2,197 research outputs found

    Bounds on Expected Black Hole Spins in Inspiraling Binaries

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    As a first step towards understanding the angular momentum evolution history of black holes in merging black-hole/neutron-star binaries, we perform population synthesis calculations to track the distribution of accretion histories of compact objects in such binaries. We find that there are three distinct processes which can possibly contribute to the black-hole spin magnitude: a birth spin for the black hole, imparted at either (i) the collapse of a massive progenitor star to a black hole or (ii) the accretion-induced collapse of a neutron star to a black hole; and (iii) an accretion spin-up when the already formed black hole [via (i) or (ii)] goes through an accretion episode (through an accretion disk or a common-envelope phase). Our results show that, with regard to accretion-induced spinup in merging BH-NS binaries [method (iii) above], only {\em accretion episodes associated with common-envelope phases and hypercritical accretion rates} occur in the formation history of merging black hole/neutron star binaries. Lacking unambiguous experimental information about BH birth spins [i.e., regarding the results of processes (i) and (ii)], we choose two fiducial values for the BH birth angular momentum parameter a=J/M^2, consistent with observations of (i) NS birth spins (a roughly 0) and (ii) X-ray binaries (a=0.5). Using these two fiducial values and a conservative upper bound on the specific angular momentum of accreted matter, we discuss the expected range of black hole spins in the binaries of interest. We conclude with comments on the significance of these results for ground-based gravitational-wave searches of inspiral signals from black hole binaries.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. (v1) Uses emulateapj.cls. 5 figures. (v2): corrected reference list and uses smaller figures (v3): Includes changes in response to referee comments, including new discussion of XRBs. Figures merged, so only 3 figures (v4) Minor typo correction, plus updated abstract posted onlin

    Precession during merger 1: Strong polarization changes are observationally accessible features of strong-field gravity during binary black hole merger

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    The short gravitational wave signal from the merger of compact binaries encodes a surprising amount of information about the strong-field dynamics of merger into frequencies accessible to ground-based interferometers. In this paper we describe a previously-unknown "precession" of the peak emission direction with time, both before and after the merger, about the total angular momentum direction. We demonstrate the gravitational wave polarization encodes the orientation of this direction to the line of sight. We argue the effects of polarization can be estimated nonparametrically, directly from the gravitational wave signal as seen along one line of sight, as a slowly-varying feature on top of a rapidly-varying carrier. After merger, our results can be interpreted as a coherent excitation of quasinormal modes of different angular orders, a superposition which naturally "precesses" and modulates the line-of-sight amplitude. Recent analytic calculations have arrived at a similar geometric interpretation. We suspect the line-of-sight polarization content will be a convenient observable with which to define new high-precision tests of general relativity using gravitational waves. Additionally, as the nonlinear merger process seeds the initial coherent perturbation, we speculate the amplitude of this effect provides a new probe of the strong-field dynamics during merger. To demonstrate the ubiquity of the effects we describe, we summarize the post-merger evolution of 104 generic precessing binary mergers. Finally, we provide estimates for the detectable impacts of precession on the waveforms from high-mass sources. These expressions may identify new precessing binary parameters whose waveforms are dissimilar from the existing sample.Comment: 11 figures; v2 includes response to referee suggestion

    Testing gravitational parity violation with coincident gravitational waves and short gamma-ray bursts

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    Gravitational parity violation is a possibility motivated by particle physics, string theory and loop quantum gravity. One effect of it is amplitude birefringence of gravitational waves, whereby left and right circularly-polarized waves propagate at the same speed but with different amplitude evolution. Here we propose a test of this effect through coincident observations of gravitational waves and short gamma-ray bursts from binary mergers involving neutron stars. Such gravitational waves are highly left or right circularly-polarized due to the geometry of the merger. Using localization information from the gamma-ray burst, ground-based gravitational wave detectors can measure the distance to the source with reasonable accuracy. An electromagnetic determination of the redshift from an afterglow or host galaxy yields an independent measure of this distance. Gravitational parity violation would manifest itself as a discrepancy between these two distance measurements. We exemplify such a test by considering one specific effective theory that leads to such gravitational parity-violation, Chern-Simons gravity. We show that the advanced LIGO-Virgo network and all-sky gamma-ray telescopes can be sensitive to the propagating sector of Chern-Simons gravitational parity violation to a level roughly two orders of magnitude better than current stationary constraints from the LAGEOS satellites.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Coating thermal noise for arbitrary shaped beams

