31 research outputs found

    Barriers to women entrepreneurship. Different methods, different results?

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    Building on research by Akehurst et al. (Serv Ind J 32:2489-2505, 2012), this study analysed internal and external factors in women entrepreneurship and linked these factors to the barriers that women face when starting businesses. To do so, two contrasting statistical techniques were used: PLS and QCA. After analysing results from each of these techniques, we observed that family duties and difficulties in obtaining financing (both internal and external) were the main factors related to barriers faced by women entrepreneurs

    Towards an appreciation of ethics in social enterprise business models

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    How can a critical analysis of entrepreneurial intention inform an appreciation of ethics in social enterprise business models? In answering this question, we consider the ethical commitments that inform entrepreneurial action (inputs) and the hybrid organisations that emerge out of these commitments and actions (outputs). Ethical theory can be a useful way to re-orient the field of social enterprise so that it is more critical of bureaucratic (charitable) and market-driven (business) enterprises connected to neo-liberal doctrine. Social enterprise hybrid business models are therefore reframed as outcomes of both ethical and entrepreneurial intentions. We challenge the dominant conceptualisation of social enterprise as a hybrid blend of mission and market (purpose-versus-resource) by reframing hybridity in terms of the moral choice of economic system (redistribution, reciprocity and market) and social value orientation (personal, mutual or public benefit). We deconstruct the political foundations of charitable trading activities (CTAs), co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs) and socially responsible businesses (SRBs) by examining the rationalities (formal, social and substantive) and ethical commitments (utilitarian, communitarian, pragmatic) that underpin them. Whilst conceptual modelling of social enterprise is not new, this paper contributes to knowledge by developing a theory of social enterprise ethics based on the moral/political choices that are made by entrepreneurs (knowingly and unknowingly) when choosing between systems of economic exchange and social value orientation, then expressing it through a legal form

    Tecendo uma virtuosa "colcha de retalhos": a constituição e interpretação de um corpus lingüístico num estudo sobre reflexividade e articulação empreendedora Weaving a virtuous 'patchwork quilt': the constitution and interpretation of a linguistic corpus in a study about reflectivity and entrepreneurial articulation

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    Este artigo apresenta a etapa fundamental de um processo investigativo maior, a constituição e a análise interpretativa de um corpus lingüístico capaz de propiciar avanço na direção apontada em etapa prévia - quando focos e questões de interesse foram consolidados - de um estudo sobre reflexividade e articulação empreendedora. Daí essa "colcha" aqui tecida ser denominada "virtuosa", ou seja, algo capaz (que tem a virtude) de "produzir efeitos". Pretende-se trazer à tona esse processo de entrelaçamento de evidências oriundas das mais diversas fontes e a natural construção desse corpus e das interpretações, à luz do aporte teórico dos autores. Como foi tecido esse corpus? Qual foi sua importância para o avanço deste estudo? Estas são as principais questões. Como resultado, o referido corpus demonstrou ter grande utilidade para acesso e agrupamento de evidências no "caso ilustrativo", e a interpretação, à luz do aporte teórico, de questões importantes (previamente elencadas) para o fenômeno central em estudo: a "articulação empreendedora de caráter reflexivo", por meio das evidências encontradas no caso.<br>This article presents the basic stage of a larger inquiry process, the constitution and the interpretative analysis of a linguistic corpus capable of advancing in the direction indicated in a previous stage - when focus and interest issues were consolidated - of a study on reflectivity and entrepreneurial articulation. Thus this 'patchwork quilt' that is weaved here is called 'virtuous', something capable (that has the virtue) 'of producing effect'. The objective is to present this process of interlacement of evidences of different sources and the natural construction of this corpus and the interpretations, according to the authors' theoretical framework. How was this corpus weaved? What was its importance for the advancement of this study? These are the main questions that guide this article. As result, the related corpus demonstrated to have great utility for access and grouping of evidence in the 'illustrative case', as well as the interpretation, according to the theoretical contribution, of important issues (previously listed) for the central phenomenon in study, the 'entrepreneurial articulation of reflective character', by means of the evidence found in the case