNA HPV-negative. Immunohistochemically, 3 cases showed an abnormal p53 pattern, and 2 showed wild-type p53 staining. The associated invasive carcinoma was basaloid in 4 cases and the usual (keratinizing) type in 1. In conclusion, a small proportion of HPV-independent PSCC may arise on adjacent intraepithelial lesions morphologically identical to HPV-associated HSIL. This unusual histologic pattern has not been previously characterized in detail in PSCC. p16 IHC is a valuable tool to identify these lesions and differentiate them from HPV-associated HSIL

    Relative telomere length impact on mortality of COVID-19: Sex differences

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    Increasing age is associated with severity and higher mortality of COVID-19. Telomere shortening is associated with higher risk of infections and may be used to identify those patients who are more likely to die. We evaluated the association between relative telomere length (RTL) and COVID-19 mortality. RTL was measured in patients hospitalized because of COVID-19. We used Kaplan-Meier method to analyze survival probabilities, and Cox regression to investigate the association between RTL and mortality (30 and 90 days). Six hundred and eight patients were included in the analysis (mean age =72.5 years, 41.1% women, and 53.8% Caucasic). During the study period, 75 people died from COVID-19 and 533 survived. Lower RTL was associated with a higher risk of death in women either at 30 (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] (aHR) = 3.33; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.05-10.00; p = 0.040) and at 90 days (aHR = 3.57; 95%CI = 1.23-11.11; p = 0.019). Lower RTL was associated with a higher risk of dying of COVID-19 in women. This finding suggests that RTL has an essential role in the prognosis of this subset of the population.This study was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; grant number COV20/1144 [MPY224/20] to AFR/MAJS) and Fundación Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (FUAX) – Santander (1.013.005). MAJS is Miguel Servet researcher supported and funded by ISCIII (grant number: CP17CIII/00007). The study was also supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) en Enfermedades Infecciosas (CB21/13/00044). We also acknowledge the Spanish Coalition to Unlock Research on Host Genetics on COVID‐19 (SCOURGE).S

    Synthesis and Biological Activity of Triterpene-Coumarin Conjugates.

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    A set of 12 maslinic acid-coumarin conjugates was synthesized, with 9 being maslinic acid-diamine-coumarin conjugates at the C-28 carboxylic acid group of triterpene acid and the other three being maslinic acid-coumarin conjugates at C-2/C-3 and/or C-28 of the triterpene skeleton. The cytotoxic effects of these 12 triterpene conjugates were evaluated in three cancer cell lines (B16-F10, HT29, and Hep G2) and compared, respectively, with three nontumor cell lines from the same or similar tissue (HPF, IEC-18, and WRL68). The most potent cytotoxic results were achieved by a conjugate with two molecules of coumarin-3-carboxylic acid coupled through the C-2 and C-3 hydroxy groups of maslinic acid. This conjugate showed submicromolar IC50 values in two of the three cancer cell lines tested (0.6, 1.1, and 0.9 μM), being between 110- and 30-fold more effective than its corresponding precursor. Furthermore, this conjugate (10) showed percentages of cell viability for the three nontumor lines of 90%. Four maslinic acid-coumarin conjugates displayed apoptotic effects in the treated cells, with total apoptosis rates of between 40 and 85%, relative to the control. Almost all the compounds assayed caused cell-cycle arrest in all cancer cell lines, increasing the number of these cells in the G0/G1 phase