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    Advanced LIGO's sensitivity will be limited by coating noise. Though this noise depends on beam shape, and though nongaussian beams are being seriously considered for advanced LIGO, no published analysis exists to compare the quantitative thermal noise improvement alternate beams offer. In this paper, we derive and discuss a simple integral which completely characterizes the dependence of coating thermal noise on shape. The derivation used applies equally well, with minor modifications, to all other forms of thermal noise in the low-frequency limit.Comment: 3 pages. Originally performed in August 2004. Submitted to CQG. (v2) : Corrections from referee and other

    The dependence of test-mass thermal noises on beam shape in gravitational-wave interferometers

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    In second-generation, ground-based interferometric gravitational-wave detectors such as Advanced LIGO, the dominant noise at frequencies f∌40f \sim 40 Hz to ∌200\sim 200 Hz is expected to be due to thermal fluctuations in the mirrors' substrates and coatings which induce random fluctuations in the shape of the mirror face. The laser-light beam averages over these fluctuations; the larger the beam and the flatter its light-power distribution, the better the averaging and the lower the resulting thermal noise. In semi-infinite mirrors, scaling laws for the influence of beam shape on the four dominant types of thermal noise (coating Brownian, coating thermoelastic, substrate Brownian, and substrate thermoelastic) have been suggested by various researchers and derived with varying degrees of rigour. Because these scaling laws are important tools for current research on optimizing the beam shape, it is important to firm up our understanding of them. This paper (1) gives a summary of the prior work and of gaps in the prior analyses, (2) gives a unified and rigorous derivation of all four scaling laws, and (3) explores, relying on work by J. Agresti, deviations from the scaling laws due to finite mirror size.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Systematic challenges for future gravitational wave measurements of precessing binary black holes

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    The properties of precessing, coalescing binary black holes are presently inferred through comparison with two approximate models of compact binary coalescence. In this work we show these two models often disagree substantially when binaries have modestly large spins (a≳0.4a\gtrsim 0.4) and modest mass ratios (q≳2q\gtrsim 2). We demonstrate these disagreements using standard figures of merit and the parameters inferred for recent detections of binary black holes. By comparing to numerical relativity, we confirm these disagreements reflect systematic errors. We provide concrete examples to demonstrate that these systematic errors can significantly impact inferences about astrophysically significant binary parameters. For the immediate future, parameter inference for binary black holes should be performed with multiple models (including numerical relativity), and carefully validated by performing inference under controlled circumstances with similar synthetic events.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    The Slowly Formed Guiselin Brush

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    We study polymer layers formed by irreversible adsorption from a polymer melt. Our theory describes an experiment which is a ``slow'' version of that proposed by Guiselin [Europhys. Lett., v. 17 (1992) p. 225] who considered instantaneously irreversibly adsorbing chains and predicted a universal density profile of the layer after swelling with solvent to produce the ``Guiselin brush.'' Here we ask what happens when adsorption is not instantaneous. The classic example is chemisorption. In this case the brush is formed slowly and the final structure depends on the experiment's duration, tfinalt_{final}. We find the swollen layer consists of an inner region of thickness z∗∌tfinal−5/3z^* \sim t_{final}^{-5/3} with approximately constant density and an outer region extending up to height h∌N5/6h \sim N^{5/6} which has the same density decay ∌z−2/5\sim z^{-2/5} as for the Guiselin case.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Europhysics Letter
