648 research outputs found

    Discovery of a massive supercluster system at z∼0.47z \sim 0.47

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    Superclusters are the largest relatively isolated systems in the cosmic web. Using the SDSS BOSS survey we search for the largest superclusters in the redshift range 0.43<z<0.710.43<z<0.71. We generate a luminosity-density field smoothed over 8h−1Mpc8 h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc} to detect the large-scale over-density regions. Each individual over-density region is defined as single supercluster in the survey. We define the superclusters in the way that they are comparable with the superclusters found in the SDSS main survey. We found a system we call the BOSS Great Wall (BGW), which consists of two walls with diameters 186 and 173 h−1h^{-1}Mpc, and two other major superclusters with diameters of 64 and 91 h−1h^{-1}Mpc. As a whole, this system consists of 830 galaxies with the mean redshift 0.47. We estimate the total mass to be approximately 2×1017h−1M⊙2\times10^{17}h^{-1}M_\odot. The morphology of the superclusters in the BGW system is similar to the morphology of the superclusters in the Sloan Great Wall region. The BGW is one of the most extended and massive system of superclusters yet found in the Universe.Comment: 4 pages, accepted as a letter in A&

    The entangling side of the Unruh-Hawking effect

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    We show that the Unruh effect can create net quantum entanglement between inertial and accelerated observers depending on the choice of the inertial state. This striking result banishes the extended belief that the Unruh effect can only destroy entanglement and furthermore provides a new and unexpected source for finding experimental evidence of the Unruh and Hawking effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Added Journal referenc

    Oral health-related quality of life of implant-supported overdentures versus conventional complete prostheses: retrospective study of a cohort of edentulous patients

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    Background: This work aims to confirm if implant-supported overdentures are a good treatment option for edentulous patients and offer an improvement in quality of life compared with traditional complete prostheses (dentures). Material and Methods: This retrospective clinical descriptive study included three evaluation groups: validation group (n=57); control group of patients with complete removeable prostheses (n=56); study group of patients with implant-supported overdentures retained with the Locator® system (n=80). The study also validated the Oral Health Impact Profile-20 questionnaire. Individual protocols were created that included socio-demographic data, the Oral Health Impact Profile-20 (OHIP-20) questionnaire and Oral Satisfaction Scale (OSS). Descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis was carried out applying χ², Pearson, Kruskal-Wallis, and Student t tests, transferring data into SPSS-Windows® software from a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. Results: The OHIP-20 proved to be a valid instrument and provided reliable assessment of health-related quality of life among both the Spanish general population and edentulous patients. The control and study groups proved comparable, showing socio-demographic homogeneity. For patients with overdentures retained by means of the Locator® system, these restorations had significantly lower impact on quality of life (19 vs 33), both generally and for each individual questionnaire item, and much higher satisfaction with the state of their oral cavities (8.3 vs 5.3) than patients wearing dentures; both sets of data showed a direct linear relationship, so that as the level of impact on quality of life increased, perceived oral satisfaction worsened. Conclusions: Patients rehabilitated with implant supported overdentures retained by the Locator® system, presented significantly lower levels of impact on their quality of life and significantly higher oral satisfaction than patients with conventional complete prostheses

