81 research outputs found

    Immigrant Integration Through Public Relations and Public Diplomacy: An Analysis of the Turkish Diaspora in the Capital of the European Union

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This research focuses on the European Union's (EU) public relations and public diplomacy efforts for immigrant integration. It uncovers the relationship between the EU and leaders of Turkish associations in Brussels, Belgium. In-depth interviews with Turkish association leaders reveal the way they see themselves and the Turkish diaspora, how they reflect on their national identities, and their understanding of EU public diplomacy and public relations strategies. The communication strategies Turkish associations use to gather information about immigrant integration and their opinions on EU communication strategies are also studied. In addition, the research investigates whether two-way communication exists between the Turkish associations and the EU, and unveils the strategic communication and public relations strategies the Turkish diaspora uses to influence public policy and to engage in lobbying

    Panosteitis canina

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    Se hace un análisis retrospectivo de 18 casos, atendiendo especialmente a los síntomas clínicos y radiológicos de la enfermedad. Todos los perros eran de razas de gran tamaño y el 97 % de ellos eran machos. La edad media de resentación fue de 8,8 meses. Los síntomas típicos son las cojeras de aparición brusca, en muchos casos alternantes, y el dolor a la palpación-presión sobre las diáfisis de los huesos largos. El signo radiológico fundamental es la esclerosis medular acompañada de forma inconstante por reacciones de proliferación del endostia, reacción perióstica de tipo liso y aumento del grosor cortical.A retrospective analysis of 18 cases of canine panosteitis was made, with special emphasis on the clinical and radiological signs of the disease. All dogs diagnosed were of large breeds, and 97% were male. The mean age at the onset of disease was 8.8 months. Typical symptoms included sudden, and in many cases shifting, lameness and pain on palpation of the diaphyses of the long bones. The primary radiological sign was marrow sclerosis accompanied, though inconsistently, by endosteal bone proliftration, smooth periosteal new bone jOrmation and cortical thickening

    Introducción a la citología digestiva en pequeños animales

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    La citología es un método de diagnóstico atractivo para el veterinario clínico por ser técnicamente simple, rápido y económico. La endoscopia ha permitido que la citología digestiva sea además mínimamente invasiva. Los resultados de la citología dependen de una buena obtención y preparación de las muestras así como de nuestra capacidad para identificar los diferentes tipos celulares presentes. En este artículo se exponen de forma fácil y práctica los fundamentos necesarios para una aproximación eficaz a la citología diagnóstica digestiva: equipos endoscópicos más aconsejables, selección, obtención y número de biopsias, y las bases para la identificación de las células presentes en las muestras del tracto digestivo en perro y gato.Cytology is an easy, fast cost-effective diagnostic method very atíractive to practitioners. Also, the advent of endoscopy has made gastrointestinal tract cytology a non invasive method. However, results of the cytologic analysis depend on a proper obtention and preparation of the samples and on our skill to identify the different cell types observed. In this article the essentials for an effective approach to diagnostic gastrointestinal tract cytology are presented: endoscopy equipment, selection, obtention and number of biopsy samples and the basis for the identification of cells present in the digestive tract of dogs and cats

    Valoración radiológica de las articulaciones en pequeños animales

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    Se describen los diferentes signos de las estructuras articulares que pueden observarse en una radiografía así como su interpretación clínica. El reconocimiento preciso de tales signos ayuda a un diagnóstico correcto y permite el establecimiento de un tratamiento adecuado.The different main signs of joint structures as can be seen radiographically are described as well as its clinical significance. The exact recognition of such signs is the keystone of a proper diagnosis and a correct treatment

