579 research outputs found

    Application of Geographical Information Systems Technology in Soil Fertility Variation Analysis in South-eastern Nigeria

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    The study investigated the fertility status of soil around the River Otamiri watershed in Imo State of South-eastern Nigeria. A Geographical Positioning System was used to geo-reference the area and locate the soil samples, which were collected from 9 sampling points at 2 m depths each. The sample points were 210m, 110m and 10m away from the river channel. The soil samples were air-dried and passed through 2-mm sieves before they were subjected to routine laboratory analyses. Results showed that the soil area was predominantly made of loamy sand particles, with high values ± 98.7% which decreased progressively away from the river. There was increase in available phosphorous upslope compared to downslope, steady decrease in aluminum and hydrogen downslope, while areas closer to the river have less acidic cations. The soil pH ranged from 4.67 ↔ 5.62. Surface soils comprised more of organic carbon content than subsurface soils which decreased from crest to footslope. The soil data also produced low values of total nitrogen and the total exchangeable bases. The results presented the soil as infertile and unfit for serious farming except with conscious enrichment efforts.Keywords: soil fertility, surface soils, soil samples, geographical information systems, watershe

    Joint microwave and infrared studies for soil moisture determination

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    The feasibility of using a combined microwave-thermal infrared system to determine soil moisture content is addressed. Of particular concern are bare soils. The theoretical basis for microwave emission from soils and the transport of heat and moisture in soils is presented. Also, a description is given of the results of two field experiments held during vernal months in the San Joaquin Valley of California

    Profitability and viability analyses of small-holder cocoa production three management systems in Abia State Nigeria: A study for commercialization implications

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    The study examined the viability of small-holder cocoa production under three management systems in Abia State. The systems studied were owner-, lease and sharecrop management systems. The instrument of data collection was questionnaire. Using a random selection method 150 cocoa farmers were selected for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Benefit Cost Ratio and Net Present Value at 10% discount rate. Results show that cocoa production is profitable and viable in the study area. Also, the three management systems are efficient and practicable. The NPV for owner managed was highest showing that it is the most economically viable management system. It is recommended that ample amount of capital therefore should be invested into cocoa production to reinvigorate life in this dying and critically dwindling commercialized sector. Thus government and multinationals should assist the cocoa farmers with soft loans to encourage them help enhance production and break even. Moreso, group production should be encouraged in the study area for commercialization purposes considering the fact that cocoa production option is viable and profitable

    Determinants of rural youths participation in Pita-hybrid plantain production in Ngor-Okpala LGA, Imo State, Nigeria

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    This study was designed to analyze the determinants of Rural Youths participation in PITA-hybrid plantain production in Ngor-Okpala Local Government Area (LGA) of Imo State, Nigeria. Ninety (90) respondents were involved in the study using a multistage sampling procedure. Descriptive statistics and logit regression were employed in analysis. Majority (72.2%) of the respondents were males, married (60.0%), belong to cooperative society (83.3%), had access to land (83.3%), access to credit (77.8%) and had 1-2 contacts with extension agents (61.1%). Planting had the highest mean score ( = 4.00), followed by harvesting ( 3.91), land preparation ( =3.80), propagation material ( =3.41) and farm decision ( =3.08), indicating high level of participation. The major constraints were insufficient PITA-Hybrid suckers ( =3.37), followed by land acquisition ( = 3.16), poor attitude to farming ( =3.00) and poor market access ( =2.99). The coefficients for educational level, and attitude to farming were directly related to probability of participation in pita-hybrid plantain production among the youths and significant at 5% level each, as well as labour, and suitable agro-ecological conditions (1% level each), and farming experience (10% level). The coefficients for age and farm size had an indirect relationship with probability of participation in pita-hybrid plantain production among the youths and significant at 5% and 1% level respectively. The results therefore call for policies aimed at provision of free and affordable education to enable the youth’s access and process information on innovations that will enhance participation and increased production of plantains in the study area. To forestall negative effects of age and farm size might have on participation in PITA-Hybrid plantain production, a public enlightenment on poor attitude to farming in the rural areas will help in positively changing rural youths’ perception about farming and its economic implication.&nbsp

    Enhancing Organisational Performance Through Effective Leadership In Nigeria’s Public Organisations

