14 research outputs found

    Il ruolo della vittima del reato nel procedimento penale ai fini del risarcimento del danno non patrimoniale

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    La vittima del reato, nel moderno procedimento penale, riveste un ruolo comunque da non sottovalutare, potendo controllare e sollecitare il pubblico ministero nell’esercizio dell’azione penale e potendo esercitare ella stessa l’azione civile nell’ambito del processo penale. Il ruolo della persona offesa, peraltro, è ancora oggi più importante e delicato se si considera che con le novelle sentenze delle Sezioni Unite del 11 novembre 2008 è stato di fatto ampliato l’oggetto della prova che la parte civile deve offrire per la determinazione del danno, che non può più essere ritenuto in re ipsa nel solo fatto della commissione del reato ma deve essere concretamente provato dal danneggiato, se pur anche attraverso la prova presuntiva

    The role of crime victim’s in criminal proceedings in order to obtain the compensation for “non pecuniary loss” - Le rôle de la victime d’actes criminel dans le procès pénal aux fins du dédommagement non patrimonial - Il ruolo della vittima del reato nel procedimento penale ai fini del risarcimento del danno non patrimoniale

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    In criminal proceedings, the victim of the crime plays a central role as he may check and solicit the public prosecutor in exercising the criminal action and he can exercise himself a civil action within the criminal proceedings. The role of the crime victim is now even more important as the recent rulings of the Italian Supreme Court of November 11, 2008, have broadened the object of the proof that the plaintiff has to allege in order to determine the damage, which cannot be deemed to be in re ipsa in the very fact of the commission of the criminal offence, but has to be actually proved by the damaged person, even if by natural presumption

    Temi di diritto dell'informatica

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    Il volume è dedicato ad alcuni dei temi di maggior interesse del diritto dell’informatica: partendo da un’analisi delle norme che governano Internet, si affronta il tema del documento informatico e delle firme elettroniche, quindi si passa alla disamina della disciplina della conclusione del contratto telematico e del c.d. commercio elettronico; ci si dedica poi ad introdurre la tutela della privacy e la disciplina del trattamento dei dati personali; infine, si affronta il tema della protezione giuridica dei cc.dd. beni informatici e, più in generale, del diritto d’autore nella società dell’informazione

    Prodromal symptoms: a "risk" for patients or psychiatrists?

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    The question of prodromal symptoms of psychosis already raised by Bleuler, in the last years, became one of the major issues in psychiatry: on one hand, emerges the importance to identify the initial signs and symptoms of the disease in order to start a treatment as soon as possible and improve the course of such a serious illness significantly. On the other hand, the early symptoms clearly show all their lack of specificity and their difficult use as a predictive tool. Research on psychotic-like experiences seems a good example to clarify the long standing problem of predictability of symptoms and signs present in the pre-psychotic phase of illness. Undoubtedly the elevated presence of psychotic- like experiences in the general population induces us to corroborate the idea that a psychotic illness develops along a continuum that starts from a vulnerability as a base to reach a frank disease, but only in particular conditions. Consequently, the psychotic illness should be regarded as a highly dynamic disease that develops in interaction with environmental stressors. We can speak of initial symptoms, therefore, like a syndrome at risk of psychotic development from the intrinsic point of view of the disease itself; however, we consider the continuous research into possible core symptoms, which are qualitatively specific to psychosis, to be indispensable, as it may improve our ability to better understand the psychopathological progression into the development of frank psychosis and may allow us to refine our capacity to identify subjects really at risk

    Psychotic experience subtypes, poor mental health status and help-seeking behaviour in a community sample of young adults

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    Background: Different subtypes of psychotic experiences (PEs) have been identified in clinical and non-clinical samples. Researchers have considered these PEs to either be variations of personality or expressions of vulnerability to psychotic disorder. This study aimed to determine which particular subtypes of PEs were more likely to be associated with poor mental health status and help-seeking behaviour in a non-clinical sample of young adults. Methods: The study was conducted on a community sample of 997 young adults. The prevalence of PEs and distress was measured using the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE), depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured using Beck Depression Inventory-II and Beck Anxiety Inventory, and general functioning was measured using the General Health Questionnaire-12. Factorial analysis of the CAPE positive dimension was conducted and correlations between factors and clinical variables were analysed. Results: Four PE subtypes were identified: perceptual abnormalities, persecutory ideas (PI), bizarre experiences, and magical thinking. At least one high frequency PI was endorsed by 60.8% (n = 606) of the sample and proved to be significantly associated both with poor mental health status and help-seeking behaviour. Conclusion: PEs subtypes are differentially associated with various markers of poor mental health status. PI seem to have stronger psychopathological significance than other subtypes of PEs. Further longitudinal studies are required to extend these findings

    Comparative optimization of combinatorial CRISPR screens

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    Combinatorial CRISPR technologies have emerged as a transformative approach to systematically probe genetic interactions and dependencies of redundant gene pairs. However, the performance of different functional genomic tools for multiplexing sgRNAs vary widely. Here, we generate and benchmark ten distinct pooled combinatorial CRISPR libraries targeting paralog pairs to optimize digenic knockout screens. Libraries composed of dual Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (spCas9), orthogonal spCas9 and Staphylococcus aureus (saCas9), and enhanced Cas12a from Acidaminococcus were evaluated. We demonstrate a combination of alternative tracrRNA sequences from spCas9 consistently show superior effect size and positional balance between the sgRNAs as a robust combinatorial approach to profile genetic interactions of multiple genes