328 research outputs found

    Using workflow technology to manage flexible e-learning services

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    Workflow technology provides a suitable platform to define and manage the coordination of business process activities. We introduce a flexible e-learning environment – called Flex-eL – that has been built upon workflow technology. The workflow functionality of Flex-eL manages the coordination of learning and assessment activities of the course process between students and teaching staff. It provides a unique environment for teachers to design and develop process-centric courses and to monitor student progress. It allows students to learn at their own pace while observing the learning guidelines and checkpoints modeled into the course process by teaching staff. We also report on the successful deployment of the concept and system for university courses and our experiences from the implementation

    A system of relational syllogistic incorporating full Boolean reasoning

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    We present a system of relational syllogistic, based on classical propositional logic, having primitives of the following form: Some A are R-related to some B; Some A are R-related to all B; All A are R-related to some B; All A are R-related to all B. Such primitives formalize sentences from natural language like `All students read some textbooks'. Here A and B denote arbitrary sets (of objects), and R denotes an arbitrary binary relation between objects. The language of the logic contains only variables denoting sets, determining the class of set terms, and variables denoting binary relations between objects, determining the class of relational terms. Both classes of terms are closed under the standard Boolean operations. The set of relational terms is also closed under taking the converse of a relation. The results of the paper are the completeness theorem with respect to the intended semantics and the computational complexity of the satisfiability problem.Comment: Available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10849-012-9165-

    Bezsenzorski pogon za vuču s estimatorima u kliznom režimu i MRASCC-u koristeći izravno upravljanje momentom

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    In the paper two types of speed, torque and flux estimators are described. The Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) and the Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) type estimators are applied in the sensorless Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation algorithm (DTC-SVM) of Induction Motor (IM) drive. Dynamical performance of the drive and the estimator properties in field weakening and low speed regions for traction drive system are presented.U članku su opisana dva tipa estimatora brzine, momenta i toka – observer u kliznom režimu (SMO) i adaptivni sustav reference modela (MRAS). Oba tipa estimatora su primijenjena u bezsenzorskom izravnom upravljanju momentom s modulacijom prostornih vektora (DTC-SVM) na pogonu s asinkronim motorom (IM). Prikazane su dinamičke karakteristike pogona i estimatora u režimima slabog polja i male brzine za slijedni sustav

    Should we keep everything forever (reprised)? Preservation review of research data in a repository as an art and a science

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    --This poster was accepted for iPres2018, Boston, USA-- The Illinois Data Bank was established in 2016 as an institutional file-based repository for research data (Hetrick et al. 2018). The service commits to a minimum retention period of five years, after which deposits are to be appraised and potentially reformatted, enhanced, or withdrawn. Preservation review guidelines were established and a “review indicator” was proposed (Anderson et al., 2016) to help curators identify datasets for which an in-depth, human-mediated review may be warranted. Our poster will characterize the datasets deposited during Illinois Data Bank’s first two years in order to evaluate the following: the feasibility and utility of our proposed Review Indicator as currently formulated, and possible actions during initial curation that would minimize or eliminate the need for a five-year review of some datasets. As we continue to explore strategies to assist with the on-going stewardship of complex data collections, we hope that our efforts will spark conversations with, and insights from, others who are responsible for preserving similarly challenging collectionsOpe

    Endoscopic Management of Gastric Polyp with Outlet Obstruction without Polypectomy

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    Although gastric polyp is usually an incidental endoscopic finding, large-sized polyps can cause symptoms ranging from epigastralgia to bleeding from ulcerated polyps and gastric outlet obstruction. Although the gold standard of treatment is removal of the polyp either through endoscopic polypectomy or surgical excision, complications associated with these procedures cannot be ignored. The risk becomes a major concern for patients at high risk for surgery when complications arise. We describe a debilitated 74-year-old woman who presented with early satiety, intermittent postprandial nausea and vomiting for three months. Upper endoscopy revealed a 2.5 cm pedunculated polyp over the gastric antrum causing intermittent obstruction. Considering her high risk for polypectomy, detachable snaring was performed without polypectomy in an outpatient setting. The patient was complication-free with complete relief of obstructive symptoms one week after the procedure. Subsequent follow-ups showed satisfactory healing without signs of mucosal disruption or recurrence. The results suggest that detachable snaring without polypectomy may be a therapeutic option for high-risk patients with benign symptomatic gastric polyps

