175 research outputs found

    Privacy-Utility Management of Hypothesis Tests

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    The trade-off of hypothesis tests on the correlated privacy hypothesis and utility hypothesis is studied. The error exponent of the Bayesian composite hypothesis test on the privacy or utility hypothesis can be characterized by the corresponding minimal Chernoff information rate. An optimal management protects the privacy by minimizing the error exponent of the privacy hypothesis test and meanwhile guarantees the utility hypothesis testing performance by satisfying a lower bound on the corresponding minimal Chernoff information rate. The asymptotic minimum error exponent of the privacy hypothesis test is shown to be characterized by the infimum of corresponding minimal Chernoff information rates subject to the utility guarantees.Comment: accepted in IEEE Information Theory Workshop 201

    Lossy Source Coding with Reconstruction Privacy

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    We consider the problem of lossy source coding with side information under a privacy constraint that the reconstruction sequence at a decoder should be kept secret to a certain extent from another terminal such as an eavesdropper, a sender, or a helper. We are interested in how the reconstruction privacy constraint at a particular terminal affects the rate-distortion tradeoff. In this work, we allow the decoder to use a random mapping, and give inner and outer bounds to the rate-distortion-equivocation region for different cases where the side information is available non-causally and causally at the decoder. In the special case where each reconstruction symbol depends only on the source description and current side information symbol, the complete rate-distortion-equivocation region is provided. A binary example illustrating a new tradeoff due to the new privacy constraint, and a gain from the use of a stochastic decoder is given.Comment: 22 pages, added proofs, to be presented at ISIT 201

    Source Coding Problems with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information

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    A computable expression for the rate-distortion (RD) function proposed by Heegard and Berger has eluded information theory for nearly three decades. Heegard and Berger's single-letter achievability bound is well known to be optimal for \emph{physically degraded} side information; however, it is not known whether the bound is optimal for arbitrarily correlated side information (general discrete memoryless sources). In this paper, we consider a new setup in which the side information at one receiver is \emph{conditionally less noisy} than the side information at the other. The new setup includes degraded side information as a special case, and it is motivated by the literature on degraded and less noisy broadcast channels. Our key contribution is a converse proving the optimality of Heegard and Berger's achievability bound in a new setting. The converse rests upon a certain \emph{single-letterization} lemma, which we prove using an information theoretic telescoping identity {recently presented by Kramer}. We also generalise the above ideas to two different successive-refinement problems

    Stabilization of Linear Systems Over Gaussian Networks

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    The problem of remotely stabilizing a noisy linear time invariant plant over a Gaussian relay network is addressed. The network is comprised of a sensor node, a group of relay nodes and a remote controller. The sensor and the relay nodes operate subject to an average transmit power constraint and they can cooperate to communicate the observations of the plant's state to the remote controller. The communication links between all nodes are modeled as Gaussian channels. Necessary as well as sufficient conditions for mean-square stabilization over various network topologies are derived. The sufficient conditions are in general obtained using delay-free linear policies and the necessary conditions are obtained using information theoretic tools. Different settings where linear policies are optimal, asymptotically optimal (in certain parameters of the system) and suboptimal have been identified. For the case with noisy multi-dimensional sources controlled over scalar channels, it is shown that linear time varying policies lead to minimum capacity requirements, meeting the fundamental lower bound. For the case with noiseless sources and parallel channels, non-linear policies which meet the lower bound have been identified

    Private Variable-Length Coding with Non-zero Leakage

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    A private compression design problem is studied, where an encoder observes useful data YY, wishes to compress it using variable length code and communicates it through an unsecured channel. Since YY is correlated with private data XX, the encoder uses a private compression mechanism to design encoded message C\cal C and sends it over the channel. An adversary is assumed to have access to the output of the encoder, i.e., C\cal C, and tries to estimate XX. Furthermore, it is assumed that both encoder and decoder have access to a shared secret key WW. In this work, we generalize the perfect privacy (secrecy) assumption and consider a non-zero leakage between the private data XX and encoded message C\cal C. The design goal is to encode message C\cal C with minimum possible average length that satisfies non-perfect privacy constraints. We find upper and lower bounds on the average length of the encoded message using different privacy metrics and study them in special cases. For the achievability we use two-part construction coding and extended versions of Functional Representation Lemma. Lastly, in an example we show that the bounds can be asymptotically tight.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.1318