2,433 research outputs found

    Laser absorption phenomena in flowing gas devices

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    A theoretical and experimental investigation is presented of inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption of CW CO2 laser radiation in flowing gases seeded with alkali metals. In order to motivate this development, some simple models are described of several space missions which could use laser powered rocket vehicles. Design considerations are given for a test call to be used with a welding laser, using a diamond window for admission of laser radiation at power levels in excess of 10 kW. A detailed analysis of absorption conditions in the test cell is included. The experimental apparatus and test setup are described and the results of experiments presented. Injection of alkali seedant and steady state absorption of the laser radiation were successfully demonstrated, but problems with the durability of the diamond windows at higher powers prevented operation of the test cell as an effective laser powered thruster

    Review of R and D on Water Hyacinth Utilization in the Philippine Republic

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    The operations of a Filipino inventor were observed with a view toward determining the technical-economic potential of his hyacinth utilization concepts if the highly fibrous portion of the plant were separated from the other components. Subjects of particular interest include: (1) water hyacinth harvesting techniques, volumes and costs; (2) hyacinth defibering processes; and (3) uses of hyacinth materials for production of animal feeds, paper fibers, particle boards, acoustic and insulation boards, various vitamins and minerals (especially Vitamin A), food products, pesticides, and medicinal and pharmaceutical products

    The Validity of Extraterritorial Municipal Zoning

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    A body of law does not suddenly spring up. A period of development is required during which there is a gradual evolution of a comprehensive and coherent body of law. So, the law of zoning did not go immediately from the one extreme of completely unregulated city development to the other extreme of closely restricted city planning and zoning. Throughout the years tremendous changes in living conditions were taking place; sign board regulation was developing; and cities were prohibiting noxious uses of property for the benefit of the whole community. These things paved the way for the holding in Village of Euclid v. Ambler. That decision did not, of course, provide a full-grown body of law. Our law of zoning has taken a number of years to develop, and is still being developed by the flow of judicial decisions. That development has now occurred to the point where it seems worthwhile to examine some of its phases. This paper will treat only one phase of the topic--the extraterritorial exercise of the zoning power; that is, the exercise of the zoning power of a municipality outside the corporate boundaries. Since this area has not been widely explored by the courts, a portion of the argument is necessarily presented by way of analogy

    Alien Registration- Thompson, Otis J. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    The Proper Theory on Which to Seek an Injunction Against Airflights over Land

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    Norris: A Casebook of Complete Criminal Trials

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    A Review of A Casebook of Complete Criminal Trials by Harold Norri

    Alien Registration- Clair, Otis J. (Presque Isle, Aroostook County)

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    Quantified Uncertainty in Thermodynamic Modeling for Materials Design

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    Phase fractions, compositions and energies of the stable phases as a function of macroscopic composition, temperature, and pressure (X-T-P) are the principle correlations needed for the design of new materials and improvement of existing materials. They are the outcomes of thermodynamic modeling based on the CALculation of PHAse Diagrams (CALPHAD) approach. The accuracy of CALPHAD predictions vary widely in X-T-P space due to experimental error, model inadequacy and unequal data coverage. In response, researchers have developed frameworks to quantify the uncertainty of thermodynamic property model parameters and propagate it to phase diagram predictions. In previous studies, uncertainty was represented as intervals on phase boundaries (with respect to composition) or invariant reactions (with respect to temperature) and was unable to represent the uncertainty in eutectoid reactions or in the stability of phase regions. In this work, we propose a suite of tools that leverages samples from the multivariate model parameter distribution to represent uncertainty in forms that surpass previous limitations and are well suited to materials design. These representations include the distribution of phase diagrams and their features, as well as the dependence of phase stability and the distributions of phase fraction, composition activity and Gibbs energy on X-T-P location - irrespective of the total number of components. Most critically, the new methodology allows the material designer to interrogate a certain composition and temperature domain and get in return the probability of different phases to be stable, which can positively impact materials design

    Finite-time stabilization of homogeneous non-Lipschitz systems

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    This paper focuses on the problem of finite-time stabilization of homogeneous, non-Lipschitz systems with dilations. A key contribution of this paper is the design of a virtual recursive Holder, non-Lipschitz state feedback, which renders the non-Lipschitz systems in the special case dominated by a lower-triangular nonlinear system finite-time stable. The proof is based on a recursive design algorithm developed recently to construct the virtual Holder continuous, finite-time stabilizer as well as a C1 positive definite and proper Lyapunov function that guarantees finite-time stability of the non-Lipschitz nonlinear systems
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