12 research outputs found

    Electro-oxidation of 2-chlorophenol with BDD electrodes in a continuous flow electrochemical reactor

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    Es un artículo científico publicado en una revista indizada en JCRSynthetic solutions of 2-chlorophenol (2-CP, 1 mM) were treated in an undivided continuous flow electrochemical reactor equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The process was conducted at different current densities (j = 0.10, 0.125, and 0.14 A cm−2), initial pH (4.0, 7.3, and 9.0), and volumetric flow rate (Q = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 L min−1). The results of this study showed that the best operational conditions were: j = 0.14 A cm−2, pH = 7.3, and y Q = 1 L min−1. Under these operational conditions the degradation and mineralization of 2-CP were, 100% and 96%, respectively, after 6 h of electrolysis time. The by-products were identified by UHPLC. Also, it was found that the electrochemical degradation of 2-chlorophenol follows a pseudo-first order kinetics. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that the electrolysis process employed in this work allows high percentages (96%) of mineralization of 2-CP, a relative low treatment cost ($ 3 MXN/ 2.5 L of synthetic solution), and that the process is applicable to remediate wastewater.CONACYT 269093 PRODEP 103/14/1135

    Proteína C reactiva como indicador de engrosamiento de intima media carotídea en obesos

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    La obesidad constituye un esta- do subclínico de inflamación, que promueve complicaciones cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la concentración de proteína C reactiva ultrasensible (PCRus) y el engrosamiento de la íntima media carotídea en obesos. Método: estudio transversal, descriptivo y comparativo. Se determinaron variables antropométricas, parámetros bioquímicos, concentración de PCRus, y gro- sor de íntima media carotídea (GIMC) en obesos normolipémicos y dislipidémicos. Resultados: se evaluaron 45 pacientes obesos normolipémicos y dislipidémicos, con una edad media de 36±9,23 años y 38,33±8,30 años respectivamente, sin diferencias significativas en peso, talla, circunferencia abdominal y presión arterial. La PCRus se encontró en 0,967±0,73mg/dl en el grupo normolipémi- co, y 1,328±0,75mg/dl, en el grupo dislipidémico, con significancia estadística (p=0,022) y una media de grosor de íntima media de 0,87±0,23mm y 0,95±0,20mm. Los pacientes con valores de PCRus ≥1mg/dl, presentaron un mayor peso, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y circunferencia abdo- minal. Se encontró una correlación de 0,361 entre el GIMC y PCRus, y en el grupo normolipémico, una correlación de 0,423 (p=0,004). Igualmente, se encontró una correlación de 0,336 entre el GIMC y la circunferencia abdominal en los normolipémicos. Conclusión: La PCRus ≥1mg/dl en pacientes obesos, se correlacionó con un mayor peso, el IMC y la circunferencia abdominal, así como aumento del GIMC y presencia de placas de ateroma. En pacientes obesos normolipémicos, se encontró correlación moderada entre el grosor de íntima media carotídea, con la PCRus y circunfe- rencia abdominal.Obesity is a condition of subclini- cal inflammation, which promotes cardiovascular complications. Objective: To establish the rela- tionship between the concentration of high sensitive C reactive protein (CPRhs) and carotid media- intima thickness in obese normolipidemic patients. Methods: crosssectional, descriptive and comparative study. Anthropometric variables, biochemi- cal parameters, CPRhs concentration, and carotid media-intima thickness (IMT) were determined in normolypemic and dyslipidemic obese patients. Results: 45 normolipidemic and dyslipidemic patients were evaluated, with an average age of 36±9,23 years and 38,33±8,30 years respectively, without significant differences in weight, height, abdominal circumference and blood pressure. The CPRhs was found in 0,967±0,73mg/dl in the normolipidemic group, and 1,328±0,75mg/dl in the dyslipidemic group, with statistical significance (p=0.022) and an average IMT of 0,87±0,23mm and 0,95±0,20mm respectively. Patients with CPRhs ≥1mg/dl values had higher weight, body mass index (BMI) and abdominal circumference. A correlation of 0,361 was found between the IMT and CPRhs, and in the normolipidemic group, a correlation of 0,423 (p=0.004). The correlation of 0,336 was found between IMT and abdominal circumference in normolipidemic patients. Conclusion: CPRhs ≥1mg/dl in obese patients, was correlated with increased weight, BMI and abdominal circumference, as well as increased IMT and presence of atherosclerosis plaques. In obese normolipidemic patients, a moderate correlation was found between carotid media-intima thickness with IMT and abdo- minal circumference, may suggest the use of these markers in primary atherosclerotic disease preven- tion in obese patients