    Integral field spectroscopy of M1-67. A Wolf-Rayet nebula with LBVN appearance

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    This work aims to disentangle the morphological, kinematic, and chemical components of the nebula M1-67 to shed light on its process of formation around the central Wolf-Rayet (WR) star WR124. We have carried out integral field spectroscopy observations over two regions of M1-67, covering most of the nebula in the optical range. Maps of electron density, line ratios, and radial velocity were created to perform a detailed analysis of the two-dimensional structure. We studied the physical and chemical properties by means of integrated spectra selected over the whole nebula. Photoionization models were performed to confirm the empirical chemical results theoretically. In addition, we analysed infrared spectroscopic data and the MIPS 24micron image of M1-67 from Spitzer. We find that the ionized gas of M1-67 is condensed in knots aligned in a preferred axis along the NE-SW direction, like a bipolar structure. Both electron density and radial velocity decrease in this direction when moving away from the central star. From the derived electron temperature, Te~8200 K, we have estimated chemical abundances, obtaining that nitrogen appears strongly enriched and oxygen depleted. From the last two results, we infer that this bipolarity is the consequence of an ejection of an evolved stage of WR124 with material processed in the CNO cycle. The infrared study has revealed that the bipolar axis is composed of ionized gas with a low ionization degree that is well mixed with warm dust and of a spherical bubble surrounding the ejection at 24micron. Taking the evolution of a 60 Mo star and the temporal scale of the bipolar ejection into account, we propose that the observed gas was ejected during an eruption in the luminous blue variable. The star has entered the WR phase recently without apparent signs of interaction between WR-winds and interstellar material.Comment: Accepted for publication in section 6 of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The official date of acceptance is 15/03/2013. 17 pages, 14 figures and 8 table

    BN 52021 (a platelet activating factor-receptor antagonist) decreases alveolar macrophage-mediated lung injury in experimental extrinsic allergic alveolitis.

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    Several lines of research indirectly suggest that platelet activating factor (PAF) may intervene in the pathogenesis of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA). The specific aim of our study was to evaluate the participation of PAF on macrophage activation during the acute phase of EAA in an experimental model of this disease developed in guinea pigs. Initially we measured the concentration of PAF in bronchoalvedar lavage fluid, blood and lung tissue. In a second phase we evaluate the participation of PAF on alveolar macrophage activation and parenchymal lung injury. The effect of PAF on parenchymal lung injury was evaluated by measuring several lung parenchymatous lesion indices (lung index, bronchoalvedar lavage fluid (BALF) lactic hydrogenase activity and BALF alkaline phosphatase activity) and parameters of systemic response to the challenge (acute phase reagents). We observed that induction of the experimental EAA gave rise to an increase in the concentration of PAF in blood and in lung tissue. The use of the PAF-receptor antagonist BN52021 decreases the release of lysosomal enzymes (beta-glucuronidase and tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase) to the extracellular environment both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, antagonism of the PAF receptors notably decreases pulmonary parenchymatous lesion. These data suggest that lung lesions from acute EAA are partly mediated by local production of PAF

    Hysteresis and Fractional Matching in Thin Nb Films with Rectangular Arrays of Nanoscaled Magnetic Dots

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    We have investigated the periodic pinning of magnetic flux quanta in thin Nb films with rectangular arrays of magnetic dots. In this type of pinning geometry, a change in the periodicity and shape of the minima in the magnetoresistance occurs for magnetic fields exceeding a certain threshold value. This has been explained recently in terms of a reconfiguration transition of the vortex lattice due to an increasing vortex-vortex interaction with increasing magnetic field. In this picture the dominating elastic energy at high fields forces the vortex lattice to form a square symmetry rather than being commensurate to the rectangular geometry of the pinning array. In this paper we present a comparative study of rectangular arrays with Ni-dots, Co-dots and holes. In the magnetic dot arrays, we found a strong fractional matching effect up to the second order matching field. In contrast, no clear fractional matching is seen after the reconfiguration. Additionally, we discovered the existence of hysteresis in the magnetoresistance in the crossover between the low and the high field regime. We found evidence that this effect is correlated to the reconfiguration phenomenon rather than to the magnetic state of the dots. The temperature and angular dependences of the effect have been measured and possible models are discussed to explain this behavior.Comment: 1 Table, 5 Figure

    Directional vortex motion guided by artificially induced mesoscopic potentials

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    Rectangular pinning arrays of Ni dots define a potential landscape for vortex motion in Nb films. Magnetotransport experiments in which two in-plane orthogonal electrical currents are injected simultaneously allow selecting the direction and magnitude of the Lorentz force on the vortex-lattice, thus providing the angular dependence of the vortex motion. The background dissipation depends on angle at low magnetic fields, which is progressively smeared out with increasing field. The periodic potential locks in the vortex motion along channeling directions. Because of this, vortex-lattice direction of motion is up to 85o away from the applied Lorentz force direction.Comment: PDF file includes figure