    Estudio gonioscópico del ángulo iridocorneal del Perro de Agua Español

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    Realizamos un estudio gonioscópico de 46 Perros de Agua Español sanos, apreciando un ángulo iridocorneal abierto en todos los cuadrantes. Describimos las diferentes estructuras del ángulo iridocorneal en esta raza: las dos filas de fibras. del ligamento pectinado, la red trabecular uveal con los espacios de Fontana, y las bandas pigmentadas superficial y profunda. El ángulo iridocorneal en el Perro de Agua Español no presenta características peculiares para esta raza. Hemos observado grandes diferencias entre ojos de distintos perros, menores entre los del mismo perro, y escasas entre los distintos cuadrantes del mismo ojo. El grado de pigmentación de las estructuras del ángulo iridocorneal no depende del sexo ni de la edad, sino sólo de la pigmentación de la capa y del iris.In the present work, we have realized a gonioscopic study in 46 Spanish Water's Dogs. We have seen an iridocorneal angle always open in all quadrants and we have noticed different structures of the iridocorneal angie. the two rows of fibres of the pectinate ligament, the uveal trabecular meshwork with the Fontana's spaces and the deep and superficial pigrnent bands. The iridocorneal angle of the Spanish Water's Dog does not exhibit peculiar characteristics for this race. We have observed large differences between eyes of different dogs, lesser differences between the eyes of the same dog, and rares differences between the different quadrants of the same eye. We have found that the degree of pigmentation of the structures of iridocorneal angle does not depend of the age, only of the pigmentation of the coat and iris

    Estudio radiológico de las alteraciones del codo en el perro

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    Se realiza un estudio radiológico de las principales alteraciones de la articulación del codo en el perro. Se dividen en dos grandes grupos: primarias, que son alteraciones producidas directamente en esta articulación, entre las que se incluyen osteocondrosis, no unión de la apófisis ancónea, fractura de la apófisis coronoides y luxación congénita de codo; y secundarias en las que incluimos aquellas alteraciones originadas en otras parte de la extremidad pero que tienen repercusión en el codo, como son los cierres prematuros de las placas de crecimiento del cúbito y radio.A radiographic stutdy Was made outlining the main lesions of the elbow in the dog. The diffrerent processes are included in two broad categories: primary lesions, those arisen from the elbow joint directly, wich include osteochondrosis, unuited anconeal process, fragmented coronoid process and congenital luxation of the elbow; and secundary lesions, namely those alterations after other aspects of the forelimb that secondarly involve the elbow joint, i.e., premature closure of the radial and cubital physeal plates

    Bases prácticas para el tratamiento del síndrome seborreico en el perro

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    El término seborrea o síndrome queratoseborreico describe un trastorno de la queratinización de carácter inespecífico que puede presentarse con origen primario o secundario, asociado, en este último caso, a muchas dermatosis del perro. El tratamiento sintomático de la seborrea es fundamental como apoyo al tratamiento específico y la única posibilidad terapéutica en los casos de seborrea primaria idiopática. Actualmente, el tratamiento antiseborreico se basa en productos de aplicación tópica y a menudo es difícil elegir entre la extensa gama de champús, lociones, cremas, etc., disponibles comercialmente. En la práctica, es importante conocer las características de sus principios activos y los efectos que tienen sobre la piel y trabajar con un número limitado de estos productos.The term seborrhea or keratoseborrheic syndrome describes a non-specific state of abnormal epidermal keratinization, that may arise with a primary or secondary origin, associated, in this latter case, with multiple canine dermatoses. Antiseborrheic therapy plays an importan: role in supporting specific treatment of the primary cause; moreover, it is the only possible treatment in those cases of idiopathic primary seborrhea. Currently, antiseborrheic therapy is based on topical formulations, but sometimes we are confused by the huge amount of shampoos, lotions, creams, ointments and others commercially available stuffs. Their proper use depends upon an understanding of their formulation and indications of their active components. From that point it is better to use a limited number of well known products

    Biofertilizantes y bioestimulantes para uso agrícola y acuícola: Bioprocesos aplicados a subproductos orgánicos de la industria pesquera