    Inhibition of caspase-1 prolongs survival of mice infected with rabies virus

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    Rabies virus infects almost all mammals resulting in lethal disease. To date there is no treatment available for symptomatic rabies and there is an urgent need to develop treatment strategies that would prolong survival, thereby providing a window of opportunity for the host to mount a protective immune response. We hypothesized that both virus and excessive immune response contribute to disease and that interfering with both is necessary to prevent lethal disease. Here, we have inhibited the pro-inflammatory response associated with pyroptosis and showed that inhibition of CASP-1 had a beneficial effect on survival time. Our results confirm that some inflammatory responses may be involved in the pathogenesis of severe disease and the results suggest that effective intervention includes inhibition of virus and host response

    Esophageal Granular Cell Tumor and Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Two Interesting Entities Identified in the Same Patient

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    We illustrate the case of a 41-year-old male with allergic manifestations since childhood. He sought medical attention for intermittent, progressive dysphagia from which he had been suffering for a number of years, having felt the sensation of a retrosternal lump and a self-limited obstruction to the passage of food. Endoscopy detected a submucosal tumor in the upper third of the esophagus, which was typified, via biopsy, as a granular cell tumor with benign characteristics and probably responsible for the symptoms. Two years later, the patient sought medical attention once again as these symptoms had not abated, hence digestive endoscopy was repeated. This revealed stenosis of the junction between the middle and lower thirds of the organ which had not been detected previously but was passable under gentle pressure. Eosinophilic esophagitis was detected after biopsies were taken. Esophageal manometry identified a motor disorder affecting the esophageal body. Following three months of treatment using fluticasone propionate applied topically, the symptoms went into remission, esophageal stenosis disappeared and the esophageal biopsies returned to normal. This is the first documented case of the link between granular cell tumors and Eosinophilic esophagitis, two different disorders which could cause dysphagia in young patients

    APPL Proteins FRET at the BAR: Direct Observation of APPL1 and APPL2 BAR Domain-Mediated Interactions on Cell Membranes Using FRET Microscopy

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    Human APPL1 and APPL2 are homologous RAB5 effectors whose binding partners include a diverse set of transmembrane receptors, signaling proteins, and phosphoinositides. APPL proteins associate dynamically with endosomal membranes and are proposed to function in endosome-mediated signaling pathways linking the cell surface to the cell nucleus. APPL proteins contain an N-terminal Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain, a central pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, and a C-terminal phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain. Previous structural and biochemical studies have shown that the APPL BAR domains mediate homotypic and heterotypic APPL-APPL interactions and that the APPL1 BAR domain forms crescent-shaped dimers. Although previous studies have shown that APPL minimal BAR domains associate with curved cell membranes, direct interaction between APPL BAR domains on cell membranes in vivo has not been reported.Herein, we used a laser-scanning confocal microscope equipped with a spectral detector to carry out fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments with cyan fluorescent protein/yellow fluorescent protein (CFP/YFP) FRET donor/acceptor pairs to examine interactions between APPL minimal BAR domains at the subcellular level. This comprehensive approach enabled us to evaluate FRET levels in a single cell using three methods: sensitized emission, standard acceptor photobleaching, and sequential acceptor photobleaching. We also analyzed emission spectra to address an outstanding controversy regarding the use of CFP donor/YFP acceptor pairs in FRET acceptor photobleaching experiments, based on reports that photobleaching of YFP converts it into a CFP-like species.All three methods consistently showed significant FRET between APPL minimal BAR domain FRET pairs, indicating that they interact directly in a homotypic (i.e., APPL1-APPL1 and APPL2-APPL2) and heterotypic (i.e., APPL1-APPL2) manner on curved cell membranes. Furthermore, the results of our experiments did not show photoconversion of YFP into a CFP-like species following photobleaching, supporting the use of CFP donor/YFP acceptor FRET pairs in acceptor photobleaching studies