245 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional cephalometric evaluation of maxillary growth following in utero repair of cleft lip and alveolar-like defects in the mid-gestational sheep model

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    Objective: To evaluate maxillary growth following in utero repair of surgically created cleft lip and alveolar (CLA)-like defects by means of three-dimensional (3D) computer tomographic (CT) cephalometric analysis in the mid-gestational sheep model. Methods: In 12 sheep fetuses a unilateral CLA-like defect was created in utero (untreated control group: 4 fetuses). Four different bone grafts were used for the alveolar defect closure. After euthanasia, CT scans of the skulls of the fetuses, 3D re-constructions, and a 3D-CT cephalometric analysis were performed. Results: The comparisons between the operated and nonoperated skull sides as well as of the maxillary asymmetry among the experimental groups revealed no statistically significant differences of the 12 variables used. Conclusions: None of the surgical approaches used for the in utero correction of CLA-like defects seem to affect significantly postsurgical maxillary growth; however, when bone graft healing takes place, a tendency for almost normal maxillary growth can be observed. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Trait evolution and historical biogeography shape assemblages of annual killifish

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    International audienceAim: Different species assemblages of annual killifish possess replicated body size distributions yet have unique sets of species in each area of endemism. Here, we use models of trait evolution and historical biogeography to discover how size variation originated and has been restructured.Location: South America.Taxon: Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes).Methods: We sampled 63 individuals from 26 Austrolebias species. Using phylogenetic trees (BEAST2), data on environmental variables at sampling locations and size data, we compare different models for trait evolution (SURFACE, l1OU) of body size and niche traits. We model the historical biogeography of the areas of endemism (BioGeoBEARS) and use both analyses in combination to reconstruct the history of four species assemblages.Results: We present new phylogenetic trees for Austrolebias and use them to show that large size principally arose within a single area driven by a shifted selection optimum for a subset of the species in that area. We suggest that ecological interactions triggered size divergence and that this large‐bodied lineage subsequently spread to two other areas. A second assemblage may have been shaped by adaptation to a new environment without an associated increase in size divergence. A third assemblage, which has the smallest size range and the most recent origin, is phylogenetically clustered, and we found no evidence of environmental filtering.Main conclusions: Assemblage similarity in Austrolebias is the result of contrasting ecological, evolutionary and historical processes. Modelling trait evolution together with historical biogeography can help to disentangle the complex histories of multispecies assemblages. This approach provides context to commonly used tests investigating the role of ecological processes from phylogenetic data and generates new testable hypotheses on the processes that generated trait diversity and assemblage similarit

    Seed size and its rate of evolution correlate with species diversification across angiosperms

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    Species diversity varies greatly across the different taxonomic groups that comprise the Tree of Life (ToL). This imbalance is particularly conspicuous within angiosperms, but is largely unexplained. Seed mass is one trait that may help clarify why some lineages diversify more than others because it confers adaptation to different environments, which can subsequently influence speciation and extinction. The rate at which seed mass changes across the angiosperm phylogeny may also be linked to diversification by increasing reproductive isolation and allowing access to novel ecological niches. However, the magnitude and direction of the association between seed mass and diversification has not been assessed across the angiosperm phylogeny. Here, we show that absolute seed size and the rate of change in seed size are both associated with variation in diversification rates. Based on the largest available angiosperm phylogenetic tree, we found that smaller-seeded plants had higher rates of diversification, possibly due to improved colonisation potential. The rate of phenotypic change in seed size was also strongly positively correlated with speciation rates, providing rare, large-scale evidence that rapid morphological change is associated with species divergence. Our study now reveals that variation in morphological traits and, importantly, the rate at which they evolve can contribute to explaining the extremely uneven distribution of diversity across the ToL

    Field-based species identification of closely-related plants using real-time nanopore sequencing