    Modelo hidráulico para la optimización de subunidades irregulares de riego por goteo

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    La escasez de los recursos hídricos actuales, especialmente en las zonas con clima árido o semiárido, provocan la necesidad de desarrollar herramientas de ayuda en la toma de decisiones para el diseño y manejo del riego, y más cuando se pretende utilizar energía fotovoltaica. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido desarrollar un modelo hidráulico que pueda acoplarse al modelo fotovoltaico, para el caso más general de subunidades de riego de forma y topografía irregular, constituyendo una herramienta de ayuda en la toma de decisiones para el diseño y manejo del riego con energía fotovoltaica, analizando la calidad del riego en las distintas subunidades con forma y topografía irregular. Para la calibración y validación del modelo, se ha aplicado a una parcela de 90 ha, de un cultivo de almendro regado por goteo, situada en una zona con topografía y forma muy irregular. Los resultados permiten identificar las zonas con problemas en la uniformidad de emisión en función de la presión disponible en la entrada de la subunidad de riego.Nowadays, water resources are limited especially in places with arid and semi-arid conditions. For that reason, it is essential the development of decision support system models (DSS) aiming the design and management of irrigation systems, especially when they are fed with photovoltaic energy. The main objective of this study was the development of a hydraulic model linked with a photovoltaic model, considering the most general case of irrigation subunits with irregular shape and topography. Thus, a decision support system tool (DSS) for the design and management irrigation with photovoltaic power is developed. Analyzing the irrigation quality in different subunit with irregular shape and topography is a main issue in precision irrigation. For model calibration and validation has been applied in an almond field with 90 ha with drip irrigation located in a shape and topography land. The results enabled us to identify the areas with uniformity problems depending on the pressure in the subnit head

    A survey of domestic wells and pit latrines in rural settlements of Mali: Implications of on-site sanitation on the quality of water supplies

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    On-site sanitation is generally advocated as a means to eradicate the health hazards associated with open defecation. While this has provided a welcome upgrade to the livelihoods of millions of people in low-income countries, improved sanitation facilities are increasingly becoming a threat to domestic groundwater-based supplies. Within this context, a survey of pit latrines, domestic wells and improved water sources was carried out in a large rural village of southern Mali. All households were surveyed for water, sanitation and hygiene habits. Domestic wells and improved water sources were georeferenced and sampled for water quality (pH, electric conductivity, temperature, turbidity, total dissolved solids, thermotolerant coliforms, chloride and nitrate) and groundwater level, while all latrines were inspected and georeferenced. A GIS database was then used to evaluate the proportion of water points within the influence area of latrines, as well as to underpin multiple regression models to establish the determinants for fecal contamination in drinking supplies. Moreover, an appraisal of domestic water treatment practices was carried out. This revealed that nearly two-thirds of the population uses bleach to purify drinking supplies, but also that domestic-scale treatment as currently implemented by the population is far from effective. It is thus concluded that existing habits could be enhanced as a means to make water supplies safer. Furthermore, population, well and latrine density were all identified as statistically significant predictors for fecal pollution at different spatial scales. These findings are policy-relevant in the context of groundwater-dependent human settlements, since many countries in the developing world currently pursue the objective of eliminating open defecation

    ±0.25-V Class-AB CMOS Capacitance Multiplier and Precision Rectifiers

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    Reduction of minimum supply requirements is a crucial aspect to decrease the power consumption in VLSI systems. A high-performance capacitance multiplier able to operate with supplies as low as ±0.25 V is presented. It is based on adaptively biased class-AB current mirrors which provide high current efficiency. Measurement results of a factor 11 capacitance multiplier fabricated in 180-nm CMOS technology verify theoretical claims. Moreover, low-voltage precision rectifiers based on the same class-AB current mirrors are designed and fabricated in the same CMOS process. They generate output currents over 100 times larger than the quiescent current. Both proposed circuits have 300-nW static power dissipation when operating with ±0.25-V supplies
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