103 research outputs found

    Risk communication and community right to know: A public relations obligation to inform

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    Risk communication and community right to know are increasingly important functions of public relations within communities that face a considerable amount of health, safety and environmental risk related to chemical manufacturing. Following Susan G. Hadden’s (1989) claim that community right to know is not only a legal subject but a powerful approach to risk communication and by extension public relations, this research project analyzed, through an ethnographic case study of participant observations (n=193 days), interviews (n=27) and focus groups (n=15), how community residents perceive and construct their awareness and understanding of significant federally mandated and industry initiated community-right-to-know initiatives within risk communication. Findings include a general lack of awareness and understanding of community-right-to-know programs and risk management protocols, with differences among communities, cultures and genders, and the social justification of risks via narratives

    Another part of the risk communicatin model: Analysis of risk communication process and message content

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    The authors undertook a study to define the messages that exist in 2 communities of risk (e.g., high concentration of chemical facilities) using the principles of fantasy theme analysis and symbolic convergence theory. Through several methodological steps including a document review, interviews, focus groups, and a telephone survey (N = 450), the researchers determined the messages that dominate in the community, and were able to segment them into rhetorical visions based on master analogues. Analysis indicated that persons who adhere to different perspectives or opinions (measured as rhetorical visions) experience different amounts of uncertainty, control, and support or opposition for the industries that create the risks. This analysis adds depth to the risk communication literature and suggests that public relations practitioners can and should attempt to understand risk discourse content as well as the communication processes and risk perceptions held by key publics

    Emergency Text Messaging Systems and Higher Education Campuses: Expanding Crisis Communication and Chaos Theory

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    Recent public safety threats affecting college and university campuses during episodes of natural disasters and mass violence have exposed numerous challenges and opportunities in risk and crisis communication. This study addresses how colleges and universities have incorporated emergency text messaging systems into their crisis communication plans; how these institutions have tested such emergency notification systems; and what, if any, prevalent gaps exist between audience expectations and actual practices. Using grounded theory, the data collected in this study through in-depth phone interviews (N=10) of university public relations practitioners, as well as a document analysis of media coverage of campus crises (N=36), offered a humanistic and constructivist perspective about circumstances related to emergency text message alert systems that few researchers have explored. The analysis of the data also revealed and confirmed that chaos theory can play a role as a significant theory and potentially guiding paradigm of crisis communications research

    Genome-wide investigation of light and carbon signaling interactions in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: Light and carbon are two essential signals influencing plant growth and development. Little is known about how carbon and light signaling pathways intersect or influence one another to affect gene expression. RESULTS: Microarrays are used to investigate carbon and light signaling interactions at a genome-wide level in Arabidopsis thaliana. A classification system, 'InterAct Class', is used to classify genes on the basis of their expression profiles. InterAct classes and the genes within them are placed into theoretical models describing interactions between carbon and light signaling. Within InterAct classes there are genes regulated by carbon (201 genes), light (77 genes) or through carbon and light interactions (1,247 genes). We determined whether genes involved in specific biological processes are over-represented in the population of genes regulated by carbon and/or light signaling. Of 29 primary functional categories identified by the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences, five show over-representation of genes regulated by carbon and/or light. Metabolism has the highest representation of genes regulated by carbon and light interactions and includes the secondary functional categories of carbon-containing-compound/carbohydrate metabolism, amino-acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, fatty-acid metabolism and isoprenoid metabolism. Genes that share a similar InterAct class expression profile and are involved in the same biological process are used to identify putative cis elements possibly involved in responses to both carbon and light signals. CONCLUSIONS: The work presented here represents a method to organize and classify microarray datasets, enabling one to investigate signaling interactions and to identify putative cis elements in silico through the analysis of genes that share a similar expression profile and biological function

    Expansion of the Knockdown Resistance Frequency Map for Human Head Lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) in the United States Using Quantitative Sequencing

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    Pediculosis is a prevalent parasitic infestation of humans, which is increasing due, in part, to the selection of lice resistant to either the pyrethrins or pyrethroid insecticides by the knockdown resistance (kdr) mechanism. To determine the extent and magnitude of thekdr-type mutations responsible for this resistance, lice were collected from 138 collection sites in 48 U.S. states from 22 July 2013 to 11 May 2015 and analyzed by quantitative sequencing. Previously published data were used for comparisons of the changes in the frequency of thekdr-type mutations over time. Mean percent resistance allele frequency (mean % RAF) values across the three mutation loci were determined from each collection site. The overall mean % RAF (+/-SD) for all analyzed lice was 98.3 +/- 10%. 132/138 sites (95.6%) had a mean % RAF of 100%, five sites (3.7%) had intermediate values, and only a single site had no mutations (0.0%). Forty-two states (88%) had a mean % RAF of 100%. The frequencies ofkdr-type mutations did not differ regardless of the human population size that the lice were collected from, indicating a uniformly high level of resistant alleles. The loss of efficacy of the Nix formulation (Prestige Brand, Tarrytown, NY) from 1998 to 2013 was correlated to the increase inkdr-type mutations. These data provide a plausible reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of permethrin in the Nix formulation, which is the parallel increase ofkdr-type mutations in lice over time

    Quantitative Sequencing for the Determination of Kdr-type Resistance Allele (V419L,L925I, I936F) Frequencies in Common Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius L., (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Populations Collected from Israel