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    Advances in DNA sequencing and informatics have revolutionised biology over the past four decades, but technological limitations have left many applications unexplored. Recently, portable, real-time, nanopore sequencing (RTnS) has become available. This offers opportunities to rapidly collect and analyse genomic data anywhere. However, generation of datasets from large, complex genomes has been constrained to laboratories. The portability and long DNA sequences of RTnS offer great potential for field-based species identification, but the feasibility and accuracy of these technologies for this purpose have not been assessed. Here, we show that a field-based RTnS analysis of closely-related plant species (Arabidopsis spp.) has many advantages over laboratory-based high-throughput sequencing (HTS) methods for species level identification and phylogenomics. Samples were collected and sequenced in a single day by RTnS using a portable, “al fresco” laboratory. Our analyses demonstrate that correctly identifying unknown reads from matches to a reference database with RTnS reads enables rapid and confident species identification. Individually annotated RTnS reads can be used to infer the evolutionary relationships of A. thaliana. Furthermore, hybrid genome assembly with RTnS and HTS reads substantially improved upon a genome assembled from HTS reads alone. Field-based RTnS makes real-time, rapid specimen identification and genome wide analyses possible

    Viviparity Stimulates Diversification in an Order of Fish

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    International audienceSpecies richness is distributed unevenly across the tree of life and this may be influenced by the evolution of novel phenotypes that promote diversification. Viviparity has originated B150 times in vertebrates and is considered to be an adaptation to highly variable environments. Likewise, possessing an annual life cycle is common in plants and insects, where it enables the colonization of seasonal environments, but rare in vertebrates. The extent to which these reproductive life-history traits have enhanced diversification and their relative importance in the process remains unknown. We show that convergent evolution of viviparity causes bursts of diversification in fish. We built a phylogenetic tree for Cyprino-dontiformes, an order in which both annualism and viviparity have arisen, and reveal that while both traits have evolved multiple times, only viviparity played a major role in shaping the patterns of diversity. These results demonstrate that changes in reproductive life-history strategy can stimulate diversification

    Aquifer thermal energy storage: An attempt to counter free thermal convection

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1983 American Geophysical UnionIn previous Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) experiments, appreciable free thermal convection was observed. In an attempt to counter the detrimental effects of convection, a dual recovery well system was constructed at the Mobile site and a third injection-storage-recovery cycle performed. Using a partially penetrating well, cycle 3-3 injection began on April 7, 1982. A total of 56,680 m3 of 79°C water were injected. After 57 days of storage, production began with a dual recovery well system. Due to the dominating effect of nonhomogeneities, the dual well system did not work particularly well, and a recovery factor of 0.42 was achieved. The degree of aquifer heterogeneity at the location of the present experiments was not apparent during previous experiments at a location only 109 m away, although pumping tests indicated similar values of transmissivity. Therefore aquifers with the same transmissivity can behave quite differently in a thermal sense. Heat conduction to the upper aquitard was a major energy loss mechanism. Water sample analyses indicated that there were no important changes in the chemical constituents during the third set of experiments. There was a 19% increase in total dissolved solids. At the end of injection, the land surface near the injection well had risen 1.39 cm with respect to bench marks located 70 m away

    Genetic assimilation of ancestral plasticity during parallel adaptation to Zinc contamination in Silene uniflora

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    Phenotypic plasticity in ancestral populations is hypothesized to facilitate adaptation, but evidence is piecemeal and often contradictory. Further, whether ancestral plasticity increases the probability of parallel adaptive changes has not been explored. The most general finding is that ancestral responses to a new environment are reversed following adaptation (known as reversion). We investigated the contribution of ancestral plasticity to adaptive evolution of gene expression in two independently evolved lineages of zinc-tolerant Silene uniflora. We found that the general pattern of reversion is driven by the absence of a widespread stress response in zinc-adapted plants compared with zinc-sensitive plants. We show that ancestral plasticity that moves expression closer to the optimum value in the new environment influences the evolution of gene expression among genes that are likely to be involved in adaptation and increases the chance that genes are recruited repeatedly during adaptation. However, despite convergence in gene expression levels between independently adapted lineages, ancestral plasticity does not influence how similar expression values of adaptive genes become. Surprisingly, we also observed that ancestral plasticity that increases fitness often becomes genetically determined and fixed, that is, genetically assimilated. These results emphasize the important role of ancestral plasticity in parallel adaptation