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    The development of products for human consumption with added value from hydrobiological resources generates remnants of the raw material that are classified as co-products, by-products and solid and liquid organic waste that, if not treated, cause a negative environmental impact. The use of these remnants for agricultural purposes is a reason for research because they have bioactive compounds and minerals of interest; Thus, the by-products have been used in bioprocesses that use eco-friendly methods such as aerobic biodegradation, fermentation, hydrolysis and extraction in the case of macroalgae. The products obtained from bioprocesses, depending on their composition of macronutrients, micronutrients, amino acids, microorganisms and bioactive compounds, can be considered as organic fertilizer and/or biostimulant, whose effect ranges from the improvement of growth and development in plants to the control of the biotic and abiotic stress in crops, so that they can grow without difficulties. Organic fertilizers derived from by-products and residual effluents from the fishing industry have adequate macronutrient (N, P and K) and micronutrient (Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, and Cl) contents. for plants, as well as peptides and amino acids that are considered as biostimulants. On the other hand, the application of organic fertilizers and biostimulants covers various areas such as horticulture, hydroponics and live food production, the studies found indicated its potential use as a tool to implement organic agriculture and circular economy.El desarrollo de productos para consumo humano con valor agregado a partir de recursos hidrobiológicos genera remanentes de la materia prima que son clasificados como coproductos, subproductos y residuos orgánicos sólidos y líquidos que, si no son tratados, ocasionan un impacto ambiental negativo. El aprovechamiento de estos remanentes con fines agrícolas es motivo de investigación debido a que poseen compuestos bioactivos y minerales de interés; es así que los subproductos se vienen utilizando en bioprocesos que emplean métodos ecoamigables como la biodegradación aerobia, fermentación, hidrólisis y extracción en caso de las macroalgas. Los productos obtenidos de los bioprocesos, dependiendo de su composición de macronutrientes, micronutrientes, aminoácidos, microorganismos y compuestos bioactivos, puede ser considerado como fertilizante orgánico y/o bioestimulante, cuyo efecto abarca desde la mejora del crecimiento y desarrollo en plantas hasta el control del estrés biótico y abiótico en cultivos, de manera que puedan crecer sin dificultades. Los fertilizantes orgánicos derivados de los subproductos y efluentes residuales de la industria pesquera presentan adecuados contenidos de macronutrientes (N, P y K) y micronutrientes (Ca, Mg, S, B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, y Cl) para las plantas, así como de péptidos y aminoácidos que son considerados como bioestimulantes. Por otro lado, la aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos y bioestimulantes cubre diversas áreas como la horticultura, hidroponía y producción de alimento vivo, los estudios encontrados indicaron su potencial uso como herramienta para implementar la agricultura orgánica y economía circular

    The effectiveness of sewage treatment processes to remove faecal pathogens and antibiotic residues

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    Pathogens and antibiotics enter the aquatic environment via sewage effluents and may pose a health risk to wild life and humans. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of faecal bacteria, and selected antibiotic residues in raw wastewater and treated sewage effluents from three different sewage treatment plants in the Western Cape, South Africa. Sewage treatment plant 1 and 2 use older technologies, while sewage treatment plant 3 has been upgraded and membrane technologies were incorporated in the treatment processes. Coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli) were used as bioindicators for faecal bacteria. A chromogenic test was used to screen for coliforms and E. coli. Fluoroquinolones and sulfamethoxazole are commonly used antibiotics and were selected to monitor the efficiency of sewage treatment processes for antibiotic removal. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) were used to quantitate antibiotic residues in raw and treated sewage. Raw intake water at all treatment plants contained total coliforms and E. coli. High removal of E. coli by treatment processes was evident for treatment plant 2 and 3 only. Fluoroquinolones and sulfamethoxazole were detected in raw wastewater from all sewage treatment plants. Treatment processes at plant 1 did not reduce the fluoroquinolone concentration in treated sewage effluents. Treatment processes at plant 2 and 3 reduced the fluoroquinolone concentration by 21% and 31%, respectively. Treatment processes at plant 1 did not reduce the sulfamethoxazole concentration in treated sewage effluents. Treatment processes at plant 2 and 3 reduced sulfamethoxazole by 34% and 56%, respectively. This study showed that bacteria and antibiotic residues are still discharged into the environment. Further research needs to be undertaken to improve sewage treatment technologies, thereby producing a better quality treated sewage effluent