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    Human bed bug infestations have dramatically increased worldwide since the mid-1990s. A similar phenomenon was also observed in Israel since 2005, when infestations were reported from all over the country. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (V419L and L925I) in the bed bug voltage sensitive sodium channel confer kdr-type resistance to pyrethroids. Using quantitative sequencing (QS), the resistance allele frequencies of Israeli bed bug populations from across the country were determined. Genomic DNA was extracted from samples of 12 populations of bed bugs collected from Israel and DNA fragments containing the V419L or L925I and I936F mutations sites were PCR amplified. The PCR products were analyzed by QS and the nucleotide signal ratios calculated and used to predict the resistance allele frequencies of the unknown populations. Results of the genetic analysis show that resistant nucleotide signals are highly correlated to resistance allele frequencies for both mutations. Ten of the 12 tested populations had 100% of the L925I mutation and 0% of the V419L mutation. One population was heterogeneous for the L925I mutation and had 0% of the V419L mutation and another population was heterozygous for the V419L mutation and had 100% of the L925I mutation. I936F occurred only at low levels. These results indicate that bed bugs in Israel are genetically resistant to pyrethroids. Thus, pyrethroids should only be used for bed bug management with caution using effective application and careful monitoring procedures. Additionally, new and novel-acting insecticides and non-chemical means of controlling bed bugs should be explored

    Expressed sequence tag analysis in Cycas, the most primitive living seed plant

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    BACKGROUND: Cycads are ancient seed plants (living fossils) with origins in the Paleozoic. Cycads are sometimes considered a 'missing link' as they exhibit characteristics intermediate between vascular non-seed plants and the more derived seed plants. Cycads have also been implicated as the source of 'Guam's dementia', possibly due to the production of S(+)-beta-methyl-alpha, beta-diaminopropionic acid (BMAA), which is an agonist of animal glutamate receptors. RESULTS: A total of 4,200 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were created from Cycas rumphii and clustered into 2,458 contigs, of which 1,764 had low-stringency BLAST similarity to other plant genes. Among those cycad contigs with similarity to plant genes, 1,718 cycad 'hits' are to angiosperms, 1,310 match genes in gymnosperms and 734 match lower (non-seed) plants. Forty-six contigs were found that matched only genes in lower plants and gymnosperms. Upon obtaining the complete sequence from the clones of 37/46 contigs, 14 still matched only gymnosperms. Among those cycad contigs common to higher plants, ESTs were discovered that correspond to those involved in development and signaling in present-day flowering plants. We purified a cycad EST for a glutamate receptor (GLR)-like gene, as well as ESTs potentially involved in the synthesis of the GLR agonist BMAA. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of cycad ESTs has uncovered conserved and potentially novel genes. Furthermore, the presence of a glutamate receptor agonist, as well as a glutamate receptor-like gene in cycads, supports the hypothesis that such neuroactive plant products are not merely herbivore deterrents but may also serve a role in plant signaling

    THUMP from archaeal tRNA:m(2)(2)G10 methyltransferase, a genuine autonomously folding domain

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    The tRNA:m(2)(2)G10 methyltransferase of Pyrococus abyssi (PAB1283, a member of COG1041) catalyzes the N(2),N(2)-dimethylation of guanosine at position 10 in tRNA. Boundaries of its THUMP (THioUridine synthases, RNA Methyltransferases and Pseudo-uridine synthases)—containing N-terminal domain [1–152] and C-terminal catalytic domain [157–329] were assessed by trypsin limited proteolysis. An inter-domain flexible region of at least six residues was revealed. The N-terminal domain was then produced as a standalone protein (THUMPα) and further characterized. This autonomously folded unit exhibits very low affinity for tRNA. Using protein fold-recognition (FR) methods, we identified the similarity between THUMPα and a putative RNA-recognition module observed in the crystal structure of another THUMP-containing protein (ThiI thiolase of Bacillus anthracis). A comparative model of THUMPα structure was generated, which fulfills experimentally defined restraints, i.e. chemical modification of surface exposed residues assessed by mass spectrometry, and identification of an intramolecular disulfide bridge. A model of the whole PAB1283 enzyme docked onto its tRNA(Asp) substrate suggests that the THUMP module specifically takes support on the co-axially stacked helices of T-arm and acceptor stem of tRNA and, together with the catalytic domain, screw-clamp structured tRNA. We propose that this mode of interactions may be common to other THUMP-containing enzymes that specifically modify nucleotides in the 3D-core of tRNA

    Super-Genotype: Global Monoclonality Defies the Odds of Nature

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    The ability to respond to natural selection under novel conditions is critical for the establishment and persistence of introduced alien species and their ability to become invasive. Here we correlated neutral and quantitative genetic diversity of the weed Pennisetum setaceum Forsk. Chiov. (Poaceae) with differing global (North American and African) patterns of invasiveness and compared this diversity to native range populations. Numerous molecular markers indicate complete monoclonality within and among all of these areas (FST = 0.0) and is supported by extreme low quantitative trait variance (QST = 0.00065–0.00952). The results support the general-purpose-genotype hypothesis that can tolerate all environmental variation. However, a single global genotype and widespread invasiveness under numerous environmental conditions suggests a super-genotype. The super-genotype described here likely evolved high levels of plasticity in response to fluctuating environmental conditions during the Early to Mid Holocene. During the Late Holocene, when environmental conditions were predominantly constant but extremely inclement, strong selection resulted in only a few surviving genotypes
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