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    This study examined the role of effective Leadership in enhancing organizational performance in Nigeria’s Public Organizations.   The study was guided by three specific objectives which included the identification of leadership functions necessary to enhance organizational performance.  The study was a desk research; hence, secondary source of data was used through the review of theoretical and empirical literature relevant to the study.  The study adopted Fielder’s contingency theory as theoretical framework of analysis.  The findings clearly indicate that though leadership plays vital roles in improving organizational performance, many people in leadership positions in public organizations do not readily understand what constitute leadership functions, qualities and the dynamic nature of leadership styles.  A major implication of the study is that organizational performance in Nigeria’s public organizations will continue to deteriorate if nothing is urgently done to address the leadership  challenge.  The study therefore, recommends among others that organizational leadership should have a full knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of their positions to enable them perform effectively. It was also recommended that organizations should invest in the development of strategic human resources and leadership skills in situational analysis as such skills will help them find out important contingency factors that influence their leadership style. Key words: Organization. Leadership. Performance. Effectiveness

    Common Hysterosalpingographic Findings in Infertility Cases in Lagos State, Nigeria.

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    Background: Reproductive medicine has recently witnessed advances and hysterosalpingography has become a relatively quick and non-invasive procedure to evaluate the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.Purpose: This study was carried out to evaluate the common hysterosalpingographic findings in infertility cases in Lagos, South West, Nigeria.Materials and Methods: The HSG reports of 100 patients who were referred to the department of radiodiagnosis of Lagos University Teaching Hospital between September 2010 and August 2011 were reviewed. The biodata of each patient was collated from the request forms. Fifty-seven patients (57%) were investigated for secondary infertility, while 43 patients (43%) were investigated for primary infertility.Results: The commonest pathology found in patients presenting with infertility in this study were uterine fibroid (26%), followed by uterine adhesion (12%). There was evidence of peritubal adhesion, either bilateral or unilateral, in 10% of the patients, while tubal occlusion, either bilateral or unilateral, was reported in 7% of the cases. Hydrosalpinx occurred in only 6% of the patients. Twenty-eight patients (28%) had normal uterus and fallopian tubes.Conclusion: Hysterosalpingography remains relevant in the investigation of mechanical causes of infertility in women

    National Identity versus Social Cohesion: An Advocacy for English Language

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    When it comes to matters of National Identity, the clamour usually is for the promotion of indigenous languages. However, English Language has bequeathed enough legacies to Nigeria that cannot be easily wished away. This paper therefore seeks to explicate how English language can be used to solve the problems of ethnicity, social disorder and the recurring state of insecurity in Nigeria. Generally, language is essentially used for communication and interaction. People interact in order to receive or give information and to accomplish tasks. Hence, language is a means of social control. It is through communication that collaboration and co-operation occur. Conflict arises only when there is a breakdown in the communication channel. This is usually the problem in a multi-lingual society. Nigeria being a multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society, needs a common language which majority of the citizens can understand so as to enhance communication amongst the diverse groups that make up the polity. This paper advocates the use of English language in every section of the polity. This is very important because English Language is neutral and does not engender any ethnic hostility. It rather bridges the communication gap amongst a people with diverse tongues. When there is communication gap, strained relationships and conflicts occur, usually degenerating into violence and break-down of law and order. In the face of the myriads of problems that Nigeria is experiencing, this paper strongly submits that the use of English language in every sector of the polity would certainly elicit co-operation and friendliness and ensure social stability

    Comparative Analysis of Petroleum Ether and Aqueous Extracts of Neem Leaf and Neem Stem on Different Stages of Anopheles gambiae

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    Comparative analysis of petroleum ether and aqueous extracts of neem leaf and neem stem on different stages of Anopheles gambiae was carried out using Soxhlet apparatus. Each plant part extract from both solvents were separately used to test their effects on the developmental stages of Anopheles gambiae. The result showed that the mean mortality of extracts from petroleum ether extraction solvent was higher than that of aqueous extract. It was also observed that mean mortality decreases with increase in developmental stage. Furthermore, extracts from neem leaf was found to be more susceptible than extracts from neem stem using same extraction solvent. Keywords: Petroleum ether, aqueous, developmental, stages, extraction, Anopheles gambiae
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